Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. This sensor is driving me mad! Apparently I was hypo for four hours through the night. I rarely ever go hypo and definitely not through the night. No alarms went off and I’m a light sleeper, and it wasn’t compression because I always have it on the side I don’t sleep on. Anyhoo it said 4.6 at 7am, lying in bed. Got downstairs and it said 5.2, finger prick 6.3. Fast forward 10 minutes,4.8 on sensor 7.1 on finger prick! So who knows? I’m not sure whether Abbott will entertain a replacement as it’s not consistently out by 3 and at one point yesterday it was reading correctly. Any thoughts? It’s been on since Monday.

And now the good news, it’s sunny and frosty! Yeah, after a week of consistent rain and mild dull days it’s marvellous. Can’t decide what to do. A bit gardening? A walk? The world’s our lobster! :rofl:

Have a super duper Saturday.

This is what my stupid sensor is reading now. Meter 5.8.


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@eggyg i don't know whether to give you an "oh no" for your sensor or a "like" for the fact that its sunny and you can do things. I would try ringing Abbott anyway, see what they say.

Morning all, 8.3 for me. Despite being well in target all day yesterday, last night i went up high and stayed there until i got up this morning. I didn't hear the alarm. Probably caused by the crackers and cheese i had with a glass of wine.

Today, i'm off to the craft fayre with my friend. Hmmm, i wonder what i'll come back with today. I have lots of things to try, i just need more time to do them. Roll on retirement.

Have a lovely day everyone. The sun is shining here atm, i hope it continues to.
Morning all. 🙂 7.4 here.

I sent his nibs down to the seafront yesterday to book a table at a tiny and extremely popular seafood restaurant for our upcoming anniversary. Every single day in their diary was fully booked... oh no 😱 ...until they got to our special day...lo and behold :D a lunch-time slot! Woohoo! I feel like the lad in the On The Beach ad - “put on yer best smug face lad, yer in the lounge”. I can just see us now, floating past the “Sorry, fully booked” sign outside the restaurant with our best smug faces on LOL.
A 5.5 for me this morning.
Good morning all

A lovely sunny morning here 😎 just right for a 5.2 the second one this week.

Have a super day everyone and stay safe.... 🙂
Good morning/moaning! Woke up with a jolt of (phantom) pain to find my BG climbing rapidly @7.8 (8.5 metered) after hovering between 5 and 6 on the Libre. Really shows effect of pain and liver dumps. Yesterday an anonymous GP sent me some YouTubers on pain management. Imagine they have never experienced severe phantom pain!

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Finally got an hour from 7:00 as seemed a painkiller resistant variant. Woke just after 8:00 to a 10.1! :(
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Morning all. This sensor is driving me mad! Apparently I was hypo for four hours through the night. I rarely ever go hypo and definitely not through the night. No alarms went off and I’m a light sleeper, and it wasn’t compression because I always have it on the side I don’t sleep on. Anyhoo it said 4.6 at 7am, lying in bed. Got downstairs and it said 5.2, finger prick 6.3. Fast forward 10 minutes,4.8 on sensor 7.1 on finger prick! So who knows? I’m not sure whether Abbott will entertain a replacement as it’s not consistently out by 3 and at one point yesterday it was reading correctly. Any thoughts? It’s been on since Monday.

And now the good news, it’s sunny and frosty! Yeah, after a week of consistent rain and mild dull days it’s marvellous. Can’t decide what to do. A bit gardening? A walk? The world’s our lobster! :rofl:

Have a super duper Saturday.

This is what my stupid sensor is reading now. Meter 5.8.
@eggyg, just politely point out its not fit for purpose. If that doesn't work use the Yellow Card scheme as a veiled threat.
9.6 this morning, oops! Must have been some slow digesting food that caused the rise whilst I slept (I don’t have a high alarm set, maybe I should?).

Off today at the start of our Australian trip! First stop London overnight ready for our flight to San Francisco tomorrow morning. Final few bits to pack and we’re ready for the off. Decided to do a Levemir split dose to see if that helps with the time zone changes - wish me luck! It will be interesting to see how it works.

Congratulations @Barrowman on your HS!

Have a good Saturday everyone!
9.6 this morning, oops! Must have been some slow digesting food that caused the rise whilst I slept (I don’t have a high alarm set, maybe I should?).

Off today at the start of our Australian trip! First stop London overnight ready for our flight to San Francisco tomorrow morning. Final few bits to pack and we’re ready for the off. Decided to do a Levemir split dose to see if that helps with the time zone changes - wish me luck! It will be interesting to see how it works.

Congratulations @Barrowman on your HS!

Have a good Saturday everyone!
Have a great time in your trip! 🙂

5.2 this morning after eating dumplings and potato yesterday evening, I really need to get back on my diet as I have been gaining weight since Christmas. I also had a very strange dream, I was in Majorca for Christmas, but where we were staying was like a dilapidated Butlins, we were all served curry and chips on Christmas Day, someone was murdered in the spa, there was rats everywhere so we slept on the terrace and someone stole some of my clothes. After that I woke up feeling really anxious so was really surprised to see a HS on my meter.

@Barrowman and @Pam123 congratulations on your HS,

@Eternal422 - enjoy your adventures.

Had a frustrating day at work yesterday and took it out in the pool last night. 32 lengths (half a mile) in 32 minutes which is 10% faster than Wednesday. Not bad for being so early in my exercising with ME journey. I did have McDonald’s afterwards, not great I know but hit the spot.

Today I’ve got a music workshop and going to a concert tonight, got some volunteering admin to do in the day first. Will get the bus to the workshop and try to take it a bit easy this weekend so the ME doesn’t come with payback.
Good morning 6.9 today
not on waking but a few hrs after and just before breakfast

so glad it's the weekend after a horrendous week at work
Morning all - Glad to hear some of you have sunshine. It's absolutely dire here... grey and wall to wall drizzle.

4.1 this morning. The low alarm went off several times in the night. Trouble is when I am woken I am not at my best and just eat Dextro instead of using my common sense and putting my pump on a reduced basal rate. It did penetrate eventually and I knocked off 15% but clearly not for quite long enough! Am now sitting at a comfortable 5.7

Odd really that I should have been so low as I made a blue cheese/spinach and chicken dish with gnocchi for dinner after we got home from meeting friends. We met in a new wine bar in town that serves sushi. It was quiet in the afternoon but every table was booked for the evening. Good luck to them, it's quite a novelty in Penzance. On leaving we walked straight into our neighbour who kindly gave us a lift home. A nice change from hanging round the bus station!

There's enough gnocchi dish left over for tonight.

Today's exciting activities will include making soup out of the 2 kilos of wonky carrots hubby picked up for £1 when he went out for bread yesterday and writing a book review on a Jane Davis novel "The Bookseller's wife" for which I was privileged to be an advance reader. It was an amazing read, Jane is a talented writer who has the ability to transport you to the time and place in which the book is set and put you into the mind of the main character. In this case a genteel young woman of the upper class, trained for nothing more practical than how to wear the latest fashions and take afternoon tea, who finds herself on hard times due to her feckless papa. But she is made of stronger stuff and posesses ingenuity as well as practicality and puts both to good use, taking in lodgers, opening a school for genteel young ladies teaching them to read and write. Not to mention using those neat little sewing stitches to bring in another money stream. Anything to keep her and her useless father out of the debtors jail. She turns into a truly extraordinary woman, using her love of reading to carve out a successful business. Jane brings the surrounding history to life and fills in a period that prior to reading the book I knew little about.

So.. I've woffled long enough... Congratulations to @Pam123, @Barrowman and @Grannylorraine on your HSs. Well done!

Have a good day all!
Good morning everyone. 6´1 here, not sunny so far.

Had a silly misunderstanding with the friend I planned to see, turns out she is off tomorrow and not today. So I will stay in town. Not totally disappointed as I didn´t feel like taking the train today, but must find an excuse to get out of the house. My mood is a bit low at the moment.
@eggyg, just politely point out it’s not fit for purpose. If that doesn't work use the Yellow Card scheme as a veiled threat.
First two photos, 9.30am.
Then at 12pm.
Puzzling. It can’t make up its mind. I’m giving it until Monday morning.


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