Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone
A horrible morning here, pouring with rain since I woke up and still is. Anyway it was another
lowly 4.6 for me.
Have a good day folks and stay safe.
Good day, my dears! 5'4 for the second day in a row, yay! Nice to see 5s back in the reader.

Guess who came to the hotel for 12+ hours of work (potentially intense) on just 3 hours of sleep? To be realistic, the best I could expect last night was around 5 hours, but I made it worse by falling in the Youtube Shorts rabbit hole. Bit of self sabotage there. I've been snacking all morning at work and probably will pick some leftovers from a wake afternoon tea we are serving later, but I'm giving myself grace. Tomorrow I am off and will have the chance to catch up on sleep and stock the fridge with healthier options. There's not much in there at all, healthy or otherwise!

I brought some Diet Coke for a bit of caffeine and the supervisor was telling me off for drinking it being diabetic. I pointed out it's the sugar free version and she still insisted "it's the worst you can take". Could say it's okay for diabetics to drink diet drinks in moderation (like for everyone), could even mention full sugar coke is a good hypo treatment for many people. What I did was let it come in one ear and out of the other, cause sometimes, you don't have the energy or inclination to argue.
Oh, got an email yesterday from that job I did the "informal" interview for. They didn't select me, which is not good news, but I appreciate they informed me so quick and I didn't have to spend weeks wondering. They were quite nice so I'd like to send an email back to say thank you. Would you ask for feedback or better leave it at that?

On more positive things, my partner is back from his country and brought me a piece of cake that his mum baked and a bar of chocolate. How did he know the treats drawer was almost empty? 😉
Afternoon (again!) - yet another miserable day!

5.7 with a flat line overnight, but the sensor only started at 11:30 last night and I haven't had a chance to check it with a FP as yet.

Not much on today - bit of cooking and a bit more sorting out in the study. I've got 2 boxes holding a couple of hundred pens which were purchased to advertise the DSF forum, which of course is no longer. Some of the pens work, some don't. Any suggestions of what to do with them? Seriously, I am reluctant to just throw them away, but probably that's the only thing to do with them.

@ColinUK pleased to hear mum is out. Fingers crossed for the ongoing investigations.

@Elenka_HM do ask for feedback, if you can get it then it can be invaluable.

Have a good day all.
3.7 then 4.3 fotf. 4.7 before breakfast, 5.0 after that. 5.0 to 5.6 these last few hrs
Morning all.4.9 for me this morning.Nose still running like a tap .Shares in Kleenex must be heading up . Starting my fourth box now I know I have a big head but there isn't that much water in keilder reservoir Still there's worse things you can have .Get out in fresh air .Let nature take its course . Stay safe people
I did a geography project there years ago for university. Riding Mill and Broomhaugh near there?
She is an expert????
She clearly believes she is, but as far as I know, she is not qualified 🙄

I don't think she is the type of person who would listen and potentially change her mind, she is more the type to talk all over you. So I don't waste my time. Just wish I felt comfortable telling her to...err... politely go mind her business.

5.8 and feel rubbish, have an appointment with the doctor this morning, as yesterday my depression and work stress was so debilitating that I didn’t bake mum a cake for her birthday, I will have to go to Sainsbury’s this morning and buy her one.
@Grannylorraine hi you mentioned you used to do SlimmingWorld. Are you still doing it and if not what are you doing now. I hope you don’t mind me asking. I hope you feel better soon and happy birthday to your mum x
I brought some Diet Coke for a bit of caffeine and the supervisor was telling me off for drinking it being diabetic. I pointed out it's the sugar free version and she still insisted "it's the worst you can take". Could say it's okay for diabetics to drink diet drinks in moderation (like for everyone), could even mention full sugar coke is a good hypo treatment for many people. What I did was let it come in one ear and out of the other, cause sometimes, you don't have the energy or inclination to argue.
why are people like this. why do they think it's their business, and what do they think makes them a flippin expert. I mean there's always been ppl like this but why is it now so prevalent. it's just rude!
Good day, my dears! 5'4 for the second day in a row, yay! Nice to see 5s back in the reader.

Guess who came to the hotel for 12+ hours of work (potentially intense) on just 3 hours of sleep? To be realistic, the best I could expect last night was around 5 hours, but I made it worse by falling in the Youtube Shorts rabbit hole. Bit of self sabotage there. I've been snacking all morning at work and probably will pick some leftovers from a wake afternoon tea we are serving later, but I'm giving myself grace. Tomorrow I am off and will have the chance to catch up on sleep and stock the fridge with healthier options. There's not much in there at all, healthy or otherwise!

I brought some Diet Coke for a bit of caffeine and the supervisor was telling me off for drinking it being diabetic. I pointed out it's the sugar free version and she still insisted "it's the worst you can take". Could say it's okay for diabetics to drink diet drinks in moderation (like for everyone), could even mention full sugar coke is a good hypo treatment for many people. What I did was let it come in one ear and out of the other, cause sometimes, you don't have the energy or inclination to argue.
I’m currently sitting drinking my second can of Diet Coke today. It’ll also be my last ( of the day, not ever, I’m an addict!) some folks, jeez Louise as Zara would say, they need to just butt out sometimes. If it was that bad for us they wouldn’t still be selling it. Everything in moderation is my mantra.
I’m currently sitting drinking my second can of Diet Coke today. It’ll also be my last ( of the day, not ever, I’m an addict!) some folks, jeez Louise as Zara would say, they need to just butt out sometimes. If it was that bad for us they wouldn’t still be selling it. Everything in moderation is my mantra.
I wasn't fussed about any type of Coke before diabetes, always preferred juice, Nestea and the like. I grew to appreciate Diet Coke after diagnosis, as this was often the only sugar free choice available when I went out (either that or weak squash+soda). Also works well as a mixer when I want alcohol, where previously I would go for fruity cocktails. Okay, I confess sometimes I make an exception with cocktails, I tell myself the alcohol and dancing compensate the sugars... 😛
Haven't been "out out" in a while tho, so sticking to the good old Diet Coke!

PS: I don't know where my supervisor gets the idea that it is so bad, but it surely can't be about the sweeteners. I've seen that woman pouring FOUR sachets of sweetener in a single coffee. Not judging her, just shocked because I once tried a coffee with half a sachet and was almost too sickly for me!

Was quite the chilled trip out with the folks yesterday. Mum loved The King & I. Dad thought it was visually disappointing (as in expected sumptuous sets) with good performances. I thought it was entertaining but agreed with dad on the sets as they really were quite cheap looking.
It was fun though 🙂
Went to a 24hr restaurant just over the road from the Dominion Theatre for supper (halloumi fries and a chicken Caesar salad) before driving them back home.

@Grannylorraine how are you feeling this morning?