Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 4.8 yesterday evening it was the lowest I have ever had at 4.1

At the beginning when I was very green (not due to diabetes), I found computer programming very confusing. I was put to work learning Spirit III (the then language of the Tornado military aircraft) and Fortran IV (used for design work). It took a while to twig that you could do anything including changing the value of True and False (an ideal suited to politicians me thinks). But I am a very very logical thinker with a strange fault. I cannot resolve ambiguities of any sort. I always try to resolve them but fail every time, picking the wrong possible interpretation. This makes programming easier but life amazingly harder. You would be surprised at just how ambiguous life and the written/spoken word are. And I love solving difficult problems so programming and software design suited my little brain well. 🙂

Which is why I could work out how to play the keyboard from nothing and create a suitable (for me) notation that was both easy to read instantly (from the get go) and worked for any song/hymn I want to play. Don't get me wrong. I still had to learn all the chords and develop chord and fingering 'memory', and develop sensitivity (difficult at the start as there is so much to learn)which did take some time. But there is so much more to music and composition... the ultimate challenge?

Hence my approach to 'my' diabetes 'problem'.

Have I ever come across something that defeated me? Yes. Latin!!! Flying (I discovered that I get air sickness .. end of my desired career as an astronaut!). People (although I am better at that now).

No idea why I said all that.

Yesterday I was singing in the worship team at church and it was great. Really great. i so enjoyed it. Some exercise later too.


Today rest, some composition work on a new song, exercise and a light tea.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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5.6 after a dream about going to MacDonalds and having a Big Mac. Dream junk food doesn’t seem to cause blood sugar to go up!

I was 5.6 when I went to bed, after being a bit naughty and having a load of potatoes with tea.
Hello on this frosty morning. 6.2.

Went for a six mile walk yesterday as the weather was so lovely, blooming cold though. Back held out for three miles then I got the dreaded twinge, just slowed down and carried on ( not that I had any choice). I could feel it getting tighter and tighter, until 10 minutes from home and all of a sudden I felt it loosen! Did my stretches when I got home and then got the peas out. Fingers crossed all is well. Phew!

The roast chicken dinner nearly didn’t happen. We decided to set the automatic oven timer for it before we left for our walk. We’ve had this oven for five years and haven’t had much cause to use it ( the timer that is not the oven) so the instruction booklet came out. It’s as complicated as all that computer jargon some of you have been talking about, and even Mr Eggy wasn’t 100% sure it was right. When we got back after two hours we could hear the oven was on. Great we thought, it was just a pity the chicken was still sitting on the kitchen worktop! 🙄 Late tea last night!

A day at home today, delivery from B&Q sometime today. I’ve a mountain of ironing which includes all the kids bedding, and a tablecloth! Eugh!

Have a Happy Monday.
I'm joining Robin on the 5.5 step on this bright and dry Berkshire morning. It might be bright and dry but it's blowing a gale. Got woken up a couple of times during the night as it howled through the trees in the woods behind us. It still is. Optician's appointment this morning (09:10) and I won't drive in case they put drops in my eyes, and with no convenient bus I'm going to be blown to bits walking into town.

Talking of walks I met up with friends yesterday afternoon for a country walk and after a dry and sometimes sunny day it started to rain just as we met up in the car park. Only light rain so we set off anyway and when we were done we grabbed a coffee in the local Costa while we dried off. While we were in there the weather turned foul and we spent more time in Costa than we did walking. Afterwards an unpleasant drive home in the pouring rain. Was glad to get back indoors.

Have a good start to the week, everyone.
Hmmm, pascal, Ada, spirit III, Assembler, Fortran 4, Cobol, even paper tape on a PDP11 and merelybswitches on the PDP 8, 6502 etc, All great fun for over 30 years.

Now I just program in Excel VBA and still find it fun.
I wrote several programs using Dbase back in the 80s/90s, including one to store stats for the cricket club I played for. I still have a printout of players' averages, and of the program itself.
do different things at the same time
There’s one secretary at work that insists on things being done her way - the boss and head of admin always contradict her, which often leaves me wondering what really needs doing and when. I found out last week from another member of the admin team to “just ignore her, she’s always been a bit weird” LOL.
Your pair want to sort out their differences - it can only lead to confusion and bad customer service, that isn’t the waiting staff’s fault. I’ve seen it so many times!

Morning all. 🙂 8.4 here.

Sunshine? On a work day? That’s not fair. I could’ve done with a dry sunny day yesterday, there’s tons to do in the garden. Stupid weather...😉
7.9 currently this morning

Had a long drive on Friday / Saturday. Saw the few days old niece on Saturday and held her for a while. Took the 18 month old niece out for the day yesterday. One arm is tired from carrying her part of the walk.

Back to work today for a rest

No reading this morning, Winter Run was good, enjoyed it and felt comfortable all the route, was slightly slower than previous years, but I didn’t push myself as I have done in the past due to having a cold and I stopped to help a lady who tripped on the kerb, she was ok but I walked with her or a while just to make sure she was ok.

Like so many of you, I used to like my job, but a change of management and micromanagement makes it difficult and very stressful, as well as like most companies, cutting the staff back to the bare minimum but wanted more out of the team. Oh well only 6 years until retirement, although with some careful planning might be able to finish a bit earlier than that.
A 5.4 on the finger and a 2°C on the garden thermometer.

Morning all and 6.1 for me.

I must say I am impressed with the current appointment system for blood tests at the hospital. Arrived 9:42 out at 9:47.

Another one here who was quite glad to leave their job by because of micromanagement. At one time I would have said I had my dream job (apart from being an almost be semi legendary part time rock star) writing software testing automation programmes. It all went downhill when so called professional development leaders were brought in and systems for recording every thing you did to the minute. Glad to be out of it.

Have a good day everyone.
Hello on this frosty morning. 6.2.

Went for a six mile walk yesterday as the weather was so lovely, blooming cold though. Back held out for three miles then I got the dreaded twinge, just slowed down and carried on ( not that I had any choice). I could feel it getting tighter and tighter, until 10 minutes from home and all of a sudden I felt it loosen! Did my stretches when I got home and then got the peas out. Fingers crossed all is well. Phew!

The roast chicken dinner nearly didn’t happen. We decided to set the automatic oven timer for it before we left for our walk. We’ve had this oven for five years and haven’t had much cause to use it ( the timer that is not the oven) so the instruction booklet came out. It’s as complicated as all that computer jargon some of you have been talking about, and even Mr Eggy wasn’t 100% sure it was right. When we got back after two hours we could hear the oven was on. Great we thought, it was just a pity the chicken was still sitting on the kitchen worktop! 🙄 Late tea last night!

A day at home today, delivery from B&Q sometime today. I’ve a mountain of ironing which includes all the kids bedding, and a tablecloth! Eugh!

Have a Happy Monday.
Been there done that, plus setting the oven but not setting the temperature.
ahhhh the bullying, unpleasant, incompetent, aggressive, insensitive, impatient management ....

For many years I had a mix of very good and very bad managers. Then (the reason I retired) I had the worst of all managers. Made life intollerable. He was a miserable sod anyway. But he had a really bad attitude. 'Hate the slaves'!!! He hated everything. I moved departments immediately but things were not the same, so I left (retired). Haven't looked back since! 🙂
Morning all

It's a 6.5 for me on this sunny, but with a very cold wind blowing, no bike ride if that keeps up.

Have a good day folks and stay warm.
So close with a 5.1 this morning!

Those still working - look away now . . . My last Monday at work! Still a bit scary, but looking forward to the new chapter now!

Take care everyone!