Group 7-day waking average?


5.2 this morning after eating dumplings and potato yesterday evening, I really need to get back on my diet as I have been gaining weight since Christmas. I also had a very strange dream, I was in Majorca for Christmas, but where we were staying was like a dilapidated Butlins, we were all served curry and chips on Christmas Day, someone was murdered in the spa, there was rats everywhere so we slept on the terrace and someone stole some of my clothes. After that I woke up feeling really anxious so was really surprised to see a HS on my meter.

@Barrowman and @Pam123 congratulations on your HS,

@Eternal422 - enjoy your adventures.
congratulations to you on your 5.3 sorry i missed it this morning
7.6 for me this morning. My low alarm went off twice during the night but I think it must have been from compression as I did nothing about it and all was fine. First night back in our bed last night as the bathroom is finally finished - so nice to be back in it although hubby away for 10 days so just me and my hot water bottle! Been gardening today - my brother came over and held the ladder as I had some very high wisteria to prune. Mum came over and we had a nice walk around the garden and then played Pickleball which was great. About to settle down for the evening now - I'm starving and have realised that I completely forgot to have anything to eat since breakfast. Have a good weekend everyone xxx


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Last time I had a sensor that misbehaved for the first couple of days, I threatened it with a report to Abbott and it immediately pulled its socks up and started behaving properly.
Unfortunately, it’s reverted to type. Watching a film and the low alarm went off. Luckily we were at home and not the cinema!


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Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

Got a bit wet yesterday walking on the beach. It always seems to start raining when I am furthest from home!! And it started out so nice and sunny too!!! It's a good job I like walking in the rain!

Today: church; then practice for next Sunday for when I am playing; a bit of exercise in the afternoon; and M&S best ever unbelivably excellent, undeniably the Worlds best, supreme in the universe, cod in beer batter for tea.

Yesterday was a farce just trying to do a simple bit of shopping at Sainsburys. They were having serious IT issues across the country!!! And also, our Sainsburys seems to be clearing its shelves as it closes today for ten days for a major refit! This will be interesting as I seem to visit there most days...


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning. 6.5

No idea what today will bring but hopefully it’s a good one for all.
Morning All - 7.6 this morning - annoyingly my walk to the bathroom is further now back in our room so FTF is worse. I could go from my reading on the sensor but I've been doing a fasting just woken up finger prick for months now and prefer to be consistent. Logged into My Fitness Pal on my phone this morning. I've put on a bit of weight since losing so much when I was ill and I think I could do with shifting ½ a stone - not going to do any mad dieting but just be a bit more focussed about what I'm eating - particularly in the evenings. If I log one of my snack bowls I think the app might self-combust! Very wet & soggy here this morning. Off to take Winnie (Scottie) to the hairdressers for 9am (my groomer is a wagon driver during the week so does it in her time off) and then drive over to my Mum's as she left her phone plugged into the charger here yesterday. Think I'll pop into a garden centre and buy some compost too. Have a great day everyone xxx
:D Morning folks.🙂 7.3 here.

Well, the weather forecast’s bang on this morning - damp and misty, ho hum.

A mix of fun things and work-related things on the agenda today. One week to go, then two weeks off. My boss tried to arrange a cross-marking session for the It looks like everyone politely declined, tho, cos it’s not going to happen. PHEW!
:D Morning folks.🙂 7.3 here.

Well, the weather forecast’s bang on this morning - damp and misty, ho hum.

A mix of fun things and work-related things on the agenda today. One week to go, then two weeks off. My boss tried to arrange a cross-marking session for the It looks like everyone politely declined, tho, cos it’s not going to happen. PHEW!

Year ago I had a weeks holiday to visit a cousin and other relatives in Germany. We were going around the ruins of a monastery when my mobile rang. It was my manager wanting me to help a colleague (his skool mate) produce a monthly set of stats. There was a 40-page procedure they could not be bothered to read. And I never got my huge roaming charge refunded! :(
Good morning! All seems OK but I think my body clock has moved to China. A HS but do I eat a snack or? No phantom pain or anything else?

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Good morning! I checked shortly after and it had slid to 4.5 so I had a small snack. It was a reasonable 7.4 this morning!

Nothing planned but got to be good-to-go for a busy week week with three appointments.

Grey mizzle!
Morning all

A big surprise another 5.2, was also surprised yesterday when after eating a meal with a small amount of pasta in it that may be only rose by 2, I was expecting a lot more. A horrible grey wet day here after a lovely spring day yesterday when we got to have windows open for most of the day.

Today’s plans are to take my mum to see my son and his girlfriend’s new house and do some knitting or crotchet, I really must pick up a book and read, I haven’t read a book since before Christmas.
5.7 this morning, it's pouring with rain (again) and by the look of things we got a good old soaking overnight. Shame as yesterday started off with blue sky and sunshine and my wife and I managed a good spell of pruning and cutting-back the shrubs out front. Filled 2 bags with green waste. Doesn't look like we'll be doing much in the garden today.

Our eldest's futsal season restarts today after the fixtures break and he'll be off to Gunnersbury Park shortly for an 11:15 KO. Our youngest has slept through for the first time in a week so he's hopefully over whatever he had. It means my wife and I had an undisturbed night too. He said the Sainsbury's IT issue wasn't a big problem in his store during his 2-10 shift yesterday. He'll be up shortly as he's got a shift today too.

Have a good Sunday. Hopefully your weather is better than ours.

Congrats @MikeyBikey & @Grannylorraine on your HSs.
Morning all. 5.9 on the meter, the sensor is getting ripped off later. I’ve been hypo, allegedly, all night. I had to knock the alarm off! call Abbott in the morning.

Got into the garden yesterday and it’s looking a lot tidier, my back held up remarkably well which I’m very happy with. Last night we rented Poor Things, BAFTA and Oscar winner. 2hrs and 20 minutes of pure bizarreness, we really enjoyed it. The costumes were amazing, I didn’t realise at the time of watching it that it won an Oscar for wardrobe. Brilliant acting by all. The cinematography was unusual, to say the least, Mr Eggy was very impressed. Do see it if you want something different. It was certainly the most “unusual” film I’ve ever seen.

I’m very excited , I’m getting a new camera today, it’s for my birthday next month but we’re off on a short break next week so wanted it early. I’ve missed my little compact Panasonic but I’m upgrading to a bridge camera, Panasonic again, they use Leica lenses and the zoom is fantastic for my bird watching. We looked at it last Monday in the shop, did some research at home and going into town later to buy it. Can’t wait.

Have a super Sunday.


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