Group 7-day waking average?

It is 4pm and I have only just got back from the hospital. I had forgotten that there are huge roadworks in Warton outside the British Aerospace site. Blocked the road up terribly.

My blood test results were spot on the monday. Yessss. And, I saw the consultant who I have not seen for years. And what did he say ... you look really well!!! That cheered me up no end!
Morning all. Woke earlier to a 2.9 despite a few JBs. Now 6.4 going up fast. I have a hypo headache and don't want to get out of bed. At least its Friday.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

We were so tired yesterday evening that neither of us washed up after I had prepared the meal and we had eaten. And I had made quite a mess preparing the meal (I'm good at that). I have just spent 30 minutes washing the huge number of dishes and stuff. It's the baked on stuff that proves to be hardest to remove! But it didn't reckon on my determination and refusal to give in!!! Battle won!!! Later, after breakfast I'll put it all away. That will give my wife a good start to the day. Nothing worse than getting up, feeling tired, and having to clear up a horrible mess!! And... the meal was just what we needed ... the final remains of the stew and freshly cooked mashed potato.

Today I build a cradle or something for my keyboad and its new trolley. As I don't have a car and the keyboard to too long for most taxiis (and it's getting harder to find someone to give me a lift) I decided to get a tolley thing and see if I can wheel it to the church myself. Not sure if it will work, but it's worth a try. I don't need it until next week tho. It's the big hill between my house and the church that worries me a bit...

No idea why but I seem to be full of energy this morning. Excellent, I might be able to get out for a proper walk. Yesterday it was not possible because of the constant rain and my appointment at the hospital.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning. A very low, for me, 4.6 at 6.30am when I first woke. This sensor is running about 1.5 under the meter. When I eventually got up, no sleep in between though I’ve tried my hardest, I didn’t check BGs until I’d been to the loo. 6.9 arrow up! Mega FOTF! When I got downstairs the FOTF was losing. After a few minutes I was under 6! But up to then, I’ve had the flattest flatfish ever. Not sure I’m even alive! 😛

TGIF for you wage slaves. Have a great day, it’s very wet here, again!


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Morning all. 🙂 6.1 here.

We’re dog-sitting atm - a lovely, quirky springer spaniel called Milly. She’s always been very obedient but is now as deaf as a post so I don’t dare let her off the lead cos I’m afraid she won’t hear me shouting her name, eek! She loves our garden tho - it isn’t manicured like her owners’ garden, so she can run n roll n chew wherever she likes. And it’s full of cat poo...perfect!

Rain, rain, go away! o_O
A 6.1 for me today. 🙂


6.2 and another one glad it is Friday, plus it is hubby’s weekend off, going to take my mum to see my son’s new house.

@freesia - hope you start feeling better after your hypo.
Back in the 5s this morning with a 5.8 and weekly BP check is 116/65, so more than happy with those.

My wife was up again during the night as our youngest is still not right so she's decided to go back to bed and take the day off. Balloons and banners are up in the lounge for his birthday today and I expect he'll put in an appearance when he feels up to it. Not sure what's wrong - he seems fine all day and is eating normally but goes downhill overnight. Checked his waking BG yesterday, just out of interest, and it was 4.8, so that's perfectly normal. Hopefully he'll be OK for his shift at Sainsbury's this evening.

Friday, and I'm back to doing the usual Big Shop after not needing to while the family were Down Under, so a trip to Sainsbury's and the greengrocer out at the garden centre later.

Whatever your plans enjoy your Friday.
5.3 this morning for me, unfortunately followed by a hypo as I delayed breakfast too long after taking my bolus. Back up again now and thankfully no hypo headache!

Final bit of stuff to do today before we set off tomorrow on our adventures, heading to London ready for our first flight on Sunday.

Have a great Friday everyone!
Morning all. Woke earlier to a 2.9 despite a few JBs. Now 6.4 going up fast. I have a hypo headache and don't want to get out of bed. At least its Friday.
You had a massage last night, that can release any tiny pockets of insulin trapped under the skin. Happened to me once when I saw a physio who massaged my buttock. I hD one hypo after another all evening.
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Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

We were so tired yesterday evening that neither of us washed up after I had prepared the meal and we had eaten. And I had made quite a mess preparing the meal (I'm good at that). I have just spent 30 minutes washing the huge number of dishes and stuff. It's the baked on stuff that proves to be hardest to remove! But it didn't reckon on my determination and refusal to give in!!! Battle won!!! Later, after breakfast I'll put it all away. That will give my wife a good start to the day. Nothing worse than getting up, feeling tired, and having to clear up a horrible mess!! And... the meal was just what we needed ... the final remains of the stew and freshly cooked mashed potato.

Today I build a cradle or something for my keyboad and its new trolley. As I don't have a car and the keyboard to too long for most taxiis (and it's getting harder to find someone to give me a lift) I decided to get a tolley thing and see if I can wheel it to the church myself. Not sure if it will work, but it's worth a try. I don't need it until next week tho. It's the big hill between my house and the church that worries me a bit...

No idea why but I seem to be full of energy this morning. Excellent, I might be able to get out for a proper walk. Yesterday it was not possible because of the constant rain and my appointment at the hospital.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
How about a sack truck for your keyboard if it copes with being vertical, easy to push and go up and down steps, curbs etc.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3

We were so tired yesterday evening that neither of us washed up after I had prepared the meal and we had eaten. And I had made quite a mess preparing the meal (I'm good at that). I have just spent 30 minutes washing the huge number of dishes and stuff. It's the baked on stuff that proves to be hardest to remove! But it didn't reckon on my determination and refusal to give in!!! Battle won!!! Later, after breakfast I'll put it all away. That will give my wife a good start to the day. Nothing worse than getting up, feeling tired, and having to clear up a horrible mess!! And... the meal was just what we needed ... the final remains of the stew and freshly cooked mashed potato.

Today I build a cradle or something for my keyboad and its new trolley. As I don't have a car and the keyboard to too long for most taxiis (and it's getting harder to find someone to give me a lift) I decided to get a tolley thing and see if I can wheel it to the church myself. Not sure if it will work, but it's worth a try. I don't need it until next week tho. It's the big hill between my house and the church that worries me a bit...

No idea why but I seem to be full of energy this morning. Excellent, I might be able to get out for a proper walk. Yesterday it was not possible because of the constant rain and my appointment at the hospital.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

Sadly mash, and a cheesy mash is so tasty, is the worst form of potato for diabetics causing a rapid BG spike! :(

And he careful on the hill. We don't want to see pictures of you skateboarding on a keyboard! :rofl: