Group 7-day waking average?


6.8 today, got tempted by the sourdough hubby brought in yesterday. Got my eye screening this afternoon, not sure how successful it will be with my cataracts, but optician said still go.

@eggyg - congratulations on your HS.
I always take the sensors and applicators out of the boxes and stuff them down a sock, or poke them into handy crevices between other things. I then flatten a box in case I need it to show security. I have never had to show anyone. As far as pills go, so long as you have your repeat prescription slips with you it's fine. Be aware that Aussie customs do not allow you to bring foodstuffs in and that includes JBs and Dextro tabs. Though I did take a good supply of Dextro tabs, I brought them to their attention and explained what they were for. I was prepared for them to take them off me but they were allowed through. I doubt JBs would be.
Thank you so much for these comments. I never gave the dextrose tablets a thought - must declare those at Sydney on the landing card declaration. I’m prepared with latest repeat prescription and letter from hospital DSN so should be ok with everything else.
Congrats @eggyg on that 5.2. 🙂

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A much better 5.5 this morning on waking, although that was with an over-correction in the night which caused a 3am hypo. Oh well, all part of the D rollercoaster!

Congratulations @Pam123 on yet another HS! Wow! You’re having a great run! Well done to @eggyg too!

@Pattidevans sorry to hear about your tooth issues! We really ought to have 3 sets of teeth now we’re all living longer, either that or teeth impervious to bacterial decay :rofl:. Hope all goes well for you.

@Grannylorraine - don’t think i’ll take you up on your offer to swap :rofl:

Take care everyone and have a good day!
@Pattidevans sorry to hear about your tooth issues! We really ought to have 3 sets of teeth now we’re all living longer, either that or teeth impervious to bacterial decay :rofl:. Hope all goes well for you.
With improvements in dental treatments the younger folk should all have wonderful teeth that last them a (longer) lifetime, but given the shortage of dentists and the difficulty in getting an appointment + only basic treatment offered, I fear we'll be a nation of toothless hags.
We had Latin Oral in the second year at grammar school. Patres mei agricolae!
I absolutely hated Latin. The Latin teacher was a miserable old g*t and I could never understand what "future pluperfect subjunctives" were.
Gratanter habemus Google Translate hodie. :D

Morning all

Another 5.1 for me on this fine dry morning.
WHAT a surprise! - Grey and wet

7.3 which is at least going in the right direction. The BGs I've seen over the past week have been horrific.

So... attending the streaming funeral this afternoon. My friend's husband rang last night to tell us that the coroner had informed him that his wife had passed away from a heart attack. I think he was relieved (as were we) that she had not had prolonged suffering.

After the funeral I have an appointment at the podiatrist. Still, my toe nails are looking a lot better after daily application of Vicks Vapour rub!

Congratulations @Pam123 and @eggyg on your HSs.

Be good all and if you can't be good, be careful!
I was trying to say "my forefathers were farmers" but may not be 100% correct. There's no Latin for insulin and Libre! :rofl:

Well done though! 🙂
I wasn't correcting you, merely guessing at what you said! I did one term of latin and then got kicked off and made to do Religious instruction instead! Hated it!
I absolutely hated Latin. The Latin teacher was a miserable old g*t and I could never understand what "future pluperfect subjunctives" were.
Gratanter habemus Google Translate hodie. :D

Other than learning glis, gliris (dormouse) I remember this nonsense rhyme :

Caesar ad sum iam forte,
Brutus et erat,
Caesar sic in omnibus,
Brutus sic in at
just a token cake really to stick a candle or two on as no one is that into cake here anymore. We are a 4-adult household after all.
Back at home we would be a 4-adult household as well, and in family birthdays can get together 12 or more adults easily, and we are all still into cake! :D
Can’t remember if I posted or not, think I was in the 7s this morning. Slept well after swim yesterday. Actually can’t remember if I posted about that either but I was so pleased with it that I will again.

I swam half a mile yesterday, 32 lengths. I used to swim a mile (64 lengths) in an hour, 1-2 times a week but we’re going back years now to before the ME/CFS. I may well pay for it tomorrow if not today, but as my primary symptom has changed back from fatigue to headaches, I had a bit of energy and have been using it on swimming. Swimming gives me that feel good energy, so I’m hoping it has a net neutralish effect on my CFS by spending some energy but then gaining some from the endorphins. I do make sure to use the jacuzzi, sauna and steam room after my swim of course, to recharge before I shower and change.

I literally have spent 2 years working on getting back into swimming. My starting point was not even being able to pack my bag or walk to the car. Then for ages I could drive there but not get out of the car and needed a nap in the car before driving home. So swimming half a mile and not feeling totally dead the next day felt a big achievement.
Other than learning glis, gliris (dormouse) I remember this nonsense rhyme :

Caesar ad sum iam forte,
Brutus et erat,
Caesar sic in omnibus,
Brutus sic in at
Our version was:
Caesar adsum iam forte
Passus sum sed Anthony :D