Group 7-day waking average?

Morning. Been a while. 9.3.

Slowly catching up on everyone’s news. Take care and have a good day.
Morning all. :D 5.0 here.

Hubby’s still in España so I’m up a’t crack to walk the pooch. Poor dab isn’t used to being left on her own all day, but needs must. All I can do is spoil her when I’m with her (like she isn’t spoilt enough already!).
I had a long day yesterday without seeing the pooches and although they were not left on their own the welcome I got when I got home was worth it.
Loads of waggy tails and kisses
5.7 for me… I have been naughty and forgotten to take my daily tablet for, erm, 4 days.

Weird dreams last night involving driving across borders with Micheal Caine in the car and ending up in Germany looking for record shops in a taxi with my late mum who was looking for an estate agent… for some reason the taxi driver drive into a canal and we had to swim to shore. Then I ended up in Jersey looking for a record shop, but was on the wrong side of the river and couldn’t find a bridge. Weird.
Good moaning! Not moaning about BG that is in range at 9.1 gut because I was woken by jolts phantom pain! :(. It's been worse since I came off Co-trimoxazole the drugvthatcreachesxpartscit shouldn't!:(

Early start for physio today but can I get another hour!

Looks misty.

Take 2! Got back to sleep and woke at 6:00 to 6.9.

Yes, definitely misty!
Morning all, 7.2 here. I put Borlotti beans into a sausage casserole last night as a change from my usual speckled lentils, and BG suddenly started to climb the Himalayas at bedtime.
Spookily enough I had butter beans in a sausage stew last night and I rose steadily all night! I’m fine with chick peas and kidney beans.
All beans are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Robin you are the George Orwell of beans.
Ironic that the Animal Farm reference you quote is also written by the author of Road to Wigan Pier about 1 mile from the biggest baked bean factory in Europe.
So are all 57 varieties of bean unequal?

All beans are equal, but some are more equal than others.
A 4.5 for me today. 🙂

Morning all and 6.3 for me. Two dextrose tablets required at 03:00

Recorded some more guitar last night so got that to edit and distribute. Just finished before one of the input channels on the mixer packed in.

Have a good day everyone.

6.4 and finally starting to feel better, taking today off of work as I want to get back to full strength, so possibly won’t go back now until Monday, feel slightly guilty, but I could only knit for a short while yesterday before my arms aches and my head hurt, I was only knitting the sleeve of a baby jumper and rarely had to look at the pattern.
7.0 today for me.

Very lazy day yesterday, only a quick outing to the GP for a follow up appointment about my lump in the throat/ acid reflux. Thankfully the omeprazole has done the trick so it really seems like it was just acid reflux that gave the lump in the throat feeling. The doctor very kindly put in a double repeat prescription order for me to cover our time away in Australia with some spare.

Not much more planned for today other than a bit of “pottering” which is a bit new to me still! My wife is going out to meet up with a friend so I’ll be left to my own devices for a while :rofl:

Take care everyone!
After a restless night I eventually gave up trying to drop off again so got up at 05:30, tested while the kettle boiled and found myself back on the right side of the border with a 5.7 this morning. Settled down with a cuppa and a handful of nuts and turned on the tv to watch the cricket. Unfortunately, after a decent start, I ended up watching another England batting collapse.

I'll be 76 at the end of May so went online on Saturday to renew my driving licence, maybe for the last time - who knows? New licence turned up yesterday...! I'd deliberately applied as soon as I was 90 days from my current licence expiring, to allow for any delays at the DVLA, so I'm impressed. Having said that I suspect that no actual person was involved. Surprised to see the same photo as on my old licence rather than the one on my current (blue) passport, though.

Final WhatsApp video chat with the family earlier. They had a lovely day exploring Christchurch and the weather was lovely too, with blue sky and temperatures in the mid-20s. Homeward bound later - their flight leaves just after 5 o'clock this afternoon our time, 6 o'clock Friday morning there.

Thursday, so my usual swim before lunch and I'll pick up something for tea on my way back. Salmon steak in pole position at the moment.

Pleased to hear you're feeling better @Grannylorraine
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Good morning. 5.6 for me this morning. Pleased. Went to get my weighin before I took my BG 6.5 lbs off but it’s been doing this for months. On and off. Fingers crossed it stays off next week. Drama and my day is just starting. Two cars parked on pavement and one is almost blocking me getting my mobility scooter in and out of my house . .i got passed on the way out but I’ve broken off their mirror on my way back and the plastic is lying on the street. It wasn’t deliberate but they’re not allowing me space to get in and out of my house. Waiting on the door being chapped. They will probably have to pay for it as it might not be worth an insurance claim and I am not paying for it! Drivers might not like what I am saying but my scooter is a class 3 and I have road tax. It’s really bad with pavement parking. I’ve had to drive into oncoming traffic because of it before because drivers think they pay for the pavement as well as the road. If they can’t afford parking they shouldn’t buy a car in my opinion!

6.4 and finally starting to feel better, taking today off of work as I want to get back to full strength, so possibly won’t go back now until Monday, feel slightly guilty, but I could only knit for a short while yesterday before my arms aches and my head hurt, I was only knitting the sleeve of a baby jumper and rarely had to look at the pattern.
Glad you’re feeling better
The Road to Wigan Pier author is George Orwell
Apologies my irony reference may have not been clear and appreciate he wrote Road to Wigan Pier as non fiction.
Appreciate the difficulties you have with cars parked on pavement obstructing your mobility and know these inconsiderate people are not always easy to have a balanced discussion with about the isssue.
A 4.5 for me today. 🙂

Great reading
Apologies my irony reference may have not been clear and appreciate he wrote Road to Wigan Pier as non fiction.
Appreciate the difficulties you have with cars parked on pavement obstructing your mobility and know these inconsiderate people are not always easy to have a 6 balanced discussion with about the isssue.
i went out and it’s been put back on but plastic is broken. Car still not moved.took video. Could have been a friendly neighbour put it back on. Their car was vandalised a few months back. Nothing to do with me lol I’ve seen women holding hands with a toddler and baby in a pram having to walk in dangerous traffic. Maybe im just not awake yet. Takes me time. I said to myself didn’t George Orwell write the road to Wigan Pier ? We must keep the Aspadistra Flying !my keyboard has gone strange lol