Group 7-day waking average?

Thanks @ColinUK Considering the problems with my feet and mobility it's clear I should get PIP. But when you've got a judge at tribunal using the fact you can't attend the tribunal against you. You've got no hope.
You can get a representative. Lawyers help and welfare rights officer. I wouldn’t ever miss a tribunal it’s a lot of money to lose . I won mine years ago for DLA and I’m still in the old system. I had a welfare rights officer with me.
You can get a representative. Lawyers help and welfare rights officer. I wouldn’t ever miss a tribunal it’s a lot of money to lose . I won mine years ago for DLA and I’m still in the old system. I had a welfare rights officer with me.
I did. And the reason I could not attend is I can not walk. And if I got there I would need a bucket of cold water, towels and a stool to elevate my feet. They could have done it via Video link or telephone.
I did. And the reason I could not attend is I can not walk. And if I got there I would need a bucket of cold water, towels and a stool to elevate my feet. They could have done it via Video link or telephone.
It's a cruel set up your destined to fail from the start .My last pip face to face was I'm surmising with a proper doctor.I imagine she passed me .But a week later got a call off atos saying that they wanted me to go back for another one .That started alarm bells ringing. I got there and the woman said things might have changed since the last time I was there .I said what two weeks ago and she said what are you doing here .I said coming to get stitched up properly.Asked her what her medical qualifications were .She said none .but her husband was type 1 diabetic.Asked her who looked after him when he had a severe hypo She said she did.Told her I lived on my own .Had to just hope id pull through.She was a hard faced cow .Told more lies on her report .I've id put them on the form id have been jailed.Give me 11 points for everyday care You needed 12 and 4 for mobility.You need 8 Since unsuccessful back surgery im dodgy on feet and need a stick My mental state wasn't good at the time couldn't be bothered to pur a mandatory appeal in .Done that in the past and it wad overturned .So i lost money .Keep trying friend . Maybe someone from the Diabetes UK benefits team can help
It's a cruel set up your destined to fail from the start .My last pip face to face was I'm surmising with a proper doctor.I imagine she passed me .But a week later got a call off atos saying that they wanted me to go back for another one .That started alarm bells ringing. I got there and the woman said things might have changed since the last time I was there .I said what two weeks ago and she said what are you doing here .I said coming to get stitched up properly.Asked her what her medical qualifications were .She said none .but her husband was type 1 diabetic.Asked her who looked after him when he had a severe hypo She said she did.Told her I lived on my own .Had to just hope id pull through.She was a hard faced cow .Told more lies on her report .I've id put them on the form id have been jailed.Give me 11 points for everyday care You needed 12 and 4 for mobility.You need 8 Since unsuccessful back surgery im dodgy on feet and need a stick My mental state wasn't good at the time couldn't be bothered to pur a mandatory appeal in .Done that in the past and it wad overturned .So i lost money .Keep trying friend . Maybe someone from the Diabetes UK benefits team can help
Thanks. I've seen in the news assessors have blatently lied and got caught doing it. The reason I'm not thinking of re-applying is at the moment I am bound by my feet problems by how far I can go and for how long until I am in serious pain. If they don't want to accommodate they can stick it. In this day and age with technology there is no excuse. If it was the hospital it would be a different matter.
Thanks. I've seen in the news assessors have blatently lied and got caught doing it. The reason I'm not thinking of re-applying is at the moment I am bound by my feet problems by how far I can go and for how long until I am in serious pain. If they don't want to accommodate they can stick it. In this day and age with technology there is no excuse. If it was the hospital it would be a different matter.
They pay a small amount toward transport but they might pay a taxi and if you have a wheelchair or can access one you could get a disability taxi
They pay a small amount toward transport but they might pay a taxi and if you have a wheelchair or can access one you could get a disability taxi
I'm talking minutes my feet are placed on the floor I've got problems. Walking from the lounge to the kitchen is a problem. And if I did get there I fully expect them to say well you made it here dude, you clearly don't have mobility issues. The taxi journey would kill me. I also have two words for you. Reasonable adjustments.

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Good morning everyone

BG 5.4 fine
Pulse 49 hmmm a bit low

Today less rest, more exercise.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 5.0

Have a great day everyone.
Morning a 7.2 for me and pretty flat line overnight.
Have an appt this morning for my “ long term condition review “ at GPs since being discharged from DSN so presume it is diabetes related.
Anyway we will soon find out and happy I have all the support I need or can access if necessary.
Back to work and a quiet day and a full diabetes CPD ( Continued Professional Development) day tomorrow so an early start.
Anyway whatever you are up to have a great day.
Morning all. A bit of a shock at 7.7, but soon found out why when I went to do my morning basal, I hadn’t had my basal last night! In my defence I’d had a busy and challenging day and was tired. I’m still a pillock though!

Firstly, thanks for all your good wishes and advice for Mr Eggy’s eye problem. As it happened when he arose ( ie I woke him) at 8am he declared his eye was absolutely fine and he wouldn’t need to go to the optician. I made him get ready anyways and see how it went after he’d pootled for an hour. Still blurry and red but he didn’t have any pain. Which is what was concerning him the most. We have continued with the drops and resting his eye, that is laying prone with his eyes closed whilst I ran about like a blue bottomed fly! The day saved, I decided to go ahead and make the rhubarb and ginger jam which I’d planned. Picked 2.5 kilos of rhubarb, we waste it most years but I’m determined not to this year. It was a long and, at time laborious, sticky process. Seven jars and four hours after starting, had lunch and an hours walk in between, it was done. Mr Eggy was lying down when he came flying through asking what that strange noise was. Realised it was coming from the dining room. A damn jackdaw had got down the chimney and through the fire screen and had wreaked havoc, our precious seedling, aubergines, chillis, peppers and tomatoes we’ve lovingly looked after since January were all over the floor, looking very sorry for theirselves. We got the poor jackdaw, wrapped him in a towel and sent him on his way. Saved one or two chilli plants, aubergines are probably done for, peppers and tomatoes we have a slight hope. More seeds to plant. Mr Eggy cleaned up whilst I finished cleaning the sticky mess off my hob and jam pan. In doing so I accidentally tipped the huge jam pan full of soapy water all over myself, the floor cupboard doors and my new slippers! Another clean up operation. I wouldn’t mind, but I don’t even eat jam, for obvious reasons! That’s not the end of my woes, went to bring my lovely blowing washing in and it was obvious the farmer had been spreading manure, cue stinky washing! On the plus side Mr Eggy made the tea. Hoping for a quieter day today, meeting a friend for a mid morning cuppa and scone, no jam!

Have a great day and thanks for reading if you got to the end. :rofl:


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So mum has been told that she can’t drive until tests determine whether or not her loss of consciousness was a seizure.