Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all - bright and sunny but OMG that wind is vicious. Kept us awake a fair bit of the night and our house is in a sheltered position. I'd not want to be one of the houses right on the sea!

6.1 this morning with a flatfish. Had roast Jerusalem artichokes instead of potatoes last night and barely a blip on the BG.

Nothing much on today but a pile of ironing I didn't even try to do yesterday.

My last job was 15 hours p/t in one department then 15 hours in a different one, though I was supposed to be semi-retired. My manager in the "downstairs" job micromanaged me to a terrible degree, but was totally incompetent herself. Her nickname amongst the staff was "Teflon" because whatever she did wrong nothing stuck. After having run 2 of my own businesses and being deputy in a million pound charity I was used to being left to get on with things, not having someone sitting on my shoulder. I only stuck it for a matter of weeks.

@Elenka_HM micromanaging is a form of bullying. It may be worth mentioning to your managers. Everyone is terrified of being accused of bullying these days.

@eggyg Julian and I laughed like drains re your chicken. We've done the same thing twice!

@Grannylorraine well done on the London run.

Welcome to the thread @cc61

Happy Monday everyone.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9

Lazy day yesterday. Hardly any exercise! I was tired ... and excuses, excuses ... I think it's ok to have a rest day now and then.

Today cracking on with the new song composition, trying to get the violin part nailed (although I'm not sure putting a nail in a violin will do it any good). M&S cod in beer batter for tea tonight, yessss! Friend coming over for tea (after we have done some better exercise).

I really think I have an addiction to raspberries and strawberries (and bananas). I just love them and have them every day. I can't seem to go past M&S with out buying some (and then eating them when I get home).


Aghhhhh!!!! 🙂

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Good morning - 6.0

Have a great day everyone.
Morning a 6.5 for me after a more disturbed night but taken dogs out so settling down to a cup of tea and maybe another hour lie down before facing the day.
Another Unicorn so getting some consistency and find it much easier to do more exercise when cold rather than wet.
Stay warm and keep safe.
6.8 and it’s mum’s turn in hospital. She went for her GP appointment following on from last week and they packed her off to A&E for cardio and neurology tests. From what I can gather they did lots of cardiology related tests and no neurology related ones.
Again, as far as I know she was kept in overnight. I’m waiting for updates.
Good morning. 6.8 on this new, but contrary, sensor. It was playing silly beggers all day yesterday, alarm went off just before tea, 3.3! I knew I wasn’t as I can’t usually speak when I’m that low. Meter 6.7! Kept checking all night, bedtime 5,7 arrow down, meter 9! Was expecting a night of low alarms but it didn’t happen and seems to have sorted itself out this morning. Fingers crossed. Haven’t had one like that for a very long time.

Nothing exciting going on today. Mr Eggy is cracking on with the shelves for the greenhouse, I think I’ll bake a gingerbread for visitors on Thursday, it’ll be nice and sticky by then. I am also making cheese and onion pasties. One each for tea and some for the freezer.

Have a good day. After two lovely frosty starts, today is dull and forecast rain.
Morning all, 6.1 here. Had a disturbed night, my own fault, woke up at 2am and realised kids would be in a transit loung in AbuDhabi on their way back from Sydney, so checked for messages and ended up having an imessage conversation with daughter. Got to go and pick them up at Heathrow later, if I can raise a mortgage for the car parking fee. (I know you can pick up free of charge from the long term car park, but I haven’t the heart to tell them to get on a shuttle bus after 24hrs of travel).
6.8 and it’s mum’s turn in hospital. She went for her GP appointment following on from last week and they packed her off to A&E for cardio and neurology tests. From what I can gather they did lots of cardiology related tests and no neurology related ones.
Again, as far as I know she was kept in overnight. I’m waiting for updates.
They’re taking it seriously then. Wonder if they think she’s had a TIA or suchlike? Fingers crossed all is well and it was a one off.
They’re taking it seriously then. Wonder if they think she’s had a TIA or suchlike? Fingers crossed all is well and it was a one off.
I think they’d take it seriously because she’s got heart issues as well as a history of TIA’s plus a couple of small strokes that were as a result of ablations dislodging plaque (or the veinous equivalent). Also she’s almost 82 so you’d hope they’d take any loss of consciousness seriously.
I’m worried how it’s going to impact dad too of course. He’s far from recovered from his TBI.
Morning folks. 🙂 6.1 here.

Things to do, people to teach...then I get to be the student from 6-8 in Welsh class. I like Tuesdays cos I know I can done get what needs to be got done...Wednesdays and Thursdays are a different matter altogether! Enjoy your last Monday at the grindstone @Eternal422. :D

8.4 this morning but to be fair I expect double figures of more as after an awful day at work my only food all day consisted on a large bat of dairy milk and 1/2 packet of digestive biscuits. I was super stressed and actually wonder if although I call it comfort eating, the fact that I don’t care at that moment about the effect it will have on my D if it is also a form of self harm. Anyway onky today to get through then off for 3 days.

@ColinUK - sorry to hear about your mum, hope she is not in hospital long, Also worrying as dad is replying on mum.

@Eternal422 - I would like to say that I am not jealous of your impending retirement, but I am, hope you really enjoy it and the freedom of not being part of the daily grind.
A 4.7 for me today.🙂

Good morning! Stayed just under the red all night and woke to a 9.7.;It was a tricky one as I felt nauseous again and couldn't eat so dropped the bolus and reduced the basal. Feel OK this morning. Puzzling?!

I have five important emails to send later. One is very frustrating as the person (with common sense) has passed me on to someone without any. Why are the number of stupid people continually going up?!

Overcast with light mist
5.7 on a cold Berkshire morning, but the light frost has cleared already and there was no sign of the fog they'd forecast. Glad that wind has gone - it was a cold day yesterday anyway, with the wind chill making it feel even worse.

Family have arrived safely in Wellington ready for their crossing to South Island on the ferry tomorrow morning. They have an early one - 08:45 their time (19:45 tonight here) and have to check in 70 minutes beforehand, so an early start but only a 2-hour drive to their hotel the other end. Their road trips will be a lot more scenic from then on.

Tuesday so will be heading to the pool for my regular swim later and will probably have lunch in town.

@ColinUK - sorry to hear about your mum

@Eternal422 - enjoy your upcoming retirement. It'll feel like a holiday at first but after a while you'll wonder how you ever found time to fit in a job. At least that's how it's been for me.

Have a good day, everyone.