Group 7-day waking average?

5.4 for me today. 🙂


6.5 so an improvement.

Work based rant coming up so please feel free to scroll over, I just need to get it out as despite not working today to bake my mum an afternoon tea for tomorrow, am sitting here shaking still.

I know I am admin not technical, but I am so fed up of them making mistakes and because we work in a blame culture, they blame me and my colleague and copy senior management in who just assume they are telling the truth, yesterday’s incident was a complete lie by this person as I do not even have the access level needed in the system to do what he said I had done, strange thing when I pointed that out to all the senior management, their answer was oh well it is sorted now, all I want is an acknowledgement that it was not my mistake, so the technical person makes a mistake and them publicly blames someone else and it just gets swept under the carpet. It makes me feel that as we are admin it is ok to blame us even when it is not our mistake, and that as admin we don’t deserve an apology and quite frankly makes me feel worthless at work.
5.3 on this fine and dry morning so looks like a good day for my planned visit to the Didcot Railway Centre. Haven't been for a few years so want to see what they've been up to since. Only question is whether I take the train, as the Centre is right next to Didcot Parkway station, or drive. Train makes sense but my day is then governed by the railway timetable, whereas the car would give me more flexibility.

Linked up with the family on WhatsApp earlier. They've now crossed over to NZ South Island on the ferry and in the morning they'll be heading off on the long drive down to glacier country. Raining again when they left Wellington but fine and dry when they got to the other side. I've been to Sydney and NZ twice, in '93 and '97, and don't remember either being as wet as they are at the moment. No doubt it's climate change to blame.

Might eat out tonight as our local Chef & Brewer are running a midweek special offer promotion and they do one of my favourite dishes - Hunter's Chicken (or Smothered Chicken as their menu calls it).

Hope everyone has a good day. Congrats @Pam123 on your HS.
Well done @Pam123 on your House Special.

Morning all and 4.8 for me.

Forgot my morning basal yesterday but regular top ups of Novo rapid throughout the day did the trick.

Need to edit some tracks we recorded last night. Apart from that I think the supermarket beckons.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all

It's a happy 5.6 for me on this fine morning.
Good morning all, 5.7 on my penultimate work day 😉

Congratulations @Pam123 on your HS today!

@ColinUK - sorry to hear about your mum, but at least she’s getting a thorough medical work up.

Take care everyone!
Ambulance finally arrived 11:10 after being told in was on its way and had left X at 9:50 am. It's about a 25 (15 minutes in my Triton days) minute journey. I asked the crew why it took so long and it turned out they had to go via Y nearly equidistant in the opposite directly. Have been seen but no appointments available in three weeks time for weekly dressings change! That's worrying after last district nurse doing it incorrectly! :(
Afternoon all - weather is more of the same, wet and horrible.

7.5 this morning, probably a result of the 2am alarm, the Dextro and a whole stem ginger cookie.

Have been up and about for hours and hours, but had no time to post. Collected my hearing aids this morning.... ooh er, tell yer mum! Never realised how loud some things are. Typing on this keyboard for a start! Have kept telling Julian to stop shouting all day. Then we had to do a grocery shop and didn't get back till 1:30 so by the time I'd cooked us cheesy scrambled, toast and bacon it somehow became 2:30 and then I had to ring the GP as I have broken out in Rosacea all over my face. Ughhhh

@ColinUK how is your mum now? Any news?

@Pam123 congratulations on achieving a hard won 5.2 HS.

Off to the local late afternoon as always on a Weds to see our regular bunch of friends there.

Have a good day folks, what's left of it!
Mum’s home. More referrals to cardiology and neurology. No trace of any brain issues. No additional cardiology issues that they can see or find.
Her blood pressure is now pretty much always >200 over whatever and that’s with her BP meds. (Normal for her is pretty much 180: so yes it’s higher than normal but…)
Lots of follow up appointments coming along over the next few weeks we expect with more trips to both cardiology and neurology to see if there’s anything definitive they can find.

Tomorrow I’m taking them both to see King & I, assuming that they’re up for it. I’ve booked a zipcar so will go and collect them, park as close to the theatre as possible and take them home afterwards.

It’s partly for mum’s birthday in a couple of weeks but also as recompense for forcing them to sit through La Traviata!
hi all my morning numbers for the last few days have all been around 4-5 with one excursion into the red zone 3.2 briefly. It seems the following pattern works out well:

1. basal around midnight, no matter what time "bedtime" is (might be 10am for example)
2. a couple of units rapid when waking up, then morning breakfast bolus as usual - this keeps it in the green zone (have mine set to 3.9-8mmol). Sleep is 6-6 1/2 hrs.

a big thank you to all who suggested taking basal at night/before bed. It has the effect of not making the overnight low as low as otherwise. I wonder what causes the effect of the cause of the effect of the cause of the effect of the as these things always are with this condition