Group 7-day waking average?

5.1 for me weather is terrible just at the gym well Sat in the car after doing a quick shop hubby goes 5 days a week I'm hoping to start again soon if my dodgy hip will hold up having a roast beef dinner this evening it's just the weather for it hope everyone has a good day
Well, what a whirlwind this week has been! Last day of work yesterday which was very emotional. Didn’t realise how much I was thought of by so many people! Lovely to hear via Teams, emails and personal calls as well how much they thought of me. Lovely feeling and nice to know that I did some good and helped lots of people.

Turning my work laptop off for the last time yesterday felt really weird. After taking it back into the office I went to a local pub and met up with quite a lot of people for a send off. Then on to my wife’s final leaving do for the rest of the night. Great music and people who very obviously thought so much of my wife and amazing to hear of how many young lives she has cared for over the years (she is/was a manager of a care home for disabled children and worked for over 43 years).

Anyway, first day of retirement and still feeling a bit numb. I don’t think it will sink in until we’re back from Australia and try to find our new routine.

Anyway, 6.4 this morning after trying to fight some lows yesterday evening so that I could drive us back home! Not helped by me forgetting my Levemir the night before and only realising at around 3am when I woke up, so ended up taking it a lot later than normal!

Congratulations @Gwynn and @harbottle on your HS today!

Haven’t really caught up with posts on here yet, but for those struggling or ill in anyway, sending hugs.

Take care everyone and have a good Friday!
It was 9 this morning. Back home now had a lovely few days away with my niece and nephew and other family. Been a bit of rollercoaster blood sugar wise because obviously you cant Predict a 2 and 5 year old(as well the fact I hadn't known the exact carb count for alot of my food) but worth it
Anyway off to Harrogate later so will drop 2 dogs off and take other one with us for a lovely Spring break.
My employer has a nice scheme whereby they give your £300 to spend on your “ wellbeing” so basically you can spend it on anything so that will pay for sone of our break so happy days.
We had a super stay in Harrogate in September last. It's a lovely town. We had some fabulous meals, in particular I mention William & Victoria wine bar, The Fat Badger and The Ivy.
Hi everyone. It was 10 point something this morning, quickly dropping then a couple of hypos through the day. Levels have been very up and down lately, mainly caused by stress with work, looking after mum, issues with carers and trying to sort out mum's meds with pharmacist as the hospital hadn't given details to the surgery properly and couldn't look up anything because of doctors strikes. Its all been completely draining.

I've tried to skip through everyone's posts. Congratulations to any HSers.

@ColinUK hope your mum is doing ok.

@Grannylorraine i spoke to a counsellor a couple of years ago. It was one of the best things i did, it really helped. I hope you're ok.

@Eternal422 happy retirement! I have to say, i'm a bit jealous.
@Grannylorraine as you know I’m a huge advocate of talking therapy of any description. And in addition to the counsellor or therapist you end up talking with on the NHS remember that we’re here for you as well. That’s both on the forum and by private message.

@Pattidevans Doxy’s one powerful antibiotic. I’ve been on it a while now (approaching the end of 12 weeks) but it’s cleared up my skin issues pretty much totally. It can wreck your gut biome though so I suggest looking at a decent probiotic (I opted for Bio-kult Boosted).
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0

BP nice and low, consistent now too 109/72
Pulse is critically low at 49 but the doctor/consultant isn't concerned that it gets so low
Oxy is 97% which is good
Energy/feeling just fine too. No aches or pains.

Weight has hit my first intermediate goal 72Kg (lost 100g yesterday ... every little helps). 2 Kg to go to my set goal.


Went for a decent walk yesterday 113 minutes. managed to avoid the rain. Today I'd better get out there and not spoil the progress I am making. At least it's not raining and its not windy.

Lots of keyboard practice today with a formal (?) Practice at the church tonight. Playing tomorrow.

I have been watching some UTube videos about people who ate or drank daft (or mistaken) things and the effect they had on them. Some scary stuff!!! Some sad stuff too.

Sainsburys order being delivered later on this evening.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

Not the best of days yesterday. I think it was payback for Thursday and playing parent all day to my parents.

Undecided what to do today but fancy getting up to mischief so who knows what will unfold!

6.7 today which is good considering what I ate. Did manage to make my friend a cake for her baby shower afternoon tea, it isn’t really a baby shower but more a chance to get all the ladies together before she has her baby which has been a long and difficult road for her. Still got the scones to bake they are all mixed ready but wanted to bake them fresh this morning.

@ColinUK - thank you for your lovely comment, time to start fixing a coffee date or even a London Spring meet up. Whatever mischief you get up to, I look forward to reading about it.

Hope some of you are seeing the sun, grey and raining in deepest darkest Essex.
Good morning! The correct mantissa but the wro0ng fractional part for a HS at 5.0. With FOTF it went to 4.2 then 3,9 so I had a couple of Biscoff with a coffee and now a steady 4.4.

Grey, wet and windy again! 🙂 Although I am not going out if it stops I cannot even have a spin in the car park as the people at Wheelchair Services have replaced my wheels with pneumatic tyres with solid ones that have zero wet grip (the rubber feels more like hard plastic) and I cannot get up the gentle slope out side the building . The reason was they said I had too many punctures but as I rarely go out bear medical appointments I blame the cheapo rubbish inner tubes they use - one had actually perished and another the valve unglued from the inner! I offered to buy puncture proof inner tubes but was told that was not allowed for H&S. Absolutely pathetic!
Morning all, 5.4 here, a glass of red wine in the evening keeps the Dawn effect away.
Went out for a ride with a couple of others from the stables yesterday. Five minutes in, we were riding into the teeth of a gale with hail blowing sideways. Next five minutes, we turned the corner, the hail stopped, the sun emerged, and there were larks twittering away above the field. (Luckily we got back to the yard before the next hailstorm)
It's a round 5 for me this am. 🙂

7.4 this morning, which isn’t bad considering yesterday I got a reverse unicorn (is that a nrocinu?), I.e. my BG wasn’t in the green in range band on the chart at all😱 Sadly it was above it most of the day! @Gwynn, @ColinUK - I’m expecting a picture of reverse unicorn from one of you :rofl:

Oh well, today’s another day as they say.

Lazy day today with a lovely meal out planned tonight with family and friends to celebrate our retirement.

Take care everyone!
At the risk of sounding like a broken record it's another thoroughly wet start to the day here in Berkshire. March continuing where February left off. BBC says February set records for temperature and rainfall, especially down here in the South. I can well believe it.

Feeling better this morning after my IBS flared up yesterday. Had a feeling it was coming on when I turned in Thursday night and I had such an uncomfortable night that my waking reading yesterday was actually taken at 03:56, after I'd got up to make a cuppa and grab a handful of nuts. Got a 5.9 this morning at my usual time.

WhatsApp video call with the family a short while ago. They've arrived safely in Queenstown and will be there for 3 nights before starting their final leg to Christchurch.

@Eternal422 - welcome to the club..!

Enjoy the start to the weekend.