Group 7-day waking average?

Well, good afternoon all - 'tis a horrid day, what's new?

8.4 this morning which was a considerable improvement on what it has been. We were so looking forward to our little trip to Exeter (a Christmas gift from a good friend) and planned to do shopping in the town centre on arrival on day 1, meet old friends for lunch the following day and do IKEA the morning we were coming home. We still did all that, but unfortunately we were both struck down with the nastiest cold either of us has had for years. My nose just streamed like a tap turned on and I ached from head to toe. Visited Boots and the pharmacist took one look at my medication list and said the only thing they could recommend was anti histamine. Mind you I had been visiting the toilet in the night every hour and at least that stopped with the anti-histamine - must mention that to the GP as it suggests some kind of allergy and it's not funny to be so deprived of sleep. Of course in addition I was eating things I'd not normally consume. BGs ran amok between mid teens and mid 20s.

On day 2 whilst awaiting our friends I got a phone call telling me that a very good friend of 50 years had been discovered dead on the kitchen floor by her husband that morning. I was tasked with letting some of her other friends know. Also would I post on her FB page as her hubby didn't do FB. It was so sad, she had just turned 80 on 14 Feb and to all intents and purposes was well and still fit. We're a group of friends who all bought flats in the same new block in Windsor in 1973, all cabin crew for Boac/BA and have all kept in close touch since, every one of us that either bought or was a flatmate there. We may not have met all that often, but we've all kept in touch by phone and these days video calls. Also by attending airline reunion nights.

So, home late last night with some beer battered haddock from M&S, frozen jacket wedges and a tin of mushy peas! Annnddddd back to normal I hope!
Afternoon all. 5 something this morning. I think the events of the last few weeks with mum are catching up on me. I ache all over and am so tired, despite sleeping through the last few nights. Work has been even more busy too so thats not helped.

We've just been out for lunch as hubby isn't working today. I'm now stuffed and lying on the sofa but thought i'd post before i doze off.

Congrats to all of the HSers! Lots of you. Well done!

@eggyg happy to hear that Mr Eggy's eye is improving slightly. Zara's comment made me smile, kids cannot keep a secret. We hear all sorts.

@Pattidevans sorry to hear about your friend and that your trip to Exeter was spoiled by illness. I hope you're feeling a bit better.
I had a lie in today, woke up at 8 to a reading of 5.7.
Well, good afternoon all - 'tis a horrid day, what's new?

8.4 this morning which was a considerable improvement on what it has been. We were so looking forward to our little trip to Exeter (a Christmas gift from a good friend) and planned to do shopping in the town centre on arrival on day 1, meet old friends for lunch the following day and do IKEA the morning we were coming home. We still did all that, but unfortunately we were both struck down with the nastiest cold either of us has had for years. My nose just streamed like a tap turned on and I ached from head to toe. Visited Boots and the pharmacist took one look at my medication list and said the only thing they could recommend was anti histamine. Mind you I had been visiting the toilet in the night every hour and at least that stopped with the anti-histamine - must mention that to the GP as it suggests some kind of allergy and it's not funny to be so deprived of sleep. Of course in addition I was eating things I'd not normally consume. BGs ran amok between mid teens and mid 20s.

On day 2 whilst awaiting our friends I got a phone call telling me that a very good friend of 50 years had been discovered dead on the kitchen floor by her husband that morning. I was tasked with letting some of her other friends know. Also would I post on her FB page as her hubby didn't do FB. It was so sad, she had just turned 80 on 14 Feb and to all intents and purposes was well and still fit. We're a group of friends who all bought flats in the same new block in Windsor in 1973, all cabin crew for Boac/BA and have all kept in close touch since, every one of us that either bought or was a flatmate there. We may not have met all that often, but we've all kept in touch by phone and these days video calls. Also by attending airline reunion nights.

So, home late last night with some beer battered haddock from M&S, frozen jacket wedges and a tin of mushy peas! Annnddddd back to normal I hope!
So sorry to hear about your friend, what a shock and awful for her husband.
I used to live in Windsor for a while in 1970, I worked at King Edward 7th hospital and lived in the nurse's home. I was terrified at first at how low the planes flew overhead, I used to duck every time but people who lived there didn't even notice. Occasionally I had to go to the hospital at Ascot or Maidenhead to help out.
Good late evening everyone! 6'6 this morning.

Had a nice "early weekend", instead of Saturday and Sunday was off work Thursday and Friday and made the most of it. On Thursday I went with my man to Totnes as planned and I got a bit nervous thinking maybe he wouldn't like it so much, but we both enjoyed and he said thank you for suggesting it. He chose the place for lunch, probably the only coffee chain in town (Totnes is famous for the alternative/independent vibe), but I won't complain because food was nice and the place was cosy. Just what we needed after walking around, because the wind was getting wild! He was fascinated by the loose leaf tea they served and decided to buy a teapot to make it at home.

Friday was another day out, with my friend in her city. Started with badminton, which was good fun and made me sweat. She had just been told she has prediabetes and now wants to get healthier and reduce carbs. So instead of going out for lunch she cooked at hers. My selfish side is a bit sad that I'm losing my "meal out buddy"; on the other hand, I'd be happy to meet for more active plans like the badminton or hiking. Of course making healthy food choices when I meet her won't hurt me, tho I tend to be in the "treat yourself" mindset when I go to her city, as is not so often and they have a bigger offer of restaurants, cafes, etc.

We did go for a coffee after and then sat at the cinema for 3 hours to watch Dune part 2. I don't even know what to say about the movie. It is...intense. And long.

Who knew those horrifying worms could be so practical? They are as good as a high speed train as they are to dispose of piles of enemies corpses. And the Harkonnen give me the creeps, especially that black and white circus situation.

We even had a 30 minutes mini party in a bar, killing some time because I couldn't make the planned train (the cinema adverts went on forever). There was a little temptation to have a night out but I did have plans back home today, and we were not dressed for the occasion, and we wanted other friends to join . So hopefully the stars and work rotas align and we can plan one soon!
Another 5.2 here. Need to be at church music practice for 8:30 so better get dressed and make some breakfast


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A 5.0 for me today. 🙂


6.3 today so improving. Didn’t walk this morning due to the weather, then off to have a small roast lunch with my mum.

@Lucyr - congratulations on another HS.

@Pattidevans - sorry to hear about your friend.
Morning all. 5.1. Yesterday my BG was awful, one of those days where it wouldn't keep up. I had 4 hypos over a few hours! Then i think all the treatments worked together as i shot to 15!! Oh well.

Not much planned for today. Seeing mum then older daughter is coming round later. I plan to crochet and watch a film on between.

Congrats to @Lucyr on your HS.
Morning all. 5.9 and a wee lie in, sort of, phone started pinging at 7.15 with Mothers Day messages. Youngest daughter jokingly said she’d hoped her girls would let her have a lie in, I said same here! 😉 Apparently they are all coming at 4.30. Hope they’re not wanting fed, the port joint is tiny! Or maybe they’re whisking me out for tea? Do I peel the tatties and prep the veg or not?:confused:

Wet and very windy today, I was going to strip the bed today but then I’d have wet washing hanging about everywhere. Maybe tomorrow, one more night in the same sheets won’t kill us, I hope!

@Lucyr congratulations again, can you make it a hat trick tomorrow?
@ColinUK you’ll never be normal! 😉
@Elenka_HM I take it your man isn’t English being fascinated with loose leaf tea, most of us stopped using it back in the 70s cos it’s a pain in the butt cleaning the teapot out! Saying that, Mr Eggy is a big loose leaf tea fan, he has a pot of Darjeeling First Flush everyday, he cleans his own tea pot out whilst I make myself a mug of Tetley!
@Pattidevans so sorry to hear about your friend’s sudden passing. What a shock for everybody. Maybe not a nice way to go for the family but that’s how I’d like to go. None of this long drawn out malarky. Hope you and Julian get over your colds soon. Xx

Have a super Sunday however you’re spending it.
Good morning! Pleased with a 7.0 on waking and a 7.1 FOTF after a day battling in the amber/red zone. Extra insulin and minimal carbs for lunch not helping. In the afternoon pumped iron till my arms were done but it stuck around 10. Wonder if 24 hour thing? (puzzled emoji)

Started watching the film Widowmaker last night but had to give in about 1:30. Not overkeen on the term Widowmaker as reminds me of my blocked LAD pre bypass which is nicknamed Widowmaker! :(

Have to look at email today as have received nothing for two days!

Cloudy - say no more!