Group 7-day waking average?

5.2, few alarms early morning but didn’t actually drop low. Had a great swim last night, wasn’t expecting it to feel good as it was my first time adding a weekday evening swim and I’d been tired but honestly it felt like the old me for half an hour. It was amazing and really got the endorphins going.


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Morning good folks. A very nice 5.5.

I was a complete and utter numpty yesterday morning. ( So what’s new?) My sensor was due to finish around about 11am and I knew we wouldn’t be home so I took it off whilst in the shower, about 7am, fully intending to put on a new one before leaving at 8.15 for Mr Eggy’s eye appointment. 10 minutes into the drive I realised that in the rush to get out, I hadn’t put it on! That’s ok Mr Eggy said you’ll have your meter with you, errr….no, I said. I changed handbags at the last minute and it was quite small so I only put in my Creon and NovaRapid pen! The plan had been to go into town for some bits and bobs and do a three centre food shop afterwards. As I was the designated driver, Mr Eggy’s eye was blurry after his appointment, we had to come straight home, I know BGs would be fine at that time of the day, we were out by 9.30, but couldn’t chance being out nearly all day without having the means to check. So guess who’s got the big shop to do today? I could have done it later on but I’d lost the momentum by then. Duh!!! This is when I get annoyed with diabetes! Oh, and the eye is fine, a bit of scarring which should heal within the next 2/3 months. We’re very relieved.

Have a good day.
A 5.4 for me today. 🙂

Good morning! First today! Well it is not really more interrupted sleep. I was hanging around so much yesterday I felt totally drained and went to bed just after 10:00. Woke up a little while ago feeling stressed and thirsty from a weird dream where I and my lawyer were telling the truth but the prosecution were downright lying as was there main witness, and current BG 8.4.

Good morning! Went back to a fitful sleep waking twice - about 5:30 and then around 8:00. BG 5.5 but Libre keeps losing signal.

Nothing on today but shattered after yesterday's shenanigans!

Cloudy - no change!


Wasn't feeling 100% when I got up this morning so no surprise when I saw 6.6 on the meter when I tested. Switched hands and did a second test to be sure and got the same, so I guess 6.6 it is then. I did have a bit of an upset stomach yesterday evening, though that's gone this morning. Feeling better now, having been up and about for an hour, but haven't had any breakfast yet and might end up skipping my usual Tuesday swim. Filthy day, too - it hasn't stopped raining since I got up and doesn't look like stopping anytime soon. I feel like going back to bed, having a nap and starting the day all over again.

Congrats @Lucyr on your HS

Have a good day, your weather permitting.

7.3 today, still need to rein in the evening snacking. Off to the optician today, was lucky to get a cancellation when I phoned yesterday as my right eye is not good at all, I know I have a cataract on that eye, but it has deteriorated rapidly over the weekend and I feel like I have very limited vision in the eye, want to get it checked out just in case it isn’t related to the cataract. Didn’t feel it was enough of an emergency to go to hospital as I have some vision in it.

Congratulations to @Lucyr on your HS today and @Pam123 on yesterday’s HS.
Good morning 🙂 5.9 for me today 🙂
I always mean to ask - are you an incredibly early riser or do you live in a different time zone?
6.8 this morning which is much better and yes I avoided the crisps last night - did have pastry and a small baked potato with supper so sensibly didn't cram in any more carbs. I'm seeing the DSN tomorrow at the hospital which will be good as she'll have access to my latest bloods. @eggyg I was torn between an 'Oh No!' emoji for you forgetting your sensor and a 'Yippee - LOVE' emoji for Mr Eggy's eye - I plumped for the second as thought more appropriate. Have a good day everyone - I'm putting the finishing touches to my presentation, having my nails done and soggy gardening today X
6.8 this morning which is much better and yes I avoided the crisps last night - did have pastry and a small baked potato with supper so sensibly didn't cram in any more carbs. I'm seeing the DSN tomorrow at the hospital which will be good as she'll have access to my latest bloods. @eggyg I was torn between an 'Oh No!' emoji for you forgetting your sensor and a 'Yippee - LOVE' emoji for Mr Eggy's eye - I plumped for the second as thought more appropriate. Have a good day everyone - I'm putting the finishing touches to my presentation, having my nails done and soggy gardening today X
Hope you’re doing your soggy gardening before getting your nails done!
Morning all and 5.9 for me.

A complete turnaround from the previous night three low alarms and dextrose tablets taken.

Raining for a change and the seal around the car windscreen has sprung a leak.

More keyboard practice today. Some of the new songs have quite wide stretches for someone with shirzt fingers like me. Build it up slowly.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all - nasty dull day, if it's not actually raining now, it will.

7.8 this morning. Result of a Dextro and a whole biscuit about 1:15, or just the cold and added toothache? Shocked to see 7 day TIR down to 55%. Still, I do feel less stuffed up today. Off to ring dentist.

Meantime Congrats to @Lucyr on your HS

@Grannylorraine, hope your eye is OK, do keep us up to date.

Have a good one!
Morning all

A happy 5.7 for me on yet another day pouring with rain.
Afternoon a late response from me as a busy morning but now on train.
Had my worst day in 6 months for BG levels with 2 huge carb fest meals ( know it is my fault and they were both delicious and yes it more difficult to predict levels as out in a group with buffet style array.
So my level was 8 this morning but that was with a late evening and 4am correction and twice went up to 15 and first time in 6 months recorded any time above 13.TIR was 54% at its worst and basically I was enjoying myself so much with the food I simply did not check until later as constantly with people.
Anyway one bad day will not define me but a reminder to be aware but at same time I loved the freedom of not having to check.
Anyway the meals were lovely and had a good time and plenty of days to get back on a more normal footing.
Enjoy the rest of your day.