Group 7-day waking average?

But think of the lovely things you can cook with the produce of his greenhouse!
Oh I’m looking forward to it. He’s planted aubergines, chillis, sweet peppers and tomatoes so far. I’ll be thrilled if the aubergines are a success, they are so expensive now. Aldi want 90p for one! They were 60p last year. I also use loads of chillis but I waste a lot too as there’s too many in a pack and they go off. It’ll be nice to just pick what I want. I’m secretly excited about the greenhouse too.
Morning all. Dull, grey and rainy. It was nice yesterday for a change!

6.4 this morning - the hunters pie with celeriac topping caused barely a rise last night.

Not much on today, but maybe I should attack the ironing as we may need to pack some of the stuff for our little break this week. Spare ribs a la Gordon Ramsey for dinner though I only do less than half the quantity and cut down on the sugar a lot.

Good luck @Elenka_HM for the job.

@Grannylorraine sorry to hear you are suffering again.

Have a Super Sunday all....
Oh I’m looking forward to it. He’s planted aubergines, chillis, sweet peppers and tomatoes so far. I’ll be thrilled if the aubergines are a success, they are so expensive now. Aldi want 90p for one! They were 60p last year. I also use loads of chillis but I waste a lot too as there’s too many in a pack and they go off. It’ll be nice to just pick what I want. I’m secretly excited about the greenhouse too.
Freeze the excess chillis, they freeze well. I chop some before freezing and just leave some whole. I love a roast aubergine too. I've a recipe for Tarator (almond) sauce that's divine with Aubergine.
Good morning everyone! 6'8 this morning.

Had a nice breakfast of eggs, bacon and few berries and now I'm on the train to visit friends. They suggested a walk in a zone I don't know yet, at the moment the sun is gorgeous so sounds like a great plan to me. There will be more people, all Spanish I think, can be nice to feel more social for once.

My friend suggested going to the cinema to see Dune part 2. I hadn't watched the first one so did it yesterday in case we chose this plan. Now she is not in the mood, I don't blame her, I'm not sure if I want to spend 3 hours in the cinema either!
Morning all

It's a happy 5.7 for me on this sunny frosty morning.
Oh I’m looking forward to it. He’s planted aubergines, chillis, sweet peppers and tomatoes so far. I’ll be thrilled if the aubergines are a success, they are so expensive now. Aldi want 90p for one! They were 60p last year. I also use loads of chillis but I waste a lot too as there’s too many in a pack and they go off. It’ll be nice to just pick what I want. I’m secretly excited about the greenhouse too.
I grow chillies but usually have lots which I freeze but it is usually a voyage of discovery as I'm never sure how hot they are going to be.
It was a 7.1 for me this morning.After a night where high alarm kept going off at 12;3 took 3 correction doses and turned the alarm off .Least my nose has stopped running.Just my chest now .Least I got a bit sleep last night Haven't had much if any the two nights previous.Had a lie in till 11.15 this morning.Get housework done cook beef joint for dinner then get dog out for a good walk this afternoon.Have a good day folks whatever your doing
7.5. I got up really late. Don’t understand high reading as supposed to be in remission and food wasn’t carb heavy yesterday. Not feeling well and told by out of hours to go to accident and emergency yesterday. Pain in right side behind ribs back and front. Thought it was my ulcer but would have settled by now. Might go today. Doctor will be opened on Monday by the time I’m seen in A&E and don’t want admitted as it’s not safe in there with viruses. I sound like the past generation who wouldn’t go to hospital if they could avoid it
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7.5. I got up really late. Don’t understand high reading as supposed to be in remission and food wasn’t carb heavy yesterday. Not feeling well and told by out of hours to go to accident and emergency yesterday. Pain in right side behind ribs back and front. Thought it was my ulcer but would have settled by now. Might go today. Doctor will be opened on Monday by the time I’m seen in A&E and don’t want admitted as it’s not safe in there with viruses. I sound like the past geIf you are neration who wouldn’t go to hospital if they could avoid it
If you are ill then the body's reaction is to push BG up. That will be the cause of the 7.5. Hope you have got some attention and know what the problem (root of the pain) is now.
If you are ill then the body's reaction is to push BG up. That will be the cause of the 7.5. Hope you have got some attention and know what the problem (root of the pain) is now.
Thank you I’m in hospital just now she says it 6.4 I will get bloods taken in about 2-3 hours then hours for results will be here till 10 pm at least it’s why I didn’t want to come tbh
It was 6/something this morning. Thanks for the congratulations I'll be working at a small family theme park
got home about half an hour ago, tested my liver and pancreas so it’s not that. I am pleased about that. They think it’s my ulcer and I am already on two big caps of lanzoprazol every day. Said they would give me ranitidine as well but think it’s off the market. I don’t feel like it’s normal ulcer stuff so wait and see if it goes away.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9

After yesterdays efforts I am very tired, however, the Sunday service went really well thank goodness.


Today rest, exercise, rest and maybe some more rest. Oh, I have to sort out the violin part for a composition. Better get on with it...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 5.4

Have a great day everyone.