Good morning all. It’s Take Your Pick day again today. Libre alarm woke me at 5.30 with a 3.7. I ignored it as I knew it wouldn’t be true, looked again five minutes later, 4.1 and no red line, as I suspected. Decided I might as well go to the loo, when I got back ( it’s not in another county, it’s about four metres away) it had jumped to 6.7, arrow up! Got back to bed. Woke at 7am, 4.7, went to loo came back 5.9! Got up and came downstairs pricked my finger 5.5! New sensors do like to play silly beggars for a day or two.
Very damp this morning, absolutely poured down through the night, it’s very mild though. 11.5c! Day at home today, making chilli con carne for tea, eventually changing the bed ( mingers), I’ll just have to use the tumble dryer, and whatever else takes my fancy. Mr Eggy cleaned one sofa yesterday with our new VAX, that’s now dry, so he’s going to do the other one. Cream sofas + six grandchildren = grubby!
@Wendal I’m the same, I sweat the small stuff all the time. Big things, huh, I just get on with it!
Must dash, LIbre showing 4.7!
Have a wicked Wednesday.