Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 5.6 here. Going to a garden centre later, because I need potting compost, but son is home for the weekend, so he will pick up the tab for tea while we’re there as an early Mother’s day treat. Wouldn’t go anywhere on the actual day, everywhere’s so busy.
I wouldn’t go anywhere either. It’s like Valentines, a big con! As my girls are all mothers too I tell them every year not to bother coming round but they always do. Secretly I am pleased though.
Had to laugh yesterday, youngest and her two were at ours and daughter said she needed to leave early to go and get something for her mother-in-law for Mothers Day, maybe a blouse. Zara didn’t want to leave and I said to her that she needed to go to buy a present for nanny. She looked at me and said, no Grandma it’s for you! Blabber mouth. :rofl:
Congratulations to all today's House Specialists. 🙂
A 4.6 for me this morning.

6.9 today for me. Not really unexpected after a fish & chip supper last night, “because we could”. :rofl:

Visited a friend in a care home yesterday, very sad as she is terminal and looked so ill yesterday. Not sure she will still be with us when we get back from Australia. Sad times. Then spent some time with her husband afterwards back at his place and hopefully helped to cheer him a bit.

Birthday party for my wife’s grand niece later today, which will be a nice family get together.

Congratulations to our quartet: @Gwynn, @Wendal, @ColinUK and @Lucyr on your HS’s today!

Have a good day everyone!
5.0 this morning, so wasn't quite able to join today's gathering at the HS Club. Congrats to those who did.

Family safely back home after a 39-hour journey from Christchurch (door-to-door, not all in the air) so the washing machine and tumble dryer are going to be busy this weekend. Have to admit I was surprised when our eldest went off for his usual Saturday Park Run, but not surprised when our youngest took himself off to bed. I would have put money on that. My wife is thinking about a nap but is still busy sorting out the suitcases. Good to have everyone back. The house feels like a home again.

Have a good start to the weekend.
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Good morning everyone

Ha haaaa!!! BG 5.2 trumpets. Orchestra. Shouting and cheering. Yesssss!!!!

And then...

This weekend may be a bit tough as it is my wifes birthday today and mothers' day tomorrow. The possible upset will be down to our daughter shutting us out of her life for no reason I can see. Very upsetting to my wife.

And after a troubling, difficult couple of weeks my wife recovered somewhat yesterday and even left the house and came with me (on the bus) to Preston so I could present the nice people at the hospital with an arm full of blood for my six monthly endocrinology tests.

However, I am cooking my wife a nice meal tonight for a quiet evening together. I am hoping that that goes ok.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Have the same with my son and daughter. It’s not a nice situation
Kinda says how good the show was!
I once took the children to see Wicked and Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie and all their children came in once the lights went down and sat in the row in front of us in the stalls. I couldn't even tell you what the storyline of Wicked is as we basically went to the Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie show and just couldn't stop watching them!
8.1 for me this morning - off out into the garden to attack the Ground Elder - it's COLD out there but I've only got an hour to play with today so needs must. Have a good weekend everyone xxx
I once took the children to see Wicked and Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie and all their children came in once the lights went down and sat in the row in front of us in the stalls. I couldn't even tell you what the storyline of Wicked is as we basically went to the Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie show and just couldn't stop watching them!
Good to see you celebrity watch.
Mind you I was at a football match and the person sat next to me kept on asking me where the celebrity’s were and where David Beckham was sat.
I said I did not know but eventually just pointed across at some executive boxes on the other side of the pitch and said across there,simply so I could focus on the football.
Not sure if she took the hint as she disappeared at halftime to find her partner who was located in a different part of the ground.
Thankful it’s the weekend - for the non-retirees !! I look forward to the day when I’m a retiree!!!
Hope everyone has a good day.
8.2 when I woke up.
8.1 for me this morning - off out into the garden to attack the Ground Elder - it's COLD out there but I've only got an hour to play with today so needs must. Have a good weekend everyone xxx
6c here says feels like 1 c I was caught out yesterday when I went for my prescriptions. I hadn’t put on a warm enough coat. It was so cold I was glad to get home. At least today I’ve looked at the temperature. Very cloudy also. I think it’s my age as I’m very intolerant of the cold these days.
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6.4 today, got up late so didn’t get on before I went shopping. Definitely feeling better although now sneezing.

Congratulations to @Gwynn @ColinUK @Wendal and @Lucyr on today’s HS. Also congratulations to yesterday’s HS as well.

Tomorrow I will go round to see my mum and do her a small roast dinner, as no point going out as she struggles to eat a whole restaurant meal, and has recently had an afternoon tea for her birthday and came to my friend’s baby shower afternoon tea, so didn’t want another one so quickly.
I wouldn’t go anywhere either. It’s like Valentines, a big con! As my girls are all mothers too I tell them every year not to bother coming round but they always do. Secretly I am pleased though.
Had to laugh yesterday, youngest and her two were at ours and daughter said she needed to leave early to go and get something for her mother-in-law for Mothers Day, maybe a blouse. Zara didn’t want to leave and I said to her that she needed to go to buy a present for nanny. She looked at me and said, no Grandma it’s for you! Blabber mouth.
I wouldn’t go anywhere either. It’s like Valentines, a big con! As my girls are all mothers too I tell them every year not to bother coming round but they always do. Secretly I am pleased though.
Had to laugh yesterday, youngest and her two were at ours and daughter said she needed to leave early to go and get something for her mother-in-law for Mothers Day, maybe a blouse. Zara didn’t want to leave and I said to her that she needed to go to buy a present for nanny. She looked at me and said, no Grandma it’s for you! Blabber mouth. :rofl:
A lot of websites are asking if you want Mother's Day adverts as they’ve realised some mothers are distressed and it’s not always pleasant for some women. They don’t ask for Father’s Day though.
Good to see you celebrity watch.
Mind you I was at a football match and the person sat next to me kept on asking me where the celebrity’s were and where David Beckham was sat.
I said I did not know but eventually just pointed across at some executive boxes on the other side of the pitch and said across there,simply so I could focus on the football.
Not sure if she took the hint as she disappeared at halftime to find her partner who was located in a different part of the ground.
I’ve met David Hayman and Nigel Havers in the street, on separate occasions . I never immediately recognised them as both have such powerful voices on stage. I don’t know how to put this into words but they’re absolutely tiny. I don’t mean to be sizeist , if that’s even a word. I am tall and they’re presented on television as being tall. Now I am only interested on how the cameras adjust to make them look taller when I see them on TV. They’re both wonderful actors though! I feel guilty writing this I hope they don’t sue me lol
Morning everyone

A 5.9 for me earlier today....