Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

The practice at the church, last night, went well but was the strangest practice I have ever been to. One of the new singers forgot the practice but did turn up later on after being contacted ... with her three young, excitable, active children who became a constant distraction! Having said that the practice went well.

After the service, at home, I ate a whole large Cadburys Easter egg! I shouldn't be allowed near them. I enjoyed it tho and, thankfully, it did not seem to affect me negatively. An occassional treat (my excuse)?

Easter Egg 5.jpg

Today, playing at the service this morning which I am looking forward to, a walk later on this afternoon which I am looking forward to, a cheese and tomato pizza for tea (well, part of one) which I am looking forward to, a rest this evening which I am looking forward to. But the day started all wrong as I got up really late at 5:45am, whoops, but I was tired last night.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Bonjour mes amis! Le scores sur le doors pour moi cette matin est sept point zero. Un Len Goodman.
10.7 this morning, waking up in a motorway travelodge halfway home as would have been too tired for it all in one go. My dad yesterday evening managed to flip his car through a hedge and land upside down in a field with him suspended by the seatbelt. Not sure how he managed this in a 30 zone, haven’t asked that yet. Hes okay thankfully though I’ll be driving slowly and carefully today.
Good morning all. 6.4. When I picked up my phone to check I just had a blank from about 2am. Must have lost signal through the night, scanned and it filled it up, nothing odd happened it was boringly straight as a die.

Nice bright but cold morning, Skiddaw is looking resplendent with her snowy hat on. I couldn’t see it yesterday it was so cloudy, but I know the Lake District has had quite the snow dump. I won’t be flocking there though to climb a fell though, my back hasn’t recovered from being in the snow in Coniston in December!

No plans again. Mr Eggy will be in his greenhouse, got the electricity in, shelves finished, last of the painting inside done and yesterday he got a heated mat for his seedlings, which are currently germinating on my south facing dining room window, new pots, cloche etc etc. he’s like a kid in a sweetie shop! I might see him again at harvest time! 😛

@ColinUK trés bon!
@Elenka_HM good luck with the job application, do you want me to come and give your colleague a slap on your behalf? I worked in catering for many years when my girls were little, unsocial hours, low pay, hard physical work for no thanks, and pillocks running the show! PS pillocks is definitely a derogatory term!

Have a smashing Sunday.

A whopping 7.3 this morning, but did eat some very naughty things at my friend’s baby shower which went well. Also slightly tight chested and a sore throat so maybe coming down with something.

@rayray119 - congratulations on the new job

@Elenka_HM - good luck with your job application

@Lucyr - sorry to hear about your dad’s accident, relieved to hear he is ok.

Not actually raining today, going for a walk and coffee in a little with one friend, it was the other ones baby shower yesterday, her sister and a friend flew over from Dublin as a surprise, and have to leave at 11am for the airport this morning.
A 5.1 for me today. 🙂

5.4 on this cold and frosty Berkshire morning, though the sun is out now and the cars are slowly de-icing. I'll give it a few more minutes before popping down the road to get a newspaper from the Shell station, as Morrisons won't be opening until 10 with it being a Sunday.

Looks like it's going to be a dry day here with no rain in the forecast so plan on getting some garden maintenance done, carrying on from where I left off last week before the weather put the dampers on it (literally).

Linked up with the family in NZ on WhatsApp earlier, as usual. They'd just got back from an all-day coach trip and were waiting for their pizza order to be delivered. I had no idea Domino's operated in NZ.

Enjoy your Sunday.
Good morning! Woke to a 5.9 which after an hour and before insulin was 6.0. 7-day TIR now back to 80%.

First thing today is my financial spreadsheets as money is tight. Then tidying and cleaning as had not noticed how bad things had become whilst suffering nearly two months of side effects. New antibiotics tomorrow - just hope they are both as nasty!

Sky a mixture of mid-grey, light grey and white with a few small blue bits but no idea if it will be rain or shine.
Morning all. 7.1. Weather here is bright sunshine though frosty. I might try and get out to cut back the plants in pots as they'll need to go back outside soon. Nothing else planned, hoping for a lazy day for a change.

@Lucyr I hope your dad is ok.

@Elenka_HM good luck.

@rayray119 congratulations.

Have a good day everyone.
Around 6.3 if I remember correctly on waking today, shortly afterwards dawn made an appearance and it was 7.9 when I had my breakfast bolus.

Still, good night all in range thanks to a low ish carb sea bass on a small bed of noodles last night at our retirement meal with family and friends. Really lovely night and a great way to celebrate the start of our retirement.

Have a good day everyone!
@Elenka_HM - sorry to hear of your troubles at work, fingers crossed for you in getting a new and better job! Saw this and thought it may cheer you up a bit :rofl:

@Elenka_HM good luck with the job application, do you want me to come and give your colleague a slap on your behalf? I worked in catering for many years when my girls were little, unsocial hours, low pay, hard physical work for no thanks, and pillocks running the show! PS pillocks is definitely a derogatory term!
Oh, you are spot on about the job characteristics! :rofl: We do get some "thank you for your hard work" which I personally appreciate, but would appreciate even more if they made it less hard. Mainly by getting proper numbers of staff when it it busy! And yes, unsociable hours, is not usual that I get a full Sunday off. That's why I jumped to the opportunity to see friends who are free on the weekend. Why is that so hard to understand for this supervisors? 🙄

I haven't heard the word pillock before so I feel is safer to not use it :D
Oh, you are spot on about the job characteristics! :rofl: We do get some "thank you for your hard work" which I personally appreciate, but would appreciate even more if they made it less hard. Mainly by getting proper numbers of staff when it it busy! And yes, unsociable hours, is not usual that I get a full Sunday off. That's why I jumped to the opportunity to see friends who are free on the weekend. Why is that so hard to understand for this supervisors? 🙄

I haven't heard the word pillock before so I feel is safer to not use it :D
It isn’t too bad. Just means idiot really. It sounds worse than it is so has more impact! 😉
No plans again. Mr Eggy will be in his greenhouse, got the electricity in, shelves finished, last of the painting inside done and yesterday he got a heated mat for his seedlings, which are currently germinating on my south facing dining room window, new pots, cloche etc etc. he’s like a kid in a sweetie shop! I might see him again at harvest time! 😛
But think of the lovely things you can cook with the produce of his greenhouse!
I think it’s more of a Northern thing, I’m used to it from our families in the North, but I’m always surprised when someone down South uses it.
I did think it was probably northern, we have a few words meaning the same. Divvy is my favourite, not as harsh as pillock, a bit more playful. I regularly use it, like when Mr Eggy has done something daft like spill his cuppa. Or nit, that’s a good one! I’m not a one for profanity, in my opinion it’s overused so much now it’s lost its impact. I’m more a blooming heck sort of person. If I’m really annoyed I may let loose a s**t, not literally I hasten to add! :rofl: