Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.5 at 8.30 when I woke. This is was after I spent at least two hours wide awake through the night. I very nearly got up at 4am but luckily I must have succumbed to sleep.

A beautiful sunny and frosty morning. Snow on Skiddaw, which is always lovely to see. Had planned doing nothing today expect, like @Pattidevans, make a chicken dinner. (Mine is just a common roast chicken but with my own sage and onion stuffing, plus the usual accompaniments.) But we may go for a local walk.

Zara’s birthday soft play party went really well. She thoroughly enjoyed it as did her little pals. I only got one photo but Mr Eggy got loads. Got home just after 7. Luckily, as I’m so organised, the lamb kofta curry just needed warmed up, a couple of chapatis made and the rice cooked. We were say eating it by 7.45. Which is very late for us.

@Grannylorraine good luck on your run.
@Wendal Mr Eggy spends a lot of his retirement doing DIY, which he enjoys, he is very handy as they say. Since we retired in 2017, we don’t count the first year as he was too busy having heart attacks ( four in the first four months of retiring, and he’d already had two, hence why we retired early at 57) and various procedures to deal with them, he has totally remodelled our kitchen using our existing units which he painted, and added more, he’s built two ponds with the sandstone that was lying around the garden, made five raised beds and grows lots of vegetables. Then of course last year he built ( from scratch) the lean to green house/potting shed, this week he’s fitted electricity into it. Tomorrow he’s taking delivery of two kitchen worktops which he is going to make into shelving for the greenhouse. Then it’s plumbing after that. He’s also a parish councillor, and vice chairman, external competition organiser and treasurer of his local camera club! He is never bored! And soon it’s planting time, all of June, July, August and September is taken up with gardening so we don’t holiday in those months, we go away spring, late autumn and winter. Usually walking holidays. And of course we’ve got three daughters, six grandchildren, and another on the way, they keeps us on our toes. I keep the home fires burning, although I do help with the garden, not so much the DIY though! I used to laugh when retired folks would say to me that they don’t know how they had time to go to work, but it’s true! Do it!

Have a fab day everyone.

The one photo I took. Zara with her favourite cousin Sadie. They both got the purple memo!


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5.9 for me on sensor change day and a lovely sunny start now the fog has burnt off. Even got some washing outside already!

Planning more of a relaxing day today, off to nearby Solihull to collect our tickets for the Australian holiday from the travel agents and maybe a spot of browsing around shops and I suspect a Starbucks 😉

Have a good day everyone!
Had planned doing nothing today expect, like @Pattidevans, make a chicken dinner. (Mine is just a common roast chicken but with my own sage and onion stuffing, plus the usual accompaniments.)
Nothing is common about your cooking @eggyg

Lovely photo of Zara and Sadie!
5.9 for me on sensor change day and a lovely sunny start now the fog has burnt off. Even got some washing outside already!

Planning more of a relaxing day today, off to nearby Solihull to collect our tickets for the Australian holiday from the travel agents and maybe a spot of browsing around shops and I suspect a Starbucks 😉

Have a good day everyone!
oooh er... exciting!
Good morning! 6'8 earlier today, I see my waking numbers and between meals are slightly higher than normal. Bigger rises after food too. Maybe should reintroduce a bit of Levemir?

Retirement is sounding very appealing. I'm only 40 years away from state pension age 😛 Jokes aside, my supervisors are getting on my nerves this past few days and I'm getting very tired of this shift pattern. It messes my sleep, and sleep is essential!
Morning all.7.6 for me this morning.Housework to do meat to cook for dinner then out for a good walk this afternoon.I do the house work waste of time .The dog just pulls his toys out the box and scatters everywhere the swine .Have a good day folks and stay safe
Afternoon all.

My waking bg this morning was a 5.2 - I have not had one of them for a while....
just got home from sunday lunch out, another nightmare night woke at 3.9 alarm again at 6.30 had orange juice, it was low when i went to sleep at 5 so had a couple of Jelly babies, finger prick was 4.4 so more or less the same as the Libre, woke again at 8.30 another alarm finger prick was lower so more JBs dont understand what going on. really fed up and depressed as i dont get why its changed this passed week, ive just had dinner chicken roast and chocolate browne with ice cream and wine, feeling like what the point nothing seams to be going right no matter what i do sorry for the rant xx
Good morning! 6'8 earlier today, I see my waking numbers and between meals are slightly higher than normal. Bigger rises after food too. Maybe should reintroduce a bit of Levemir?

Retirement is sounding very appealing. I'm only 40 years away from state pension age 😛 Jokes aside, my supervisors are getting on my nerves this past few days and I'm getting very tired of this shift pattern. It messes my sleep, and sleep is essential!

Crossing fingers they don't raise the state pension age further. I have been retired for a few years. Whilst I miss the challenge of the work I was doing (software for medical sensors) I do not miss the micromanagement that grew ever worse the longer I worked. On one occasion I was asked how long a software change would take and estimated about two days. They said they thought 2 - 3 hours and I asked why. The reply was they had done some programming at university (it was over 30 years previously and in BASIC). @harbottle will know what I mean! :(
(it was over 30 years previously and in BASIC).
That’s a blast from the past! Started with BASIC, then used PASCAL at uni and in my first job BASIC+2!
That’s a blast from the past! Started with BASIC, then used PASCAL at uni and in my first job BASIC+2!
Hi Mikey/Tony
I did Economics at Uni a very long time ago and had something like 4 hours of computing a week using Basic and was it Fortran 4 ??
I remember computers the size of a small house and had to punch in the coding on loads of cards and if you had a comma in the wrong place you got an error message and if you were lucky enough to do it correctly you got pages and pages of data.
I also remember starting work and doing Lotus 123 and struggling but how much simpler it seems now.
I always admired the likes of yourselves who could understand and programme computers as I did not have a clue and constantly struggled.
Hope you are feeling better Mike
Hmmm, pascal, Ada, spirit III, Assembler, Fortran 4, Cobol, even paper tape on a PDP11 and merelybswitches on the PDP 8, 6502 etc, All great fun for over 30 years.

Now I just program in Excel VBA and still find it fun.
Crossing fingers they don't raise the state pension age further. I have been retired for a few years. Whilst I miss the challenge of the work I was doing (software for medical sensors) I do not miss the micromanagement that grew ever worse the longer I worked. On one occasion I was asked how long a software change would take and estimated about two days. They said they thought 2 - 3 hours and I asked why. The reply was they had done some programming at university (it was over 30 years previously and in BASIC). @harbottle will know what I mean! :(
As we say in my country, "ignorance is bold". I am surprised how confident people can be when they don´t have a clue.

I am getting a bit of that micromanagement, and also contradictory management. Meaning different supervisors ask me to do different things at the same time and if I listen to one, the other complaints. I´d like them to discuss what they need and get to agreements, I´m not there to argue or pick sides 🙄
Morning a 7.1 for me but a Unicorn so good start to week.
Am ready to fight the diabetes fairy and see whether he/ she is going to be good or bad.
Looks a fairly straightforward week ahead with sone spare time so looking forward to finding one or two new coffee spots to visit all in the name of research.
Whatever your week I hope at the end of it you will think it was a nice one.