Group 7-day waking average?

@eggyg i'm glad Mr Eggy's eye was sorted out. Hope he feels better soon.
Thanks. He’s currently making the tea, he’s feeling better in himself, after feeling rotten after the poking about! Eye is a lot less painful thank goodness, still very blurry though, fingers crossed it’s not done too much damage.
Good evening everyone! 6'2 today.

Had a few days of thinking I will post but not posting. Don't want to make a kilometric post so here are the highlights:

-Sunday: beautiful walk near a river in Dartmoor with friends and their friends. Most Spanish, good laughs.

-Monday: second driving lesson, all in the rain (real life conditions!). Instructor said I improved a lot from the first lesson and I agree 🙂

-Tuesday: all day work, beautiful sunny day.

-Today: all day work, beautiful sunny day, got an iced latte in between shifts.

-Tomorrow: both me and my partner are off work, fingers crossed for another beautiful sunny day! Doesn't usually happen when you have time to enjoy it, tho, does it? Our plan is take the bus to Totnes and walk around there, weather permitting.
Thanks. He’s currently making the tea, he’s feeling better in himself, after feeling rotten after the poking about! Eye is a lot less painful thank goodness, still very blurry though, fingers crossed it’s not done too much damage.
It sometimes helps to rest the eyes by covering both eyes as when you move the good eye the bad eye also moves. We were taught as a first aider to cover both eyes when somebody had an eye injury to minimise damage.
I hope it soon feels easier.
It sometimes helps to rest the eyes by covering both eyes as when you move the good eye the bad eye also moves. We were taught as a first aider to cover both eyes when somebody had an eye injury to minimise damage.
I hope it soon feels easier.
He’s laid down most of the day but felt “better” so against my advice he started doing the tea. I had to finish it!
Thought it was your house! 😉
Wish it was or hopefully if I use Colin’s Maths to get say 100 HS’s in a row then it can be awarded to me.
Really hope Mr Eggy is feeling better now he has been seen and hope your wife improves Gwynn.
Congrats Colin on HS ( only another 99 to go to get my venue given to you).
Back to my quiet routine tomorrow
Good moaning! Not moaning about BG that is in range at 9.1 gut because I was woken by jolts phantom pain! :(. It's been worse since I came off Co-trimoxazole the drugvthatcreachesxpartscit shouldn't!:(

Early start for physio today but can I get another hour!

Looks misty.
Another yawning morning. Been awake since 5am. My reading then was 8.6 and rising! When I got up at 5.45am it was 7.9, when I wandered downstairs it was 7! It’s now settled on 7.4 after 6 units of bolus! So, take your pick folks!

Cold and frosty morning hovering around freezing at the moment. Looks like another half decent day ahead. Mr Eggy frustrated as heck because he can’t get into the garden or greenhouse. Fingers crossed there’s some improvement today. In the meantime I’m still wearing my chauffeur’s cap and will take him to get his hair cut this morning ( I’m also going , cut and colour day) and pop into his mother’s to deliver her Wiltshire Farm foods which usually arrive at ours at 8.30. Then we’ve got Zara and Eden for 2/3 hours this afternoon whilst daughter also goes to the hairdressers for a cut and colour. Hat trick of haircuts!

Have a splendid day.
Good morning everyone.

BG 5.1 if the meters have a wide tolerance then so should the HS, so I claim an HS this morning!

Things went unbelievably well yesterday. Keeps me confused!!! That's the nature of my wifes illness I guess. Still, I'll take a good day anytime. I think she was possibly overwhelmingly upset by our daughter shutting us out as she has and the prospect of not seeing her or her grand daughter on her birthday, Saturday or mothers on sunday.

Yesterday, in the end, I walked 185 minutes too!!!


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 7.0
Another night of scant sleep.
Email exchanges back and forth with CICA yesterday but they’ve now got my full medical records as requested.
Physio was good. He’s happy.
Popped to the GP surgery afterwards and dropped off a box of Celebrations to say thank you for the work getting the SAR done.
Morning a 7.2 today but back in normal routine of walking dogs and toast and tea.
Will go for short walk soon and a very quiet day.Hope all have a good day and various family situations improve as know it can put a burden on ourselves.
Remember how often our other family members have supported us and we are simply repaying the compliment.
Have a great day all
Morning all. :D 5.0 here.

Hubby’s still in España so I’m up a’t crack to walk the pooch. Poor dab isn’t used to being left on her own all day, but needs must. All I can do is spoil her when I’m with her (like she isn’t spoilt enough already!).