Group 7-day waking average?

Good moaning! An 11.3! Was ticking along at what looks like 7.0 - 7.5 till about 2:30 when it started climbing rapidly before I woke with the worse phantom pain in a few weeks. Reckon the adrenalin from the pain caused a liver dump! :( Having a cuppa whilst waiting for the ;pain relief to kick in.

Main thing today is to contact consultant/GP about the antibiotic's, Co-trimoxazole, awful side effects.

To dark to check weather but no rain on kitchen window!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

Walked for England yesterday. First walk was bitterly cold. Not nice. The third walk in the late afternoon was quite warm.

Today no real plans. Some keyboard practice. Some composition. Cauliflower cheese for tea. A little exercise late this afternoon.

It must have been raining quite heavily last night as there is a large lake outside our house. The lake lives there about 250 days of the year. No one seems to care enough to sort out the problem. Sigh.

I would put in an online shop except that one main item is 'out of stock' and has been for days. No alternative too, unless you double the price!!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 4.7

Have a great say everyone.
Good Leap Day Morning one and all!

As it’s traditional to turn things on their heads today I’ve captured the diabetes fairy and have taken a reading of her levels. She protested a bit but settled when I showed her she’d got a 5.2 - which any other day would be ideal but today, being Leap Day, is the worst possible reading anyone could have be they human or fairy I pointed out to her.
She’s now whimpering in the corner begging for cake.

My numbers this morning were a perfectly pedestrian 7.2

Looking forward to King & I this afternoon and getting to know the court of the King of Siam.
Morning folks. I’m on the Clickety Click step with @Northerner.

@ColinUK it’s an old school friend’s birthday today, she’s 16! I think 29th February should be a Bank Holiday, we manage the other years without it, the country won’t grind to a halt. 😉

We’ve an hour’s babysitting this morning whilst Zara goes for her swimming lesson. This week Eden is coming to ours, we ended up £54 poorer last week with meeting at the pool. £44 in the cafe and £10 in the butchers/deli! Plus, it’s warmer here, that cafe was draughty, the whole place used to be a barn, and the baby changing facilities weren’t brilliant. The food’s better here too, although I haven’t a clue what I’m feeding them when they return. Soup and a sarnie maybe? And of course my now sticky gingerbread I made on Tuesday.

Bit meh here. Yesterday turned out not to be too bad and I did an hour’s gardening without too much back twinging. Things are definitely looking up.

Have a grand day.
Morning a 6.7 today and a busy day for once this week.
Have my boss out with me today ( I used to be her boss so we get along fine) and she has said she may ask the big question being a leap day.
I said OK to save us both being locked up for bigamy I will only respond to what flavour ice cream I have as we are at seaside.
Then off on our mini break in North Yorkshire so plenty going on.
Have a good leap day all
Morning all, 7.4 here, dropped a half unit off my basal because I was scraping the top of the red for a few mornings this week.
The cat is still in residence. Things didn’t go to plan yesterday evening, and she refused to get into her cat carrier! I’ve obviously given her too good a time here. (She has arthritis and neuropathy in her spine, and can’t be picked up, well, in extremis we’d have to arm ourselves with gardening gloves and a towel, but we haven’t got to that stage yet) so it’s a question of tempting her in with treats. Will try again today.
7.6, between having a dog to mind, the hospital visits of someone else and having had a headache all week I’m fairly knackered today. Booked tomorrow off at least.
with gardening gloves and a towel,
I first read that as “gardening gloves and a trowel”! In my long sighted defence, those two would normally go together!
I visualised you scooping her up with an extra large trowel! Hope you manage to entice her in or you may have an extra resident for longer than you’d hoped!
A 4.7 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning all - been AWOL for my mini break down in Oxfordshire/Buckinghamshire (actually not AWOL as I think I did ask permission last week). Had a lovely time and my blood sugars were good because I couldn't snack in the evenings! 7.1 this morning and got a day of gardening ahead but it's bitterly cold out there. Have a good one xxx

5.8 and feel rubbish, have an appointment with the doctor this morning, as yesterday my depression and work stress was so debilitating that I didn’t bake mum a cake for her birthday, I will have to go to Sainsbury’s this morning and buy her one.
5.5 on a rather grey and wet Berkshire morning, with more rain forecast. Had a day out yesterday at the Didcot Railway Centre, although it was a bit quiet with not much going on and most of the people there were probably one-time trainspotters around my age (I was one, too) reliving the days of steam. Bunch of kids on a school trip turned up at lunchtime which made it a bit busier. Only one engine in steam, the rest silent. Shame - steam engines that have steam up always sound and smell alive even when at rest.

Usual link-up with the family in NZ on WhatsApp earlier. They've arrived in glacier country after an 8-hour journey down the west coast of South Island and will be there for a couple of nights, taking in both glaciers.

Thursday swim later, then a bit of shopping and some housework. I'm keeping the place tidy as there's just me here but it still needs hoovering, dusting and polishing.

Have a good day, weather permitting.
Good moaning! An 11.3! Was ticking along at what looks like 7.0 - 7.5 till about 2:30 when it started climbing rapidly before I woke with the worse phantom pain in a few weeks. Reckon the adrenalin from the pain caused a liver dump! :( Having a cuppa whilst waiting for the ;pain relief to kick in.

Main thing today is to contact consultant/GP about the antibiotic's, Co-trimoxazole, awful side effects.

To dark to check weather but no rain on kitchen window!

I got back to sleep but when I woke at 7:30 it had risen to 15.1. So it was my normal insulin +5u Actrapid and an extra wait before breakfast! :(
Morning all.4.9 for me this morning.Nose still running like a tap .Shares in Kleenex must be heading up . Starting my fourth box now I know I have a big head but there isn't that much water in keilder reservoir Still there's worse things you can have .Get out in fresh air .Let nature take its course . Stay safe people