Group 7-day waking average?

Well done @MikeyBikey & @Grannylorraine on those 5.2s. It was a 4.5 for me this morning. 🙂
And Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all who celebrate it.
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Morning a 6.7 and again a flat line overnight.
Great Rugby yesterday and a nice trip to our favourite garden centre near Chester.
Another lunch out first and already had a coffee and toast at the old table we bought from our Sunday lunch spot just so I am in a good position to comment when my wife will definitely mention the old table is better than the new ones.
She will ask me what colour is the one we bought just to prove I noticed and normally I would get it wrong hence the extra preparation.
Plus the extra coffee and toast.
Very wet here but gradually getting better.
Zippy Jo do you have a Black Scottie as know their numbers are dwindling.
My in laws have a wheaten one after previously having a Black one.
Anyway now it is drier looking forward to getting in the garden and have the job of putting Ad Blue in the car ( hate it when the tube is leaky ).
Have a good w/ end all
PS well done on HSs and happy birthdays eternal
Morning all and 6.1 for me.

Charging port on laptop appears to have packed in. There is a bit sticking out that shouldn't be sticking out. Looks like a relatively cheap and easy repair.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all, 7.9 here.
Very cross, I bolused for OH's birthday meal yesterday evening, which involved a lemon meringue pie, and then for a large piece of his birthday Toblerone that our son gave him as a bonus extra to his main present, and was confident I’d got it right, but at bedtime Libre showed 5.1 with a downwards arrow, and I knew I’d got a couple of hours insulin left on board, so I ate two jelly babies before going to sleep. Of course, graph this morning is showing a nice flat line, no sign of being in the low 5s, and when I ate the JBs, I went up and then gradually sloped downwards. One would have been enough, possibly none at all, and the Libre was overdoing it again, but at bedtime, I’m not taking any risks with it, I need a good nights sleep! But I was cross that I'd bolused correctly for a difficult meal, and been in range all evening, then come a cropper at the final fence.
Morning all

A big surprise another 5.2, was also surprised yesterday when after eating a meal with a small amount of pasta in it that may be only rose by 2, I was expecting a lot more. A horrible grey wet day here after a lovely spring day yesterday when we got to have windows open for most of the day.

Today’s plans are to take my mum to see my son and his girlfriend’s new house and do some knitting or crotchet, I really must pick up a book and read, I haven’t read a book since before Christmas.
Congratulations, again.
Congrats to @MikeyBikey and @Grannylorraine on your HS.

Morning all. 3.9 and a small hypo a bit earlier despite 2 dextrose. It sounds like its drizzle all over the country today. Its very wet here underfoot and misty/drizzle.

I've nothing planned today apart from a bit of dusting and cleaning the bathroom. Then i shall sit and read/crochet/doze. One more week at work like @Bloden then two weeks off. I can't wait.

@Bloden and @MikeyBikey I was once asked if i'd like to go into work in the holidays to paint a room! Guess my answer.
Morning all - contrary to most of you we have some blue sky and sun (plus mainly white, clouds)

5.9 this morning. Low alarm went off at 00:41 which was hardly surprising as I had bolussed for dinner which I was unable to eat due to horrible acid indigestion which I had had all day yesterday. So went to bed with nothing in my stomach and 2.2u insulin still lurking. Put on -20% basal for 4 hours and that seemed to work.

Wish we could get into our garden, the vines need pruning, the garden arch needs replacing and all the pots and tubs need weeding, but the lawn is so wet it would be counter productive to trample all over it.

Instead we're going to sort out the last few boxes of stuff we took out of the study when we decorated and decide what to do with the contents (chuck them out I hope!).

Happy Birthday and Bon Voyage @Eternal422

Congrats to @Grannylorraine and @MikeyBikey on your HS.

Have a Super Sunday all.
Morning all, and it's raining again!

Anyway, it was a 5.6 for me earlier this morning.
just so I am in a good position to comment when my wife will definitely mention the old table is better than the new ones.
She will ask me what colour is the one we bought just to prove I noticed and normally I would get it wrong hence the extra preparation.
This (wife interrogation) must be a side effect from a diagnosis of T3c.

I had a brief TIA last week, confirmed with an MRI (fascinating how clear a little white blob was on the Consultant's laptop 20 mins later; pity the smart tech can't cut and paste that, rather than make a copy from my brain. He quizzed me on my brief symptoms and then confirmed I'd given a text book answer to explain what he saw ... !). Anyway my Omneprazole had to be changed to Lansoprazole because it clashed with a supplementary blood thinner of Clopidogrel (plus aspirin for 3 weeks as a booster). So she (the quiet one who must be obeyed) went out for the day leaving me to closely read the new medication leaflets along with the outgoing Omneprazole leaflet and to investigate the new increased risk from potassium now I am taking blood thinners. Compliance is essential - the test paper will need completing this evening, when she returns along with proof of understanding and retention of information. All that because I'd commented on a funny few minutes last Wednesday when I had a partial blindness in my left eye - inferior quadrantanopia (apparently). Oh yes and I am to have plenty of rest today - after emptying the washing machine, preparing dinner, et al.

Side effects! Who'd have them ...?
Good afternoon was 6.2 today, I've been weeding the front today, it’s not a big garden but seems to be a magnet for weeds and unwanted plants.

Hope everybody is having a Super Sunday 😎
After my breakfast bigger dipper and JB blow out my BG stabilised around 5.0 - 7.0. However, I could not face my planned breakfast. I was though in the mood at lunchtime and had it with low calorie orange squash pretending it was Buck's Fizz! A very enjoyable late, late breakfast! ;(

PS well done on HSs
This (wife interrogation) must be a side effect from a diagnosis of T3c.

I had a brief TIA last week, confirmed with an MRI (fascinating how clear a little white blob was on the Consultant's laptop 20 mins later; pity the smart tech can't cut and paste that, rather than make a copy from my brain. He quizzed me on my brief symptoms and then confirmed I'd given a text book answer to explain what he saw ... !). Anyway my Omneprazole had to be changed to Lansoprazole because it clashed with a supplementary blood thinner of Clopidogrel (plus aspirin for 3 weeks as a booster). So she (the quiet one who must be obeyed) went out for the day leaving me to closely read the new medication leaflets along with the outgoing Omneprazole leaflet and to investigate the new increased risk from potassium now I am taking blood thinners. Compliance is essential - the test paper will need completing this evening, when she returns along with proof of understanding and retention of information. All that because I'd commented on a funny few minutes last Wednesday when I had a partial blindness in my left eye - inferior quadrantanopia (apparently). Oh yes and I am to have plenty of rest today - after emptying the washing machine, preparing dinner, et al.

Side effects! Who'd have them ...?
Roland sorry to hear about your episode but pleased you got treatment quickly and come to terms with it.
Our food was lovely even if we had a wobbly table- my wife does not like new format which is a mixture of sofas and plastic tables rather than the wooden one we bought.
Our daughter works there so my wife took her comments to her so I had a free ride and enjoyed the food- I had the interrogation before the diagnosis lol.
I have been on blood thinners and Omeprazole for last 2 years post pancreatitis but no issues with them.
Surprised you have been given aspirin as well as blood thinners ( but as you say as a booster) but the Drs should know best.
Good luck with everything and I have the opposite in that I actually sell a version of Omeprazole and NSAIDs so fully understand COX pathways etc but will my wife ever believe my understanding of things - the answer is no.
She has OA and I try and explain how to help with the pain but she just dismisses my advice and follows what her friends tell her.
Anyway we are all content and having a great day.
After my breakfast bigger dipper and JB blow out my BG stabilised around 5.0 - 7.0. However, I could not face my planned breakfast. I was though in the mood at lunchtime and had it with low calorie orange squash pretending it was Buck's Fizz! A very enjoyable late, late breakfast! ;(

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