Group 7-day waking average?

7.3 this morning, time to get things back into check I think!

First Monday retired, planning on an easy day today without anything specific to do, but amazingly this week on separate days I have doctors & dentist, my wife has the dentists and meeting up with a friend so we are already filling the days without even trying! I think it will take some time before we find ourselves and relax into new routines and plans.

@eggyg I hope Mr Eggy’s eye is ok. When I had a scratched cornea one time (which was extremely uncomfortable) I discovered a dedicated Eye A&E at the Birmingham Eye Hospital. Got sorted quickly there, but I presume that any A@E would have quick access to an ophthalmologist to provide the same help. Good luck!

@Pattidevans - congratulations on your HS today!

Take care everyone!
I forgot to test when I got up. Well, I didn't, I didn't know where my device was. So I just had some breakfast and did a somewhat late test around 40 minutes after finishing. It was 6.1.
5.5 on a bright, dry and sunny Berkshire morning. Sun's out, blue sky but cold - our garden thermometer says it's 1.8 degrees. If it stays like this I can feel another day's garden maintenance coming on, although I have to say that everything is still very wet. Nice to see so many of our shrubs have buds coming through.

Turned on my phone this morning to find a video of our eldest doing a bungy jump off the Kawaura River Bridge yesterday, 140ft above the river. He talked about maybe doing it before they left for NZ and that site is home to the world's first commercial bungy jump business, so definitely the right place to do one. My wife did one from the same place when we were there in 1993. They leave Queenstown in the morning heading for Lake Tekapo, a one-night stopover before pushing on to Christchurch and home.

Congrats @Pattidevans on your HS. I've only managed 3 so far this year so I must be due one soon.

@eggyg - hope Mr Eggy gets his eye sorted.

Hope the Monday Blues have gone and everyone has a good start to the week.
@Pattidevans - congratulations on your HS, I tend to avoid anything herbal, but I have had a few people tell me about Echinacea, so worth a try.
Morning. 6.3 on this very frosty morning.

Up early today as I’ve to drive Mr Eggy to the opticians for opening time. He injured his eye on Friday, this is where the receptionist at Boots opticians laughed yesterday, he poked it with the corner of his pillow whilst turning it over! He joked to her we were having a pillow fight! Anyhoo, he’s obviously scratched it, it’s very red, sore, blurry and now it’s aching. Boots pharmacist sent us to their optician and the Boots optician told him to get some antibiotic eye drops, which we did, and to go to his own opticians ASAP or A&E! We’re just going to turn up on the doorstep and hope she can see him straight away, or at least point us in the right direction, I’m almost certain you can go to the eye department in an emergency situation. Anyone know? Not sure this counts as an emergency as such, but he’s in a lot of pain, and can’t see properly, hence me driving. This is how bad it is, he never went upstairs on to his computer last night when Call the Midwife came on! That constitutes an emergency to me! TBF he just laid down with his eyes closed but still had to listen to me sobbing for an hour!

Hope your Monday goes to plan and watch out for those innocent looking pillows on your bed. They’re lethal!
Yes there is someone in A&E I just remembered a hairdresser put hair dye in my eye and they did an eyewash. I hope he gets seen today.
It's all relative to how much you've got coming in to what you need to spend. I live alone. A couple with good jobs two incomes coming into the household there would be no problem.

My rent has doubled in the last 12 months from £500 per month to £1000 per month.

I'm unemployed and get £1157 per month. That has to cover rent, all my bills and food, cleaning, laundry, cooking and if I don't want to smell.

Council Tax, Electric, Gas, Water etc are on top of rent.

500g of beef is about £4 same with chicken. Bread is a lot cheaper and lasts longer. I could get it cheaper at another supermarket but then I would have to factor in bus travel, (which then makes it more expensive) as I can't drive and wouldn't be able to afford to anyway.

Thanks for the suggestions. I have attempted to move into a cheaper property but again that's ridiculously difficult, worse than trying to navigate securing a job. I've applied for social housing and they've put me in band 5 lowest priority.
Rent and council tax rebate that only leaves you £157 to live on per month once you’ve paid rent you can’t live on that. Good luck I’ve been there with not enough coming in

7 this morning, but it wasn’t straight after waking, I had been downstairs ringing in sick, then setting my out of office, stupidly reading some emails, then went back to bed for about 15 mins but couldn’t sleep, still didn’t eat the best yesterday, and also have an awful sore throat, feels like it is swollen as well, achy glands so think another virus has got me.

@eggyg - hope mr eggyg gets his eye sorted, who knew a pillow could be so dangerous
I hope you feel better soon and not in for full flue. Do you have allergies?
Morning all.7.1 for me this morning.Nice straight line all night to And a cough free night.Happy days .Suns out Get out for a walk with dog call in local tea room.Back for lunch then get out for a 4 hour walk Have a good day folks
Morning all on this positively horrible day. Teeming down and blowing a gale. Every time we think about gardening it does this. The lawns are lakes.

5.2 this morning much to my surprise! Had a huge spike up to 16.4 after the spare ribs last night and did several corrections before bed. Pleased to see it came down and stayed steady! Shan't be doing that recipe again!

Hope Mr Eggy's eye is going to be alright @eggyg Good luck getting to see the optician.

@Grannylorraine you do seem to be getting such a lot of colds. Have you tried Echinacea tablets? We take them at first signs of a cold/flu and usually find they ward the full blown thing off. Many HUGS, I do feel for you.

Have a good Monday all....
I hope you feel better today and your BG has settled. Thank you for support yesterday. Hope you have a great day
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Have you been tested for Helicobacter Pylorii? I had ulcer after ulcer for over 30 years. Turned out it was that bacteria which is well known for causing ulcers. I had antibiotics for it and haven't had a repeat.
I’ve had all that. My ulcers are ongoing for some reason. This is the worst and longest flare up I’ve had. Thank you
Rent and council tax rebate that only leaves you £157 to live on per month once you’ve paid rent you can’t live on that. Good luck I’ve been there with not enough coming in
Benefits are not designed to be able to live on. And up until a few months ago I was only getting £763 coming in. The jokecentre however just does not get it. But then they are employed to have little simpathy.
A happy 6.2 for me on this fine sunny morning.

Have a good day everyone and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.
Benefits are not designed to be able to live on. And up until a few months ago I was only getting £763 coming in. The jokecentre however just does not get it. But then they are employed to have little simpathy.
In case you’ve not heard of it I’d thought I’d post this.
It’s worth doing just to check that you’re getting everything you’re entitled to claim.
In case you’ve not heard of it I’d thought I’d post this.
It’s worth doing just to check that you’re getting everything you’re entitled to claim.
Thanks @ColinUK Considering the problems with my feet and mobility it's clear I should get PIP. But when you've got a judge at tribunal using the fact you can't attend the tribunal against you. You've got no hope.
morning everyone well only just before noon. what a night ive had new Libra fitted at 7pm last night and the thing has gone mental, alarm went twice in the night 3.1 which was 5.1 finger prick had a couple of JBs again later 4.2 was so tired i just had another couple my chart looks like Jurasic coast line still not properly settled.