Group 7-day waking average?

Kinda says how good the show was!
I must add Colin. I think you’re like me! It follows you around . I have so many dramas and odd behaviour in my life. I’m happy if I go out and some stranger has not picked on me for something. I got sworn at in M&S because my mobility scooter is too big. lol my choice not his.
Congratulations Martin A, I am joining you with a 5.2 have a good day everyone off to the gym this afternoon
And what about those of us not going to the gym eh?! :rofl:
Morning all. @eggyg we’re twins today. 6.4 for me too.

Walked 14,000 odd steps yesterday not really going anywhere but did go to the theatre. Saw Hadestown.
It’s a musical based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Odd experience before curtain up however. I make my way to my seat (middle of second row stalls) and there’s a woman sitting in the adjacent seat. She has a massive bag with her and it’s on the floor. It’s so big it’s meaning that I can’t put my feet on the floor in front of my seat.
I politely ask if she wouldn’t mind popping the bag under her seat.
“I can’t do that! I’m disabled! I’ve got a bad back!”
“I have a disability too”, I say before saying that I was sure the bag would fit under her seat or even under mine.
“There’s no need to shout at me. There’s a cloakroom upstairs that could take the bag if that’s better. I’m happy to pay….”
“Don’t bother. I’m going. You’ve ruined this for me because I’m disabled.”
“Don’t go. Let’s just find somewhere for your bag to go and stay for the show.”
At which point she grabs her bag and starts to exit the row.
I’m hoping she’ll go to the house manager and ask to be moved to a different seat or something but as she gets to the end of the aisle she turns and stares at me, points and screams “AND DON’T EVER TOUCH A STRANGER LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU PERVERT!”
The four clearly gay guys behind me gaffaw in hysterics as one of them is someone I’ve chatted to on a location based homosexualist dating app about seeing the show that day (yes I opened Grindr in the theatre bar out of boredom)!

Anyway she screams what she’s said as the house is starting to fill and in front of a member of staff who immediately makes a beeline for me. I think I’m about to be thrown out something. Before the usher can even say a word one of the guys behind pipes up to say that the woman had been rude to them and said homophobic stuff to boot.
Usher asks me what happened and I say I just asked if her bag could be tucked under the seat and she goes off saying that she’s disabled etc.
I said that I’m disabled and on their access list. But that I was OK and it was clearly something else going on for her.
They apologised and went away for a few moments. Returning they said that there were no other access list tickets sold in that row for that performance other than mine. They promptly comped my ticket for the show and credited my account with twice the full ticket price.
They also comped the tickets for the four gay guys in the row behind.
It was very odd and clearly she’s having a bad day but the show was good!
That's one reason I don't go off on one because I don't know fully where the other person is coming from. Which is my goal. I also have one response for people who are toxic and are just up for a fight 24/7 and that's no response.
Good morning everyone

Ha haaaa!!! BG 5.2 trumpets. Orchestra. Shouting and cheering. Yesssss!!!!

And then...

This weekend may be a bit tough as it is my wifes birthday today and mothers' day tomorrow. The possible upset will be down to our daughter shutting us out of her life for no reason I can see. Very upsetting to my wife.

And after a troubling, difficult couple of weeks my wife recovered somewhat yesterday and even left the house and came with me (on the bus) to Preston so I could present the nice people at the hospital with an arm full of blood for my six monthly endocrinology tests.

However, I am cooking my wife a nice meal tonight for a quiet evening together. I am hoping that that goes ok.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Morning an up early with walkies.We can’t watch Crufts on telly as one of our dogs barks at the screen thinking there is a doggy hidden in the TV.
As we know this diabetes malarkey can be funny. Went into red just before my Pizza so only had 4u of NR beforehand( then ate 4 big slices straightaway along with other stuff).Had more than usual as wife was away at Quiz so I was home alone.
I did not eat anything else and lay on couch all night and it was fine until it spiked above 10 just before going to bed.
So took 2u as correction and having no carbs inside it took me back into Red.( only time have been in Red in last 60 days) so twice within last 12 hours.
Then bumped along in 4s and woke to a 5.2( no dodgy maths).
Anyway have a good w/ end all
Morning folks. 6.4. I really don’t want to be up this early on our first day of not having to go anywhere/receive visitors but, alas, the old body wasn’t having it. I’ll just chill.

Mr Eggy’s eye vastly improved, he got into his greenhouse yesterday with Zara and they potted on the tomatoes, chillis and peppers and they’re on a heated mat. They also planted carrot and coriander seeds, separately that is, they’re not a new hybrid vegetable which you can turn into soup. 😉

Just a pottering about day today. I’ll probably spend most of it reading.

Have a spectacular Saturday.
Gwynn our posts crossed so well done on HS and yes occasions like Mothers Day/ Birthdays bring different emotions.
Hope it is not too traumatic.
You talking about Preston bus station reminds me visiting our son at UCLAN and visiting the infamous bus station.
Was it not being redeveloped as I am going back 15 years.
Morning folks. 6.4. I really don’t want to be up this early on our first day of not having to go anywhere/receive visitors but, alas, the old body wasn’t having it. I’ll just chill.

Mr Eggy’s eye vastly improved, he got into his greenhouse yesterday with Zara and they potted on the tomatoes, chillis and peppers and they’re on a heated mat. They also planted carrot and coriander seeds, separately that is, they’re not a new hybrid vegetable which you can turn into soup. 😉

Just a pottering about day today. I’ll probably spend most of it reading.

Have a spectacular Saturday.
So pleased his eye has improved and returning to normal “ pottering” activity
Morning all. 🙂 12.1 here...curve ball, or what? I blame the chickpeas I ate at 6.30 yesterday they really take all night to digest? I suspect that pesky DF was involved...😉😛

Busy day today. Welsh course this morning, then various important bits n pieces to attend to. Roll on Sunday and a lie-in!
Morning all! Saw the folks yesterday and much hilarity ensued.
Mum “Ooh it’s great you’re here, our Sky box isn’t connecting to the internet and we’re can’t sort it out”
“But you’re watching TV right now through the Sky box so it had to be connected”
“No we’re not because it isn’t connected”
Yes it is. Look it’s even got the Sky logo in the corner and the correct time so it has to be connected!
“Well it wasn’t yesterday and we’ve not done anything with it so it can’t be! Also can you help with my phone as I just can’t get it to give me notifications for anything”

I send mum a text. Notification pops up. No sound though.

She’d turned it to silent last week at the King and I and just not switched it off!

Post dinner we played UNO Flip. And nobody could recall the rules, dad can’t see the colours, mum thinks every third go is her turn regardless of direction of play and they want to take it to friends today to play after lunch with a bunch who are dementia sufferers or almost blind or totally deaf!

If anyone has played UNO I recommend picking up an UNO flip as it’s so much fun!

Oh and with a grand total of 21g of carbs consumed yesterday (as per Carb Manager) today I’m rewarded with a long absent 5.2!

Stuff to do this morning and then opera this afternoon that I’m looking forward to. It’s “Giant” and no it’s not an opera version of the James Dean film.

Have a great Mother’s Day Eve everyone!
Morning all, 5.6 here. Going to a garden centre later, because I need potting compost, but son is home for the weekend, so he will pick up the tab for tea while we’re there as an early Mother’s day treat. Wouldn’t go anywhere on the actual day, everywhere’s so busy.
Must be years since I got a 5.2 fasting! Bit of a hard week, my brain is not where it used to be so plenty to focus on improving at work next week. But, have had more energy this week as my main ME symptom has changed back from fatigue to headaches again. So I started swimming again. 10 lengths on Wednesday and 20 lengths last night.

Today I have the housework to do, meeting a friend for either a walk or coffee, and I need to do the meal plan and the shopping order.


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