Group 7-day waking average?

3.0 on waking for me. So, breakfast without any insulin as I needed to stay high enough to drive and attend a volunteer welcome session at the Canal & River Trust, Hatton Locks this morning. My wife had a party at work, so after dropping her off I went to Hatton. Great morning which really made me feel much more positive and looking forward to retirement now. Loads of volunteering opportunities, even just on the lock keeping side (which is what we both intend doing). Signed us both up, explained we are away and won’t be able to start until May, but they really want us to volunteer and welcoming us with open arms already. It really boosted my feelings about retiring and we now have at least once thing definite to look forward to !

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS!

@ColinUK - it’s weird but at some point you become the parent. Been through the exact same thing with my parents and we did end up getting them pendants which detect falls and allow them to press for help if needed. Bit of peace of mind for us and hopefully for them too.

Hope everyone is having a good day!
3.0 on waking for me. So, breakfast without any insulin as I needed to stay high enough to drive and attend a volunteer welcome session at the Canal & River Trust, Hatton Locks this morning. My wife had a party at work, so after dropping her off I went to Hatton. Great morning which really made me feel much more positive and looking forward to retirement now. Loads of volunteering opportunities, even just on the lock keeping side (which is what we both intend doing). Signed us both up, explained we are away and won’t be able to start until May, but they really want us to volunteer and welcoming us with open arms already. It really boosted my feelings about retiring and we now have at least once thing definite to look forward to !

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS!

@ColinUK - it’s weird but at some point you become the parent. Been through the exact same thing with my parents and we did end up getting them pendants which detect falls and allow them to press for help if needed. Bit of peace of mind for us and hopefully for them too.

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Hi Tony,
Wish you both well in retirement.It is something I am giving a lot of thought to and my wife is already retired.
I can go anytime but I really enjoy my job so much but equally realise it gives you the freedom to do whatever you want.
I always said I would wake up one morning and just decide that is it but we have a w/ end away in North Yorkshire next week and that may help me decide on the timing.
Always interested in peoples story’s and some of my friends seem to be always holidaying whereas a lot of them spend their time doing stuff like DIY which is not for me.
Anyway good that you are looking forward to it and best wishes
Hi Tony,
Wish you both well in retirement.It is something I am giving a lot of thought to and my wife is already retired.
I can go anytime but I really enjoy my job so much but equally realise it gives you the freedom to do whatever you want.
I always said I would wake up one morning and just decide that is it but we have a w/ end away in North Yorkshire next week and that may help me decide on the timing.
Always interested in peoples story’s and some of my friends seem to be always holidaying whereas a lot of them spend their time doing stuff like DIY which is not for me.
Anyway good that you are looking forward to it and best wishes
I retired in 2018 when I was nearly 67, I had a job that I loved until the last few years when we had a new manager who basically bullied me. I than went back part time as part of the academic staff doing hours that I could choose for one year and that was a good wind down from working 8 am-7pm most weekdays. But then Covid hit and all the plans for doing things which we had not had opportunity to do went out the window. Then my other half has had some health issues which discourages one from planning anything. He had been retired for many years and had got used to doing his own thing so we had a few issues about me wanting him to do other stuff with me but we sorted that out OK. I do have several hobbies, making stained glass, gardening and church bell ringing.
It is a bit change to get your head around but you will know when it's time I'm sure
I retired in 2018 when I was nearly 67, I had a job that I loved until the last few years when we had a new manager who basically bullied me. I than went back part time as part of the academic staff doing hours that I could choose for one year and that was a good wind down from working 8 am-7pm most weekdays. But then Covid hit and all the plans for doing things which we had not had opportunity to do went out the window. Then my other half has had some health issues which discourages one from planning anything. He had been retired for many years and had got used to doing his own thing so we had a few issues about me wanting him to do other stuff with me but we sorted that out OK. I do have several hobbies, making stained glass, gardening and church bell ringing.
It is a bit change to get your head around but you will know when it's time I'm sure
Thanks LL,
Yes am sure the decision will make itself and then will be clear cut.
I was made redundant about 10 years ago and had a couple of years of “ retirement” and spent a lot of time in my wife’s coffee shop and just playing the stock market which is what I enjoy doing.
Yes there are meetings I go to which I could do without but most of my time is spent driving around,visiting nice places and talking to people who are nice and I have known for years.
My thoughts are to maybe have one last summer of enjoying the trips out but call it a day as the cold and the rain takes over.
Anyway nice to hear others thoughts and apologies as none of this is diabetes related
And 7.2 which I’m putting down to more meringue based dreams. No quail’s egg’s this time but a rather elaborate half pavlova, half croquembouche structure that was meant to be three stories tall instead.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.7 again decently low

Today church, exercise, light meals


Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning and a 6.1 with very flat line overnight and an early start.Unlike Colin I rarely dream so not probably due to a much less creative mind.Mind you one of first learnings from having dogs,which should not be a surprise,is they display human behaviour such as dreaming.
I like to think they are dreaming about finding a big dinosaur bone and enjoying it but reality is probably much more mundane but the way they move about and make funny noises when they are in a deep dream is dramatic.
Anyway lunch at local Craft centre and will have usual toastie and ice cream.
I know it is boring ordering same thing most times but I really enjoy it and makes me content.
Anyway whatever floats your boat etc go and enjoy it as I need something to “ recover” from the rugby result of yesterday.
When I played we always applauded the other team off the pitch and enjoyed the camaraderie of a few beers.
Well now I shout at the telly,then have chocolate and look forward to my next lunch.

No reading today as I forgot to take a pot of strips up with me. Off to get the train in a few minutes as doing the London Winter Run today, then lunch before coming home.
Good morning! A 6.8 this morning. Had some mixed up dreams about people and places where I used to work. I did trace a former colleague in the autumn but unfortunately he had died in the spring. I was told he frequently talked about that time of his life and would have loved talking to me. I lost contact in eighties but it seems it was related to a marriage split - I wonder if it was related to their daughter who I recall one could call "challenging". For one reason a fellow Type I cropped up in a multi-storey carpark. He was originally treated by Dr Robert Lawrence one of the founders of the BDA (working title Diabetes UK for reasons that seem unclear).

Foggy again!
Morning all. 🙂 6.4 here.

I managed an hour in the garden / mud slick yesterday before drizzle stopped play. I couldn’t carry on anyway cos my fav secateurs had gone AWOL and my other pair were rusted shut. I did another 20 minutes in the garden later on, until a pending hypo stopped play! 😎😛
A 5.1 for me today. 🙂
Sunday cryptic crossword awaits.

Freezing fog here first thing, but sun's out now and it's all cleared away. Hope it stays that way as I'm meeting up with friends after lunch for a long walk through an RSPB Nature Reserve just over the border in Hampshire. Looking forward to a spell of fresh air and exercise.

Daily WhatsApp video call with the family Down Under all done. They move on to their next stop in the morning.

5.4 on waking. Whatever your plans, enjoy your Sunday.
Good morning - 5.4

Have a great day everyone.
Morning all - miserable wet day.

6.5 this morning.

Last night's sausagemeat pie worked out well and very tasty. Hubby seemed to think it was 4 portions and was very shocked when I told him it was actually 8 portions according to the recipe. So there is plenty left in the fridge for a few lunches. Doing roast chicken with vermouth and roasted grapes for dinner tonight. I did it before and we loved it! Apart from that there is a pile of ironing that needs my attention, but I like to watch TV whilst I am doing it and I know there's Rugby on again and hubby will be hogging the TV. Got a lot of stuff on this week, so might as well enjoy having a rest today.

Good luck to @Grannylorraine for the London Winter Run this afternoon!

@Martin.A We did once plan to visit Rotorua, but hubby came down with food poisoning from some oysters he'd eaten in Sydney and I ended up sitting in a darkened hotel room all day nursing the invalid!

Have a lovely day all!