Group 7-day waking average?

7.0 today for me.

Very lazy day yesterday, only a quick outing to the GP for a follow up appointment about my lump in the throat/ acid reflux. Thankfully the omeprazole has done the trick so it really seems like it was just acid reflux that gave the lump in the throat feeling. The doctor very kindly put in a double repeat prescription order for me to cover our time away in Australia with some spare.

Not much more planned for today other than a bit of “pottering” which is a bit new to me still! My wife is going out to meet up with a friend so I’ll be left to my own devices for a while :rofl:

Take care everyone!
I love a pottering about day.
Morning all

A 4.9 for me on this grey wind-free morning.
7.0 today for me.

Very lazy day yesterday, only a quick outing to the GP for a follow up appointment about my lump in the throat/ acid reflux. Thankfully the omeprazole has done the trick so it really seems like it was just acid reflux that gave the lump in the throat feeling. The doctor very kindly put in a double repeat prescription order for me to cover our time away in Australia with some spare.

Not much more planned for today other than a bit of “pottering” which is a bit new to me still! My wife is going out to meet up with a friend so I’ll be left to my own devices for a while :rofl:

Take care everyone!
I'm pleased the omeprazole has done the trick. I has a problem with my throat and sudden bouts of coughing but it coincided with starting to do some teaching where I was talking to groups of students but it transpired it stemmed from oesophagitis and acid reflux which omeprazole sorted out. I had been suffering from indigestion and was taking ranitidine which had helped.
Afternoon all - 8.2 again this morning. Very glad to report though that my HbA1c has gone from 91 in November last year down to 57 since starting insulin in November. I know I need to address the biscuits & crisps but I'm really pleased to be heading in the right direction and with a pretty good TIR with only having 13 units of Lantus at night as a background insulin. Have a great day everyone xxx
I haven’t posted in a while & I’m feeling a bit nervous about a sudden gastrointestinal appointment, my ongoing liver problems, that just become available, finally after being on the waiting list for it since Feb. 2019, on 04/04/2024. Just got the phone call that surprised me as I’d forgotten about this as it’s been SO long: always on the back of my mind with the regular blood tests; but, also, not in my mind at the same time!

Things have been ok & now I’m feeling a bit nervously “MORTAL” as in the infamous line in every Star Wars Film “I have a bad feeling about this”! But, that’s probably ME feeling anxious about “The Unknown”: my liver problems; about to be shed light on!

There have always been these feelings of being aware of my “Mortal Existence” when I undergo changes in my life so, that’s nothing new there! I just have to take comfort in the fact that my GP told me that my liver had been very stable for a while now back In February, my last blood tests, & could leave it until June for the next tests instead of every 6 to 8 weeks as it’s been for the most part these last 5 years!

I’m just sensitive of my “Mortal State” right now as “The Unknown” is about to become “Known” & what I might have to face in the near future? A Nervous, Shivering, Quaking In My Shoes emoji!
As one half of my family comes from Brampton/ Haltwhistle area I have an inkling of how tolerant they are of others.
Our eldest and her family live out Brampton way and our grandson is an apprentice in a local butcher in the town. Aye, we’re all fairly laid back up here, and love a bit of self deprecation! Maybe it’s because we live in such a beautiful area.
was 5.3 today

Got results back following last Tuesday’s visit to the vampires
Hba1c had dropped to 62
still to high, need another similar reduction to what’s been achieved in the last 3 months
Probably not going to be easy as now I’m not able to get Trulicity

GP has upped my daily dose of empagliflozin
Infact when I get it from the pharmacy (they hadn’t recieved the prescription yesterday)
It’s now going to combined in the same tablet as Metformin
apparently that’s quite common now

Time for Bed … boing
Good morning - 5.5

Have a great day everyone.
Morning a 7.1 for me. Whilst walking the dogs they started barking at a woman who we know some times sleeps rough in the local cemetery.
Very sad story as she is always polite and well educated but a few years ago we approached her with a hot drink and toast and she was horrified and literally ran away.
So we have just said hello to her and our local council does not seem to have an outreach department.
We think she is in a local hostel at other side of town but maybe at night she does not stay there out of fear and simply walks the streets.
Well her mobility is getting much worse judging by this morning and it is so cold.
I used to work with the Cyrenians a long time ago so know how proud many of the “ homeless” are but we would love to help.
Anyway I wish her well as I do to everyone here