Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

Yesterday was hell. Thank goodness it is over.

Today a lovely (?) Visit to Preston hospital to get bloods taken (can't be done locally I am told so its a complete day wasted)

Not looking forward to today too

I hope you all have good day whatever you are doing
Another restless night but not as restless as the night before. I was up and about less than an hour earlier than normal and was rewarded with a 5.2 (at last) which is actually the same as I got after my salmon steak dinner yesterday. Friday is BP check day - 120/69, so that's fine. HR 52, so the DF seems to have gifted me a bag of 5s and 2s. Hope she has some left over for everyone else to share.

Family arrived safely in Melbourne and with a 9-hour wait for their connecting flight were pleased to be allowed out of the airport for a bit of sight-seeing. Now back in the air and en route to Perth before the final leg to Heathrow, arriving just after 5 am tomorrow morning. Will be nice to have everyone home and it means I need our usual weekly groceries shop, so will get on with that today. Haven't needed a Big Shop whilst I've been home alone, just using what's here and picking up fresh stuff as and when I needed to.

Whatever your plans enjoy your Friday.
Morning folks. 🙂 6.1 here.

Last night’s class was another wall of grumpy faces - these guys just don’t want to work! One of them made a nice comment, tho, as she was leaving which explains the group’s behaviour - the last teacher, who left in December, didn’t encourage them to work in class. It sounds like they just mucked about, him included. I guess he knew he was leaving and couldn’t be bothered...great! She said “Thanks for making us work in class, I really appreciate it”.
Thank <healthy snack> it’s Friday!!😎😛
Good morning. Score of 6.4 on the door.

Up at a more civilised time this morning. The heating clicking on at 7 woke me, need to change it to go off later! Will save money too. First morning for at least a week there isn’t any frost. It’s 5c and cloudy. Got the youngest daughter and the youngest grandchildren coming for lunch otherwise nothing too exciting going on. Mr Eggy’s eye is feeling much better but still a bit blurry but he’s starting to be able to read a bit and watch a bit of telly. Our optician ( my former boss) texted me yesterday to ask how he was and she did say he would probably have a scar on his cornea. Not sure how that will affect his sight but he’s overdue an eye test so once this is sorted he’ll be going for one.

@Martin.A congratulations on your HS. Glad the family will be home soon, that’s been a very quick three weeks. The peace will be shattered!

Have a fab Friday everyone.
Morning all. @eggyg we’re twins today. 6.4 for me too.

Walked 14,000 odd steps yesterday not really going anywhere but did go to the theatre. Saw Hadestown.
It’s a musical based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Odd experience before curtain up however. I make my way to my seat (middle of second row stalls) and there’s a woman sitting in the adjacent seat. She has a massive bag with her and it’s on the floor. It’s so big it’s meaning that I can’t put my feet on the floor in front of my seat.
I politely ask if she wouldn’t mind popping the bag under her seat.
“I can’t do that! I’m disabled! I’ve got a bad back!”
“I have a disability too”, I say before saying that I was sure the bag would fit under her seat or even under mine.
“There’s no need to shout at me. There’s a cloakroom upstairs that could take the bag if that’s better. I’m happy to pay….”
“Don’t bother. I’m going. You’ve ruined this for me because I’m disabled.”
“Don’t go. Let’s just find somewhere for your bag to go and stay for the show.”
At which point she grabs her bag and starts to exit the row.
I’m hoping she’ll go to the house manager and ask to be moved to a different seat or something but as she gets to the end of the aisle she turns and stares at me, points and screams “AND DON’T EVER TOUCH A STRANGER LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU PERVERT!”
The four clearly gay guys behind me gaffaw in hysterics as one of them is someone I’ve chatted to on a location based homosexualist dating app about seeing the show that day (yes I opened Grindr in the theatre bar out of boredom)!

Anyway she screams what she’s said as the house is starting to fill and in front of a member of staff who immediately makes a beeline for me. I think I’m about to be thrown out something. Before the usher can even say a word one of the guys behind pipes up to say that the woman had been rude to them and said homophobic stuff to boot.
Usher asks me what happened and I say I just asked if her bag could be tucked under the seat and she goes off saying that she’s disabled etc.
I said that I’m disabled and on their access list. But that I was OK and it was clearly something else going on for her.
They apologised and went away for a few moments. Returning they said that there were no other access list tickets sold in that row for that performance other than mine. They promptly comped my ticket for the show and credited my account with twice the full ticket price.
They also comped the tickets for the four gay guys in the row behind.
It was very odd and clearly she’s having a bad day but the show was good!
Morning all. @eggyg we’re twins today. 6.4 for me too.

Walked 14,000 odd steps yesterday not really going anywhere but did go to the theatre. Saw Hadestown.
It’s a musical based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Odd experience before curtain up however. I make my way to my seat (middle of second row stalls) and there’s a woman sitting in the adjacent seat. She has a massive bag with her and it’s on the floor. It’s so big it’s meaning that I can’t put my feet on the floor in front of my seat.
I politely ask if she wouldn’t mind popping the bag under her seat.
“I can’t do that! I’m disabled! I’ve got a bad back!”
“I have a disability too”, I say before saying that I was sure the bag would fit under her seat or even under mine.
“There’s no need to shout at me. There’s a cloakroom upstairs that could take the bag if that’s better. I’m happy to pay….”
“Don’t bother. I’m going. You’ve ruined this for me because I’m disabled.”
“Don’t go. Let’s just find somewhere for your bag to go and stay for the show.”
At which point she grabs her bag and starts to exit the row.
I’m hoping she’ll go to the house manager and ask to be moved to a different seat or something but as she gets to the end of the aisle she turns and stares at me, points and screams “AND DON’T EVER TOUCH A STRANGER LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU PERVERT!”
The four clearly gay guys behind me gaffaw in hysterics as one of them is someone I’ve chatted to on a location based homosexualist dating app about seeing the show that day (yes I opened Grindr in the theatre bar out of boredom)!

Anyway she screams what she’s said as the house is starting to fill and in front of a member of staff who immediately makes a beeline for me. I think I’m about to be thrown out something. Before the usher can even say a word one of the guys behind pipes up to say that the woman had been rude to them and said homophobic stuff to boot.
Usher asks me what happened and I say I just asked if her bag could be tucked under the seat and she goes off saying that she’s disabled etc.
I said that I’m disabled and on their access list. But that I was OK and it was clearly something else going on for her.
They apologised and went away for a few moments. Returning they said that there were no other access list tickets sold in that row for that performance other than mine. They promptly comped my ticket for the show and credited my account with twice the full ticket price.
They also comped the tickets for the four gay guys in the row behind.
It was very odd and clearly she’s having a bad day but the show was good!
Morning Colin not sure what emoji to use as it was a very unusual experience encompassing several emotions.
I liked it as it turned out OK in end with support of guys close to you but appreciate there were some uncomfortable bits as well.
Illustrates that a lot of folk are having various challenges at the moment and whilst they may not always respect our tolerance and polite respect for others it is good that it was someone nice/ tactful like yourself involved rather than a few others where WW3 may have been the result.
Morning all. @eggyg we’re twins today. 6.4 for me too.

Walked 14,000 odd steps yesterday not really going anywhere but did go to the theatre. Saw Hadestown.
It’s a musical based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Odd experience before curtain up however. I make my way to my seat (middle of second row stalls) and there’s a woman sitting in the adjacent seat. She has a massive bag with her and it’s on the floor. It’s so big it’s meaning that I can’t put my feet on the floor in front of my seat.
I politely ask if she wouldn’t mind popping the bag under her seat.
“I can’t do that! I’m disabled! I’ve got a bad back!”
“I have a disability too”, I say before saying that I was sure the bag would fit under her seat or even under mine.
“There’s no need to shout at me. There’s a cloakroom upstairs that could take the bag if that’s better. I’m happy to pay….”
“Don’t bother. I’m going. You’ve ruined this for me because I’m disabled.”
“Don’t go. Let’s just find somewhere for your bag to go and stay for the show.”
At which point she grabs her bag and starts to exit the row.
I’m hoping she’ll go to the house manager and ask to be moved to a different seat or something but as she gets to the end of the aisle she turns and stares at me, points and screams “AND DON’T EVER TOUCH A STRANGER LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU PERVERT!”
The four clearly gay guys behind me gaffaw in hysterics as one of them is someone I’ve chatted to on a location based homosexualist dating app about seeing the show that day (yes I opened Grindr in the theatre bar out of boredom)!

Anyway she screams what she’s said as the house is starting to fill and in front of a member of staff who immediately makes a beeline for me. I think I’m about to be thrown out something. Before the usher can even say a word one of the guys behind pipes up to say that the woman had been rude to them and said homophobic stuff to boot.
Usher asks me what happened and I say I just asked if her bag could be tucked under the seat and she goes off saying that she’s disabled etc.
I said that I’m disabled and on their access list. But that I was OK and it was clearly something else going on for her.
They apologised and went away for a few moments. Returning they said that there were no other access list tickets sold in that row for that performance other than mine. They promptly comped my ticket for the show and credited my account with twice the full ticket price.
They also comped the tickets for the four gay guys in the row behind.
It was very odd and clearly she’s having a bad day but the show was good!
Oh crikey! I'm surprised you could concentrate on the show after all that - thank goodness for the guys behind you and bravo to the theatre xxx
7.0 for me this morning (no biscuits). Now my challenge is to get my HbA1C down to in the 40s before my next test in 3 months. I've never been down there with my lowest since being diagnosed being 52 but that was with no insulin so if I can get a reign on my snacks I should definitely be able to do it. Saying goodbye to our builders today who've been here for the last year - I feel a bit emotional, but actually one of them is back in a month to rip out the staircase ready for some others to do some work there so I should probably just make the most of the lull before the storm. Have a great day everyone and anyone struggling I hope you have a peaceful one and a restful weekend xxx

A very pleasing 5.4 today, maybe a good sign I am getting better.

@Martin.A - congratulations on your HS.

@ColinUK - what an awful experience.

@eggyg - hope mr eggyg’s eye continues to improve.
Well done @Martin.A on the HS. My reading was 5.1. 🙂

Oh crikey! I'm surprised you could concentrate on the show after all that - thank goodness for the guys behind you and bravo to the theatre xxx
Kinda says how good the show was!
Morning all

A 4.9 for me on this grey wind-free morning.

Morning all. @eggyg we’re twins today. 6.4 for me too.

Walked 14,000 odd steps yesterday not really going anywhere but did go to the theatre. Saw Hadestown.
It’s a musical based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Odd experience before curtain up however. I make my way to my seat (middle of second row stalls) and there’s a woman sitting in the adjacent seat. She has a massive bag with her and it’s on the floor. It’s so big it’s meaning that I can’t put my feet on the floor in front of my seat.
I politely ask if she wouldn’t mind popping the bag under her seat.
“I can’t do that! I’m disabled! I’ve got a bad back!”
“I have a disability too”, I say before saying that I was sure the bag would fit under her seat or even under mine.
“There’s no need to shout at me. There’s a cloakroom upstairs that could take the bag if that’s better. I’m happy to pay….”
“Don’t bother. I’m going. You’ve ruined this for me because I’m disabled.”
“Don’t go. Let’s just find somewhere for your bag to go and stay for the show.”
At which point she grabs her bag and starts to exit the row.
I’m hoping she’ll go to the house manager and ask to be moved to a different seat or something but as she gets to the end of the aisle she turns and stares at me, points and screams “AND DON’T EVER TOUCH A STRANGER LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU PERVERT!”
The four clearly gay guys behind me gaffaw in hysterics as one of them is someone I’ve chatted to on a location based homosexualist dating app about seeing the show that day (yes I opened Grindr in the theatre bar out of boredom)!

Anyway she screams what she’s said as the house is starting to fill and in front of a member of staff who immediately makes a beeline for me. I think I’m about to be thrown out something. Before the usher can even say a word one of the guys behind pipes up to say that the woman had been rude to them and said homophobic stuff to boot.
Usher asks me what happened and I say I just asked if her bag could be tucked under the seat and she goes off saying that she’s disabled etc.
I said that I’m disabled and on their access list. But that I was OK and it was clearly something else going on for her.
They apologised and went away for a few moments. Returning they said that there were no other access list tickets sold in that row for that performance other than mine. They promptly comped my ticket for the show and credited my account with twice the full ticket price.
They also comped the tickets for the four gay guys in the row behind.
It was very odd and clearly she’s having a bad day but the show was good!
Could have turned out really bad with a false allegation like that and great you had witnesses. I am glad it turned around for you. Horrible experience!
Morning all (just)

It's a while since I last had a 5.2 but I've got one this fine sunny morning.'