Group 7-day waking average?

We've been to York and Liverpool recently. Off to Newcastle soon. We haven't been to Chester for a while so maybe back there or Leeds/Manchester.
Afternoon all. Overcast but not as dull as it can be.

8.4 this morning first thing. Well, first thing for me. It was actually 10 am and I had slept through from 10:30 pm - if J hadn't woken me I would have continued to sleep. I tell myself that sleep is healing and I should give in to it, but like the rest of us, I feel guilty and think of all the things I could be getting done. However I feel exhausted just putting my socks on at the moment! Apart from cooking a roast dinner I am going to do nothing. Normal life can resume tomorrow!

Congratulations to @Pam123 and @Lucyr on your HSs - you luckly ladies are doing so well with them.

Have a splendid Mother's Day to all you mums.
The movie toned down the Harkonen's antics by a lot compared to the book.
I was googling after seeing the movie, to clarify a few things I didn't quite catch, and I came across some info about the books. I am curious about the rest of the story but I have a feeling those books are not my type.
I was googling after seeing the movie, to clarify a few things I didn't quite catch, and I came across some info about the books. I am curious about the rest of the story but I have a feeling those books are not my type.
After the first book (covered by the two movies) it gets weirder and weirder. TL;DR Paul is drunk with power and causes massive suffering in his quest to fulfil the destiny that the Bene Gesserit devised for him. Even shorter, there are no good guys.
Morning an 7.8 after a DP rise from about 6 overnight.
A nice w/ end and a good week ahead so looking forward to it.
Will try and get another hour’s relax listening to TV before packing my overnight bag.We are going to a big meat place tonight but have chosen the veggie option which I often prefer.
Have a good week all
Morning all. 7.3 after a wibbly wobbly night according to my Libre. Dipped to 5 at midnight and steadily rose until 3am then dipped then rose again! I can only think it’s because we ate almost two hours later than usual last night because of the visiting hordes. Or maybe it’s because I had one or four Hotel Chocolat dark chocolate and mint creams for pudding? :confused: We may never know.

Mr Eggy at eye clinic early doors today. Hopefully they’ll tell him there’s isn’t any scarring on his cornea. He drove for the first time in over a week yesterday, just to his mother’s which is barely five minutes. He said he could see the number plates of the cars in front! Well that’s ok then! 🙄 I’ll drive us to the hospital it’s the other end of town and it’ll be rush hour ( or rush 10 minutes as we call it up here!)

Have a Happy Monday.
Good morning - 6.2

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all. 10.3 after a much better day in target yesterday. It could be the tea we had or the crackers and cheese with a glass of wine, who knows.

Monday again, better get a move on.
Good moaning! An 11.1. I was having an early night last night as early doors podiatry this morning but my BG was dropping so I had a snack but it was still dropping so had some more, and when it turned around went to bed. Obviously too much and caught out by high GI supper! :(
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Good morning 7.7 today

Went for a swim and relaxed in the spa yesterday evening
Tomorrow have hospital appointment where I’m supposed to be discharged from the care of the orthopaedic department at the hospital where I had my ankle fusion surgery last May

Have a Marvellous Monday Everybody 😎
Morning all, a cheaty 5.2 here. I was 4.4 when I first woke twenty minutes ago, but it was twenty minutes before the alarm was due, so I dozed off again.
Got to get up and look lively, the plumber is coming to sort out the kitchen sink waste pipe (I hope). It’s been sluggish since we had the new kitchen fitted 5 years ago, and blocks up at the drop of a hat, (even though I am ultra careful not to let anything other than water go down it) and not even the strongest drain unblocker will clear it completely. I reckon the kitchen fitters washed some cement or something down it, which solidified and narrowed the pipe somewhere, and I need it sorted properly.
Well I got the .2 bit again but missed the 5 and got 7.2 instead

Had a hypo that stressed me out at church last night. Ate and bolused for 2 pieces of toast before I went (church is 6:30 refreshments before a 7pm service so never the right time for a proper dinner). But my bg just went straight down, my pancreas must have made the insulin to cover it and by partway through the first song not long after 7 I was low.

I ate all the fast carbs I had with me, but it was still down at 3.4 so I had to go and find some sugar sachets and down them. Even then 2 sachets wasn’t enough, there second 2 did it though.

We couldn’t find any slow carbs to follow up with and I’d only taken fast with me. I do keep plenty supplies in the car but couldn’t walk back to it. Went back into the service a while later but was still nervous as I knew the toast bolus was still working and I hadn’t made it above 5 yet.

A while later someone came and silently placed a large flapjack on the seat next to me. Honestly it must have been 60-80 carbs, I had a third and it did the trick.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5

Just spent the last hour or so sorting out the great hymn 'Thine be the Glory' for the pipe organ. It needed sorting out because my previous version seemed almost unplayable. My new version is very playable so I am very happy with it. Thankfully we live in a detached house so the neighbours won't have been bothered. I played it very quietly too.

Today I have to make beef stew. Friend is coming over for tea.

My wife had a lovely birthday and mothers day even tho there was no sign of our daughter. Children! Who'd have 'em!!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

7.7 today but that was a chocolate binge late into the evening, very stressed about logging onto work today, still don’t feel brilliant but as I don’t think I will get a doctors appointment today, feel I have no choice but to work. Still so fatigued and achy even though the sore throat and ear ache cleared up middle of last week. I know the high blood sugar no and chocolate won’t be helping.
A 5.1 for me today. It's a bit nippy this morning, but at least it's not raining. 🙂

Morning all. 6.4

News about mum. Neurologist said that she’s in no way had a seizure which is good news. She’s off to see her friendly cardiologist today. She’s been seeing him since he was a junior doctor and he’s now a professor so she trusts him.

Other than that, saw the folks yesterday to celebrate Mothering Sunday by doing another session with the Last Orders books going through catering arrangements for post funeral food and which team of caterers to call and preference for waitresses etc. All essential stuff. Also took flowers as it was Mothering Sunday after all!

Loads of stuff to do today and Flying Dutchman tonight at Covent Garden. Looking forward to it immensely.
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