Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.1. Yesterday my BG was awful, one of those days where it wouldn't keep up. I had 4 hypos over a few hours! Then i think all the treatments worked together as i shot to 15!! Oh well.

Not much planned for today. Seeing mum then older daughter is coming round later. I plan to crochet and watch a film on between.

Congrats to @Lucyr on your HS.

You needed to swap a few CHO gremlins with me as I couldn't get mine BG down! :rofl:
After a string of restless nights I slept like a log last night and woke well past my usual getting-up time. First night with the family back home, so coincidence? Answers on a postcard, as they used to say in days gone by. Tested (5.9) and settled down to watch MotD. Everyone else is still in bed as I type.

Holiday washing done but still have most of it to dry, as so many things are marked 'do not tumble dry'. Fortunately we have a large airing cupboard, with double doors, that we can use like a drying room. Toyed with the idea of a heated drying rack many times and that would be useful now, but this weekend's washing isn't a normal weekend's washing. Roll on when things can go out on the line again.

Nothing special planned for today but my wife would like a long walk if the weather is kind. I'm up for that. She and our eldest are back at work tomorrow, but WFH, but our youngest doesn't go back until Friday. All three just want to use today to see off the last remnants of their jetlag.

Have a good Sunday, especially all the mums, and @Lucyr - congratulations on landing another HS.
I was awake earlier on but posted my thoughts on the wrong board ( see below).Just shows how bushy eyed and bright tailed I am first thing in morning

Morning a 4.7 for me and a very similar 24 hours to yesterday with left over Pizza producing a similar result so consistency.
Went to Garden centre yesterday only intending to have coffee but ended up having lunch after Brother in Law arrived at exactly same time by coincidence.
He is also Type 1 but has been for 15 years and also has cardiac complications and is struggling a lot with his conditions.
Is also much more a glass half empty person but strain shows on his partner as he takes his frustration out on her and is always unhappy.
Is a lot more difficult with other co morbidities which impact our life’s but important to try and find ways to seek out the pleasures in life even if little ones.Then find the positives as easy to let our conditions define us and end up in a downward spiral which is hard to move on from.
Great watching the Rugby and the game itself proved the winner and although there will always be winners and losers with individual success and disappointment great performances transcend rivalry.
Hope you all have a good Mothering Sunday but appreciate it can bring mixed emotions.Quiet day for us at home with no Pizza and no trips out.
Mind you I have a business Meeting in Leeds Monday/ Tuesday so a Trans Pennine Train journey and a few memories from my time in Leeds and then a trip to RHS Bridgewater mid week with my wife.
few memories from my time in Leeds and
We are looking for somewhere to book for August bank holiday weekend. We only have 2 nights but thought of Leeds. What is it like? Worth visiting?
Sensor had ended before I woke this morning, but looking at the graph is must have been around 7 something. Shame as I had it around 6 on going to bed but there was a rise in the middle of the night then a drift down back to the 7s. Really must do better and cut down on evening carbs!

Congratulations @Lucyr on another HS!

@Bexlee - the wonderful thing I’m just discovering about being retired is that we no longer have to cram everything into a weekend and rush around so much!

@Pattidevans - sorry to hear about your friend, must have been a real shock for her husband.

Off to visit my parents today, complete with a simnel cake for my Mum (and some Cadburys mini eggs which she loves).

Have a good day everyone !
the wonderful thing I’m just discovering about being retired is that we no longer have to cram everything into a weekend and rush around so much!
I am SO looking forward to that. Hubby has to work every other weekend so we end up cramming everything in at the times when he is not. That doesn't leave us a lot of time for just us. Currently we still have 7 years before state pension age but are hoping to finish earlier, around 4 years (it still sounds like such a lot, head in hands emoji) as long as we can afford to. We need to win the lottery!
GoodMorning Sunday, 5.4 today

Congratulations to all the recent House Specials

There’s so much I’ve not caught up with and things I’ve missed on this forum, but wish everybody well.
I cut the grass yesterday, looking at the sky this morning I think it was wise to do that yesterday,

the blisters on my toes finally totally cleared up, so with no risk of infection
I think might go swimming at some point today, but having a much needed lazy lay in at the moment

Have a Super Sunday everyone 😎
Morning all - 7.5 which I'm very pleased about because last night my BG shot up to 19!!!!!! We had baked beans & sardines on toast for supper as we'd been out all afternoon and I couldn't be bothered to cook. I couldn't believe how hight it was so really relieved that it came down, actually quite quickly. Have a great day everyone. We're taking my Mum out for Sunday lunch at the Haweswater Hotel which should be lovely, it can be a bit chilly in there though so I'll wrap up warm.
I am SO looking forward to that. Hubby has to work every other weekend so we end up cramming everything in at the times when he is not. That doesn't leave us a lot of time for just us. Currently we still have 7 years before state pension age but are hoping to finish earlier, around 4 years (it still sounds like such a lot, head in hands emoji) as long as we can afford to. We need to win the lottery!
Hi Freesia,
Not sure if I am the best person to advise you of current state of Leeds as sure it has changed a lot from my Uni days eons ago.
It will be like most major city’s a very nice centre and plenty of eating places/ shopping etc and if you want a City centre break it is probably a nice choice but personally I prefer something a bit more historic like York.
Again depends on whether you are travelling by train which I tend to do if going to a City centre but then if you want to explore further afield then I will go by car.
Am not proving very helpful but it is a very nice city but big so similar to Manchester whilst again I like Nottingham and Liverpool which are a bit less busy.
Good luck with your choice
Good morning. A quite high 6.5 for me today. I think I do need to look at my carb intake if I want to stay in remission. I am very greedy with, believe it or not , oranges. I think I’m the only person in the supermarket to buy different types of oranges at once. Navel oranges, naranjas sangre: blood oranges, then the reduced smaller oranges then just add a few bags of tangerines. If it wasn’t for diabetes it would be really healthy but sadly it’s not! I had a great sleep last night. I had some oramorph earlier in the night as a top up to my patches. It made such a difference to pain. I was up about 4 times to toilet , that’s normal every night and doesn’t count. I feel so relaxed today.
I wish everyone a very happy Mother’s Day , even if you’re not in touch with family, like myself, still make it as good a day as possible! We’re worth it and still mothers! I’ve just noticed I haven’t plugged in my mobility scooter from a long run yesterday. I guess I’m going nowhere today as it needs 8 hours charging. I need to cook some meals for the freezer and finish a few chores.


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Happy Mother's Day all you mum's out there.

A happy 5.6 for me on yet another wet morning, still it is a bit milder than recently.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
Morning all. 5.1. Yesterday my BG was awful, one of those days where it wouldn't keep up. I had 4 hypos over a few hours! Then i think all the treatments worked together as i shot to 15!! Oh well.

Not much planned for today. Seeing mum then older daughter is coming round later. I plan to crochet and watch a film on between.

Congrats to @Lucyr on your HS.
I just watched “ One Day” on Netflix. It’s a chic flick but written by a man. I found myself unexpectedly crying then laughing out loud at some bits. The writer has had great success with the book and it’s also a film with Ann Hathaway. I enjoyed it.
Hi Freesia,
Not sure if I am the best person to advise you of current state of Leeds as sure it has changed a lot from my Uni days eons ago.
It will be like most major city’s a very nice centre and plenty of eating places/ shopping etc and if you want a City centre break it is probably a nice choice but personally I prefer something a bit more historic like York.
Again depends on whether you are travelling by train which I tend to do if going to a City centre but then if you want to explore further afield then I will go by car.
Am not proving very helpful but it is a very nice city but big so similar to Manchester whilst again I like Nottingham and Liverpool which are a bit less busy.
Good luck with your choice
I think you could spend a whole week doing things in and around Manchester, Imperial War Museum, Lowry Gallery, Science Museum, Jodrell Bank, Tatton Park, Bridgemere RHS new gardens and not far from Chester./
Hi everyone! 5'8 this very early morning. No, I'm not cuckoo, I know it's afternoon already. I mean it was very early when I took that morning reading.

I applied a new sensor as soon as I woke up, in a dimly lit room, and proceeded to get dressed. It stung for a bit but didn't notice until I saw myself in a mirror at work, it was also a bleeder. Moral of the story, check your fresh sensors before wearing a white shirt over them! Can't complain about accuracy so far, I've done a couple finger pricks today and Libre was spot on 😎

@Elenka_HM I take it your man isn’t English being fascinated with loose leaf tea, most of us stopped using it back in the 70s cos it’s a pain in the butt cleaning the teapot out! Saying that, Mr Eggy is a big loose leaf tea fan, he has a pot of Darjeeling First Flush everyday, he cleans his own tea pot out whilst I make myself a mug of Tetley!
You guessed right, he is Eastern European 🙂

I do like loose leaf tea and used to buy it more often. Makes me feel classy and enjoy the little ritual of spooning the tea into the infuser...that's when I have the time, of course. If the cuppa needs to be done at 5 or 6 am, I'd rather throw a teabag in and call it a day! And I agree with the cleaning bit. Years ago I was gifted a yellow submarine shaped infuser, it looked funny and I loved the idea but getting the leaves out of that was a real pain!
I think you could spend a whole week doing things in and around Manchester, Imperial War Museum, Lowry Gallery, Science Museum, Jodrell Bank, Tatton Park, Bridgemere RHS new gardens and not far from Chester./
Yes LL depends a lot on whether you just want a pure City centre break or visit surrounding highlights.
When I went to Old Trafford I sometimes visited IWM North and Lowry and live very close to Jodrell Bank/ Tatton Park.
With Leeds you have Harewood House,close to York and Piece Hall,Halifax and lovely countryside.
Visiting Bridgwater on Wednesday and in Chester every fortnight so know them well