Group 7-day waking average?

@Lucyr How big is your sofa if you can go swimming on it?!
@Lucyr How big is your sofa if you can go swimming on it?!
Hmm, this may limit my distance. Maybe I’ll consider travelling to the swimming pool for the swimming, then relaxing without being dripping wet, on the sofa afterwards?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Ok this is after breakfast not waking reading but can I have my HS now?


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Good morning all, 6.8 today for me (missed posting yesterday but it was around 7).

I know everyone says it, but being retired we feel busier than when at work! That said, we are trying to get everything ready for the Australian trip and did the packing yesterday (all except for carry on and toiletries). I have a small bag of tablets and diabetes supplies to take, hoping the airlines will let me take this extra bag otherwise we’ll be trying to stuff it into one of our carry ons! The 4 Libre sensors alone take up loads of space and that only gives me one spare for the entire trip. I was tempted to put the tablets into small bags rather than in their original packaging but just imagined the potential questions and fuss at airport security :rofl:

Hopefully a relaxing day today, afternoon tea at a local Stratford hotel (retirement gift from friends) then on to my daughter’s afterwards.

Take care everyone!
5.3 for me.
Since diagnosis I've regularly made a daal - last night I had a look at the carb content and was surprised to see the carb content of the lentils was... quite high. Far higher than the 11g quoted in the recipe! It looks like the portion size may be more like 30-40g of carbs. I'm thinking the label is wrong and they've included fibre with the carb content.
Congratulations @Pam123 on yet another HS!
Morning everyone

It’s a 5.1 for me this grey cloudy morning. Have a good day folks- now where’s my porridge?
hello sorry ive been a bit abbsent its was was 8.9 this morning i belive(i forgot because i dont have records with dexcom one) i think nerves of my starting my new job is avergateing the suspected IBS
5.3 for me.
Since diagnosis I've regularly made a daal - last night I had a look at the carb content and was surprised to see the carb content of the lentils was... quite high. Far higher than the 11g quoted in the recipe! It looks like the portion size may be more like 30-40g of carbs. I'm thinking the label is wrong and they've included fibre with the carb content.
Lentils are funny things, my packet says 47g carb per 100g, dry weight, sometimes the values in a recipe are given for cooked weight, though, when they’ve absorbed water, so the carbs per 100g will be a lot lower. Also, some people don’t digest the carbs very well, so they don’t count them for the purposes of calculating insulin, other people find they digest every bit. (Assume that may depend on your gut microbiome,) So, the only question really is, what effect do they have on your blood glucose, just for you personally?
Whatever was wrong with me yesterday had certainly cleared up by the end of the day as I got a 5.2 post-prandial yesterday evening (Tuna Pasta Bake) and am in more familiar territory with a 5.8 this morning. After thinking about skipping my usual Tuesday swim I decided I would go after all, but to a later session, and I managed my 20 lengths no problem. It was much less busy that my usual session too.

Nothing special planned for today but will wander into town after lunch for a browse of the card shops, as it's our youngest's birthday on Friday. Hopefully they'll have what I want in our only independent card shop, otherwise it's WHS or Card Factory.

Have a good day, everyone.
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Good morning all, 6.8 today for me (missed posting yesterday but it was around 7).

I know everyone says it, but being retired we feel busier than when at work! That said, we are trying to get everything ready for the Australian trip and did the packing yesterday (all except for carry on and toiletries). I have a small bag of tablets and diabetes supplies to take, hoping the airlines will let me take this extra bag otherwise we’ll be trying to stuff it into one of our carry ons! The 4 Libre sensors alone take up loads of space and that only gives me one spare for the entire trip. I was tempted to put the tablets into small bags rather than in their original packaging but just imagined the potential questions and fuss at airport security :rofl:

Hopefully a relaxing day today, afternoon tea at a local Stratford hotel (retirement gift from friends) then on to my daughter’s afterwards.

Take care everyone!
I’m all excited for you both ( and a bit jealous) and remember you won’t have that last day holiday blues because you don’t have to go to work on your return. Have a great time if we don’t “see” you before you go.
Afternoon, first break I have had since 8.30 today, was 5.8 first thing,

@Eternal422 - if you are too busy in retirement I’ll happily swap with you, hope your packing is going well.

@Pam123 - congratulations on another HS. Agree maybe we need to call it a Pam Special from now on.