Group 7-day waking average?

7.4 this morning, which isn’t bad considering yesterday I got a reverse unicorn (is that a nrocinu?), I.e. my BG wasn’t in the green in range band on the chart at all😱 Sadly it was above it most of the day! @Gwynn, @ColinUK - I’m expecting a picture of reverse unicorn from one of you :rofl:

Oh well, today’s another day as they say.

Lazy day today with a lovely meal out planned tonight with family and friends to celebrate our retirement.

Take care everyone!
Can they even drive??!
Afternoon all! I’ve just got out of my pit, oh the shame. 5.4 when I woke at 8.40. I did first wake at 6 am with the mother of all neck/head aches. Had some ibuprofen and went back to bed fully expecting to not get back to sleep. But I obviously did, still slight headache so I’ve taken two paracetamol. Lovely morning and I suspect it was frosty as only just over 1c now. Forecast light rain later, it was torrential yesterday afternoon and evening. I can quite believe it’s been the wettest February for many a year. Fingers crossed March goes a wee bit better.

Nothing planned except a bit of cooking. I’ve had a really lazy week and it’s been nice for a change. I’ve hardly left the house, Aldi and the garden is the furthest I’ve been. Today probably won’t be any different!

Have a super Saturday, can’t believe it’s the weekend again!
Good morning
a late wake up to 9.0 on the nose today

have a Superb Saturday 😎
i didn't post when i got this morning because i pretty much just left the house as soon as i got up. i had interveiw this morning at 9am and needied to get a train 7.24 AS thats how the trains work.but got the the job. i think i was 9 this morning
And a happy 5.7 for me today and it's still raining here - will it ever stop?

Have a good day folks.
Afternoon all - sunny but with some black clouds in parts.

8.4 this morning when I woke at 10:20. Had a very late night last night and ate all manner of things that I had to guess at, including lemon tart.

Not doing much today, have just had potato wedges, ham and egg for lunch as I was starving. Cooking Hunter's pie later - that's venison mince cottage pie, with mashed celeriac topping.
@Pattidevans Doxy’s one powerful antibiotic. I’ve been on it a while now (approaching the end of 12 weeks) but it’s cleared up my skin issues pretty much totally. It can wreck your gut biome though so I suggest looking at a decent probiotic (I opted for Bio-kult Boosted).
Do you mind me asking where you get that @ColinUK ?

@rayray119 congratulations on getting the job.

Have a good day all.
Hi everyone! 6'2 this morning.

Worrying about DVLA stuff, I updated the relevant thread. Also in the overthinking menu today is another interesting job offer, where the application requires writing a supporting statement. It is related to diabetes research so I will shamelessly use my own diabetes to justify my interest, which is actually true (if that works against me in the selection, I clearly wouldn't want to work for them).

Another situation at work where I thought a supervisor should go mind her own business. Different supervisor than the Diet Coke. This time was because she said something about tomorrow and I clarified I am actually not working. She said "WTF" and shouted at the top supervisor "why you give Elena off tomorrow??". She asked if I would like to come for an extra shift and I said no, I have plans. She started questioning me on this. "Come on, no one has plans on a Sunday morning!" (???) And later "What plan is it, a date? No one is getting up early on a Sunday for a date!" And "But you will be so bored, nothing to do in the morning, you will even miss the job..." I pointed out if I didn't have plans I would not be missing the work either because I would be sleeping until mid shift! She was all laugh and jokes but I still got irritated. Because she called me a liar, and because she is nobody to tell me what to do with my time off.

Sorry I'm ranting so much lately. I prefer to keep a positive tone, just some times people make it harder! To end with a nice thing, they've reopened one of my favourite cafes and I am currently sitting by the window, getting the sunshine in after a naughty but very enjoyable cake.
Hi everyone! 6'2 this morning.

Worrying about DVLA stuff, I updated the relevant thread. Also in the overthinking menu today is another interesting job offer, where the application requires writing a supporting statement. It is related to diabetes research so I will shamelessly use my own diabetes to justify my interest, which is actually true (if that works against me in the selection, I clearly wouldn't want to work for them).

Another situation at work where I thought a supervisor should go mind her own business. Different supervisor than the Diet Coke. This time was because she said something about tomorrow and I clarified I am actually not working. She said "WTF" and shouted at the top supervisor "why you give Elena off tomorrow??". She asked if I would like to come for an extra shift and I said no, I have plans. She started questioning me on this. "Come on, no one has plans on a Sunday morning!" (???) And later "What plan is it, a date? No one is getting up early on a Sunday for a date!" And "But you will be so bored, nothing to do in the morning, you will even miss the job..." I pointed out if I didn't have plans I would not be missing the work either because I would be sleeping until mid shift! She was all laugh and jokes but I still got irritated. Because she called me a liar, and because she is nobody to tell me what to do with my time off.

Sorry I'm ranting so much lately. I prefer to keep a positive tone, just some times people make it harder! To end with a nice thing, they've reopened one of my favourite cafes and I am currently sitting by the window, getting the sunshine in after a naughty but very enjoyable cake.
The situation at work sounds familiar. Full of idiots the work place, sorry. I've got numerous stories. The thing about people who need to mind their own business, they don't like it when you do the same to them. But then people like this make the rest of us look good. Just sayin'.