Group 7-day waking average?

Update on my right eye, nothing serious, but my cataract is now very bad and needs removing, also have a cataract on left eye which will be done as well, didn’t have one on my left eye last time I had my eye test and right one was just forming. Going to see if it is covered by my health insurance through work, if not onto an NHS waiting list I will go.
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Update on my right eye, nothing serious, but my cataract is now very bad and needs removing, also have a cataract on left eye which will be done as well, didn’t have one on my left eye last time I had my eye test and right one was just forming. Going to see if it is covered by my health insurance through work, if not onto an NHS waiting list I will go.
Good luck.
Update on my right eye, nothing serious, but my cataract is now very bad and needs removing, also have a cataract on left eye which will be done as well, didn’t have one on my left eye last time I had my eye test and right one was just forming. Going to see if it is covered by my health insurance through work, if not onto an NHS waiting list I will go.
I’ve got the start of cataracts in both my eyes. Had eyes tested December and don’t seem to have gotten much worse. Fingers crossed they stay that way for a while.
As a former optical receptionist I have seen many many patients have the operation to remove them and almost all of them have said it’s the best thing ever! It gave them a new lease of life . Fingers crossed you get them done sooner rather than later. X
I had both of mine done, very quickly, after the optician refered me. Best thing that has happened to me for years. Eyesight is so precious.
Good morning! Just scraped in at 9.8. Really struggling with BGs at the moment . Went to about 12 after supper, going ss I went to bed but rose towards the dawn. Trigger finger bad today!

Bl**y hell! FOTFsy has come to play and BG hit 11.7 so some insulin now. Think it is stress related as I have to deal with yesterday's Idiot after breakfast. Just hope the idiot count does not increment to 2 or more. If the human race is not wiped out by nuclear war, extreme climate change or a pandemic I imagine idiots will complete the job!
Morning all.Len must be kindly looking down on me and awarded me a round Seven from Heaven.
Sorry to hear of your current plight Mikey and hope you get through today without further stress.
Must admit I get much more bothered by the small things in life like the shower not getting hot or being stuck in a call centre queue rather than the much bigger events which I tend to take in my stride.Does seem an odd way to face challenges but just way I respond to events/ situations.
Off to RHS Bridgewater today so looking forward to it and Chester tomorrow so a couple of nice trips out and hope everyone enjoys the weather improvement and have a bit of cake or whatever “ floats your boat”.
Good morning all. It’s Take Your Pick day again today. Libre alarm woke me at 5.30 with a 3.7. I ignored it as I knew it wouldn’t be true, looked again five minutes later, 4.1 and no red line, as I suspected. Decided I might as well go to the loo, when I got back ( it’s not in another county, it’s about four metres away) it had jumped to 6.7, arrow up! Got back to bed. Woke at 7am, 4.7, went to loo came back 5.9! Got up and came downstairs pricked my finger 5.5! New sensors do like to play silly beggars for a day or two.

Very damp this morning, absolutely poured down through the night, it’s very mild though. 11.5c! Day at home today, making chilli con carne for tea, eventually changing the bed ( mingers), I’ll just have to use the tumble dryer, and whatever else takes my fancy. Mr Eggy cleaned one sofa yesterday with our new VAX, that’s now dry, so he’s going to do the other one. Cream sofas + six grandchildren = grubby!

@Wendal I’m the same, I sweat the small stuff all the time. Big things, huh, I just get on with it!

Must dash, LIbre showing 4.7!

Have a wicked Wednesday.
Bonjour. Je avez un 6.2 cette matin.

Et je suis un linguist natural obviousement!
Avez tu tout un fabulous jour everyune!

Oh and it was tres interestent popping in to le DUK Towers yesterday matin pour le UX testing pour le DUK web magazin even if le weather was ideal pour les canard!
A 5.5 for me today. 🙂

5.8-> here before breakfast. Woke up around 7ish and got some housework done before breakfast and work. I’ve reduced hours so I only work mornings on Wednesday so plans are office this morning then swimming and recharging on the sofa this afternoon. Shopping delivery tonight, I forgot to check it last night so that could be anything :rofl:
Bonjour. Je avez un 6.2 cette matin.

Et je suis un linguist natural obviousement!
Avez tu tout un fabulous jour everyune!

Oh and it was tres interestent popping in to le DUK Towers yesterday matin pour le UX testing pour le DUK web magazin even if le weather was ideal pour les canard!
Did you go to the Only Fools and Horse’s French Academy Colin? 😛
“What’s the French word for duck Rodney? It’s canard Del Boy. I know Rodney but what’s the French word for duck?”
“Chateauneuf -du- Pape Rodney”.
“Mange Tout, Mange Tout Rodney!”
Still makes me laugh! I do use Chateauneuf- du- Pap on occasions when I’m frustrated with something.
Au revovoire mon bloodsucre ami!
I didn’t do very well in my French O level exam. Might have been something to do with speaking German in the oral exam! I kept saying Ja instead of oui. Well, I did have the same teacher for both lessons! It was his fault.