Group 7-day waking average?

5.6 on a rather dull, grey and damp Berkshire morning. At least it's stopped raining, which is more than can be said about yesterday when it seemed to rain all day and put the mockers on our plan to go for a long walk. We made up for it this morning by walking down to Morrisons before breakfast to pick up a newspaper and some bits & pieces for lunch. Normal life resumes today with my wife and our eldest back at their desks and the usual debate about what to have for tea. So far no decision.

@eggyg - hope everything's fine with Mr Eggy's eye.

@ColinUK - good news about your mum.

@Pam123 - congrats on landing another HS

Hope everyone has a good start to the week.
Morning all

6.4 for me today.

Congrats on the hattrick HS +1 @Pam123 - quite an achievement!
Morning all and 9.1 for me.

What it would have been without the 3 units at 05:00 I don't know. Don't you love it when your glucose levels just decide to do their own thing for no apparent reason?

Not sure what the day is going to bring.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all

Just missed out with a 5.1 for me earlier this dry morning.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
Morning all - 9.0 this morning - no surprise as had huge bowl of crisps & bits for my supper last night as had been out for Sunday lunch so didn't want to cook a proper meal. Silly I know. Hubby is about to go away for quite a while so I need to think carefully about what I'm going to do when I'm just catering for me and make sure I eat proper meals - I think I'll still cook for 2 probably and have the second part warmed up or cold the next day. I need to NOT buy the crisps and then they won't be an option. Busy putting my presentation together for college on Wednesday - it's called "A Year in My Garden" and is mainly lots of slides with me talking through them but not scripted. Not sure if I'll be able to get the projector working so everyone might just needle to huddle around my laptop - should be a fun day on Wednesday watching everyone's presentations but I know lots of people are very nervous. I was an aerobics instructor in a previous life and funnily enough, once you've pranced around in a thong leotard in front of 50 people (think Jamie Lee-Curtis & John Travolta aerobics class video) it takes away all your inhibitions :rofl:

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Good morning 7.7 today

Went for a swim and relaxed in the spa yesterday evening
Tomorrow have hospital appointment where I’m supposed to be discharged from the care of the orthopaedic department at the hospital where I had my ankle fusion surgery last May

Have a Marvellous Monday Everybody 😎
Hope things go well at the hospital
Other than that, saw the folks yesterday to celebrate Mothering Sunday by doing another session with the Last Orders books going through catering arrangements for post funeral food and which team of caterers to call and preference for waitresses etc. All essential stuff. Also took flowers as it was Mothering Sunday after all!
Colin you are incorrigible.... "Happy Mother's day Mum - now let's talk about your funeral".
Morning all - lovely day today.

8.9 - this cold is still affecting BGs big time. I'm still horribly clogged up and achy. At least I don't get colds often, unlike @Grannylorraine who has my complete sympathy.

I seem to have lost the ability to do any emoticon other than "like" - so apologies if I have not expressed "care" where appropriate.

Congrats to @Pam123 - may the HSs never end! On the other hand, is your meter broken?? Hee hee.

Have a good day all - good luck to those with hospital appointments.
6.1 this morning. Sadly had to change the sensor as it gave up the ghost this morning (constant signal loss), although I could manage with it I decided as we’re going away this weekend for our Australian adventure, it would be nicer to have a properly functioning sensor to start with, so now in the one hour warm up of a new sensor - fingers crossed this one works ok! Looking at my record, this is sensor #50 and I have a failure rate of 18% over the previous 49.

Started clearing the house up a bit in readiness for packing and going away, but run out of steam now! Still adding final notes to our itinerary of places to see on our trip, just need to add in some notes for Adelaide and Brisbane then I think we’re ready.

Well done @Pam123 on your HS streak, amazing!

Take care everyone!
Morning all - lovely day today.

8.9 - this cold is still affecting BGs big time. I'm still horribly clogged up and achy. At least I don't get colds often, unlike @Grannylorraine who has my complete sympathy.

I seem to have lost the ability to do any emoticon other than "like" - so apologies if I have not expressed "care" where appropriate.

Congrats to @Pam123 - may the HSs never end! On the other hand, is your meter broken?? Hee hee.

Have a good day all - good luck to those with hospital appointments.
Its never been this stable, wondering if its down to my new ventures at the gym, jus got back after one hours session with hubby and 10 mins on the cross trainer, leg killing me LOL hubby said no pain no gain and my BS is 5.2 LOL x
Good morning! First today! Well it is not really more interrupted sleep. I was hanging around so much yesterday I felt totally drained and went to bed just after 10:00. Woke up a little while ago feeling stressed and thirsty from a weird dream where I and my lawyer were telling the truth but the prosecution were downright lying as was there main witness, and current BG 8.4.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5
Pulse 49

Today rest, exercise (if it's not too cold and wet), keyboard practice.

Supper, last night, stew, was excellent, mind you it took quite a lot of effort across the whole day, to do. It will provide at least 3 sets of meals this week.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 8.4 today
strictly speaking not on waking
as the test kit that lives in my bedroom seems to have gone hiding today.

Have a great day everyone 😎
Morning all. 6.8

Flying Dutchman last night at Covent Garden was long. It hasn’t made it in to my list of operas I’ll be rushing to see again.

Off to DUK Towers this morning for some UX testing for their webshop.