Group 7-day waking average?

Morning All - 7.6 for me this morning. I didn't have a proper evening meal last night as on my own and just didn't feel like it so had a snack bowl 🙄 instead. Saw the DSN at the hospital on Wednesday and she was very pleased with my TIR. She's upped me one unit so I have 14 units of Lantus at 10pm now but otherwise it's just the metformin, diet & exercise so my remaining third of a pancreas is definitely doing something right. When I see the consultant in September I want to have a good chat about whether I'm putting extra demands on my remaining pancreas though and whether that means it's likely it will wear out as at the moment I have no digestion problems at all and I want to save myself that. Anyway - have a good day everyone - I'm off to my first dental check in over a year and I fear they might have something to say (new dentist since moving to the area) - I know I've got a bit of broken tooth but I just want it filing down as it doesn't show. Have a great day xxx
Morning all - grey but perhaps less grey than yesterday.

5.9 this morning after a night skimming along just over 4 and two alarms.

Meeting friends this afternoon in town. Looking forward to that.

Have a good day all.
Yup its a sack truck/trolley. Keyboard is 76 notes and I am sure each note weighs at least a kilogram!!!

Hmm if I attach 2 more wheels on the front and sit on it I can 'scoot' down the other dide of the hill. No brakes tho!!!

Just been out for 85 minutes walk on the beach. Got a bit wet as it rained and rained but not before I got a long way from home. Oh well, what doesn't kill me ...

Out again this afternoon for another walk. This time with my friend.
Goood morning everyone! 5'3 today.

For once I can share the TGIF feeling, as I am off tomorrow. Not sure what I'll do, the main house chores are done and I might go to the same city I went last week. I'm feeling a bit lazy about the train but unfortunately my (geographically) closest friends live there, and there I go for some fun and socialising.

Got a message from the GP surgery asking me to book my annual diabetes review. I called this morning with my next rota on hand, they said they have a bit of a waiting list at the moment and they will call me back. Not a problem for me but feels a bit absurd that they contacted me when they don't have availability!
Afternoon all

It was a 5.3 for me much earlier this fine sunny day.
Goood morning everyone! 5'3 today.

For once I can share the TGIF feeling, as I am off tomorrow. Not sure what I'll do, the main house chores are done and I might go to the same city I went last week. I'm feeling a bit lazy about the train but unfortunately my (geographically) closest friends live there, and there I go for some fun and socialising.

Got a message from the GP surgery asking me to book my annual diabetes review. I called this morning with my next rota on hand, they said they have a bit of a waiting list at the moment and they will call me back. Not a problem for me but feels a bit absurd that they contacted me when they don't have availability!
In contrast I got a text from my GP surgery saying my annual review was due, I usually get a letter and have to call them to get an appointment, I had to click on a link where I had 4/5 dates to chose from. All done and dusted in a couple of minutes after consultating my diary. I was impressed.
In contrast I got a text from my GP surgery saying my annual review was due, I usually get a letter and have to call them to get an appointment, I had to click on a link where I had 4/5 dates to chose from. All done and dusted in a couple of minutes after consultating my diary. I was impressed.
I have been getting the text with link to avail appointments for the last couple of years.
You had a massage last night, that can release any tiny pockets of insulin trapped under the skin. Happened to me once when I saw a physio who massaged my buttock. I hD one hypo after another all evening.
I never thought about that! Thank you. I've got to say though that the massage was worth it. A full body Swedish massage, i felt so chilled out i could have slept there and then.
Good morning/moaning! Woke up with a jolt of (phantom) pain to find my BG climbing rapidly @7.8 (8.5 metered) after hovering between 5 and 6 on the Libre. Really shows effect of pain and liver dumps. Yesterday an anonymous GP sent me some YouTubers on pain management. Imagine they have never experienced severe phantom pain!

Morning all. 6.9
Disturbed sleep.
Saw my therapist yesterday for the first time in three months and before another three month hiatus. Good seeing him but brings up loads of stuff.
Weird dreams last night about a party at mum and dad’s house which descended into chaos as Dame Kelly Holmes broke into a neighbouring garden and brought down a massive tree.
I’ve no idea what it means other than literally being about totemic things falling maybe.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.4

Today I am making my keyboard cradle, and, oh yes, I have to make a chicken, beansprouts, egg noodles, mushrooms, garlic, fry up called Pancit, for tea. Not my favourite but its ok. Later I go to the church to set up the sound system for the service tomorrow. And, two walks today: one just after breakfast and one this afternoon with my friend.

Have a great day today whatevef you are doing.
Morning a 7.7 for me and wish I had your dreams Colin as would have something to talk about in the morning lol.
Dream free nights and a gentle start to day.
Have an early appointment with Dermatologist for routine skin check and then it is a nice walk and finish off left over Pizza and a day watching Rugby.
Then a visit tomorrow to our favourite lunch spot which has been refurbished so looking forward to that.
My wife bought a one of the old tables to go in our kitchen so if we do not like the new format I can always reminisce by staying at home- good job I am not sentimental as I love going out.
Anyway shower and put on some nice trousers- funny my dad used to always “ dress up” to visit the Drs but being a miner and usually in not so nice work clothes I understand it.
However it is a habit I have stuck with for life even though I have always been suited and booted all my working life ( and ties until the last 15 years or so).
Anyway have a great w/ end
Morning all, 4.3 here, and spent the middle part of the night hovering in and out of the red, don’t think I was really that low, just a bit dehydrated after walking a long way yesterday and having a glass of red wine last night. Ruined my time in range, though.
5.8 on a rather lovely Berkshire morning. Blue sky all around and barely a cloud in sight. I noticed yesterday how much pink blossom there is around where we are, especially in the park down the road. It's all looking very Spring-like, and in 2 weeks the clocks go forward. Bring it on, I say. I love this time of the year.

Our eldest is away at his girlfriend's in London as yesterday was 5 years since they got together. Our youngest went out with his mates after finishing his shift at Sainsbury's yesterday evening. No idea what time he got in this morning. Good that he was able to celebrate his birthday with his friends despite the week he's had. Hope he's in a fit state for his shift today - it's the long one, 2-10.

Not sure what we're doing over the weekend as we have nothing planned at the moment. We do have a rugby and football fest though with the FA Cup QFs and the final Six Nations games. Hopefully Wales can avoid the wooden spoon.

Whatever you're doing, enjoy the start to the weekend.