Group 7-day waking average?

The 4 Libre sensors alone take up loads of space and that only gives me one spare for the entire trip. I was tempted to put the tablets into small bags rather than in their original packaging but just imagined the potential questions and fuss at airport security :rofl:
I always take the sensors and applicators out of the boxes and stuff them down a sock, or poke them into handy crevices between other things. I then flatten a box in case I need it to show security. I have never had to show anyone. As far as pills go, so long as you have your repeat prescription slips with you it's fine. Be aware that Aussie customs do not allow you to bring foodstuffs in and that includes JBs and Dextro tabs. Though I did take a good supply of Dextro tabs, I brought them to their attention and explained what they were for. I was prepared for them to take them off me but they were allowed through. I doubt JBs would be.
Afternoon all - was nice earlier but has become quite dark now....

11.4 this morning. The nasty cold and the aching tooth are playing havoc with my BGs. Though the tooth won't be any more as it was pulled out this morning. Gums had receded allowing some decay to get in under the crown and practically the whole tooth was riddled with decay, so it was pulled. The tooth next to it has to have the crown replaced and a small area of decay removed and whilst doing it a bridge can be made to fill the gap left by this morning's extraction - at a cost of course! We only pay for lab costs, but they are likely to be around £500. It never stops!

Cancelled my audiology appointment which was less than an hour later. I'll have to wait for the blue toothing of the hearing aids with the mobile which was supposed to be done today. I dunno.... what with sensor, pod pump, hearing aids and false teeth... not much of me will be left! Or else I will be bionic.

The husband of the friend who passed away last week rang late last night to tell us that her body has been released, though no cause of death as yet known, and could we inform all her friends over here that the ceremony at the crematorium will be streamed live online tomorrow and explain how to access it. So I have spent the rest of the day doing that and feeling sadly mortal... the vital young crowd who were so much fun, so optimistic and full of life are now all growing old and fragile (in some cases) with so much less to look forward to.

Shoot.... I must stop getting morbid!!! I do apologise.
Not a good day in some respects...

Any way BG 5.4
Did you go to the Only Fools and Horse’s French Academy Colin? 😛
“What’s the French word for duck Rodney? It’s canard Del Boy. I know Rodney but what’s the French word for duck?”
“Chateauneuf -du- Pape Rodney”.
“Mange Tout, Mange Tout Rodney!”
Still makes me laugh! I do use Chateauneuf- du- Pap on occasions when I’m frustrated with something.
Au revovoire mon bloodsucre ami!
I didn’t do very well in my French O level exam. Might have been something to do with speaking German in the oral exam! I kept saying Ja instead of oui. Well, I did have the same teacher for both lessons! It was his fault.

We had Latin Oral in the second year at grammar school. Patres mei agricolae!
Good morning everyone. 6'8 here.

Unlike last week, where I got 2 and a half days off together, I am back to separate days: Wednesday (yesterday) and Saturday this time. Is not so good because one day off doesn't feel enough to disconnect, but not so bad because I only have 2 days of work before my next day off! Of course with this random rotas there are other times where one gets 7 or 8 days working in a row...

Yesterday was a pretty complete day. Started with a driving lesson, did a bit of cleaning, then had lunch in this cafe I like. Went for their healthy bowl instead of other tempting options (pizza toastie?), not all the ingredients would be my usual choice but at least had plenty of veg and an interesting mix of textures. They do great cakes, they change them often, yesterday I didn't fancy any of the options, which is probably for the best. On my way home I bought some groceries and my partner came to see me later. Some white wine was involved 😉

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning - 7.7

Have a great day everyone.
A very good morning all. Drum roll please……5.2! It’s been a long time coming. That’ll be it until Christmas now!

Another wet morning, even the birds aren’t happy. No singing this morning.

Looking after Eden this morning whilst Zara has her swimming lesson, then they’ll all stay for lunch, not much will get done today.

Have a good one, if you can.


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Morning all. 7.4.

I'm off for a full body massage after work later, courtesy of my two girls as part of a mothers day gift. It will be a nice, relaxing end to another busy day at work.

Congrats on the HS @eggyg
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

Off to Preston Hospital for my endocrinology review. It eats up a whole day with all the travel involved. I don't expect there to be any surprises. I feel really well and full of energy too.

And, no surprise, it's raining. Looks like it's set for the day too. I was hoping to get out for a walk before setting off to the hospital.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Opened the curtains to sunshine for a change but scattered showers forecast for later, so might not last. Special day for me - diagnosed 14th March 2019 - so 5 years in and counting. Thought the DF would have noticed and been kind but no - 6.1, so a toe over the border.

Wife up during the night with our youngest, who's not been 100% these last couple of days. I'm wondering if he's got whatever I had the other day, but worse. It's his birthday tomorrow so hope he's feeling better by then. He's also due back at work tomorrow.

Thursday, so my usual swim before lunch and also need to pick up a small birthday cake, just a token cake really to stick a candle or two on as no one is that into cake here anymore. We are a 4-adult household after all.

Congrats @eggyg on your HS.

Have a good day all.
Len popped by here this morning too. 7.0

@eggyg Congrats on the HS. And I dunno what you think “not much” is but you’ll have a home full of hungry souls to feed and feed them you will so I’d say that’s doing quite a lot!
A 4.7 for me this morning and rain, rain, rain. 🙂
