Group 7-day waking average?

And it's a middle of the road 5.5 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning All - 7.3 for me this morning. Expected higher as I seemed to inhale 3 biscuits at bedtime last night. Had a glorious weekend with two huge snowy walks when our friends came to stay. On Sunday we parked over in Howtown by Ullswater and walked back up one the hill - it was honestly like being on a polar expedition up there which was so strange as all the snow had gone lower down. My legs are seriously telling me about it now but I'm planning on a day in the garden so may be even worse tomorrow. Have a great day everyone and if anyone is suffering I'm sending all my love xxx


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Morning All - 7.3 for me this morning. Expected higher as I seemed to inhale 3 biscuits at bedtime last night. Had a glorious weekend with two huge snowy walks when our friends came to stay. On Sunday we parked over in Howtown by Ullswater and walked back up one the hill - it was honestly like being on a polar expedition up there which was so strange as all the snow had gone lower down. My legs are seriously telling me about it now but I'm planning on a day in the garden so may be even worse tomorrow. Have a great day everyone and if anyone is suffering I'm sending all my love xxx
Lovely photographs
I'm talking minutes my feet are placed on the floor I've got problems. Walking from the lounge to the kitchen is a problem. And if I did get there I fully expect them to say well you made it here dude, you clearly don't have mobility issues. The taxi journey would kill me. I also have two words for you. Reasonable adjustments.

What’s that supposed to mean? “Reasonable adjustments!” People are only trying to help ! Don’t give me any words, thank you ! Didn’t you say you travel on the bus for your bread? It’s also reasonable to hire a wheelchair if you want the money. Two words for you! Last word!
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What’s that supposed to mean? “Reasonable adjustments!” People are only trying to help ! Don’t give me any words, thank you ! Didn’t you say you travel on the bus for your bread?
Reasonable adjustments are what are supposed to be made for people with disabilities. It's the law. ie Video link or telephone could be used to save me going through a boat load of pain. I appreciate the help. I'm just responding to members posts. I can also add what a manager did to me once. I phoned in sick. She put on the friendly face, trying to help and talked me into attempting to get in there. When I turned up sacrificing my mental health, she turned round and said, so not sick then. But she had an attitude problem. There is a very good reason for everything I do or say. But I do understand over The Internet is not like talking to someone face to face and things can come over not as intended.
@Jinty2001 Thank you.
She feels fine but there are tests to be done to determine cause. The neurologist has said she can’t drive until she’s given permission to by them.
Of course with dad not being able to drive because of his TBI it’s left them feeling isolated.
They can shop online and they have Uber accounts and other cab company accounts set up but it’s not the same as the freedom of driving yourselves somewhere.
@Jinty2001 Thank you.
She feels fine but there are tests to be done to determine cause. The neurologist has said she can’t drive until she’s given permission to by them.
Of course with dad not being able to drive because of his TBI it’s left them feeling isolated.
They can shop online and they have Uber accounts and other cab company accounts set up but it’s not the same as the freedom of driving yourselves somewhere.
I don’t drive and it’s very limiting. I use a mobility scooter and sometimes have to take taxis. I hate them. I came off the motability scheme as my dealer stole my charger and I bought a scooter a few weeks ago. I got a good bargain and company are really nice I’ve been dropped in some strange places by taxi drivers who can’t be bothered to take me to the door that I want. I hope she gets her tests soon and the results aren’t serious. It’s really nice your parents have a caring son.
I don’t drive and it’s very limiting. I use a mobility scooter and sometimes have to take taxis. I hate them. I came off the motability scheme as my dealer stole my charger and I bought a scooter a few weeks ago. I got a good bargain and company are really nice I’ve been dropped in some strange places by taxi drivers who can’t be bothered to take me to the door that I want. I hope she gets her tests soon and the results aren’t serious. It’s really nice your parents have a caring son.
They are doubly lucky. They’ve got two caring sons 🙂
Good moaning! After a bad night with a short sharp bout of phantom pain around 1:00 and then bizarre dreams centred around being unable to drive my car as it needed a brake pipe all the 1's 11.1 (10.8 metered). Think it is to do with my PTSD and feeling trapped!

Overcast with medium/light grey cloud.
Morning all - bright and sunny today, though quite a few clouds. I expect it'll change. After yesterdays awful start it turned into a fine afternoon with blue skies and sun. The far end of Cornwall is never quite settled weather wise.

7.6 this morning with a straight line overnight.

Nothing much on today except preparing for tomorrow's little jaunt to Exeter. Cheesy pork loin chops for dinner, using up some of the cheese we over-bought a month or so ago. Leftover garlic mushrooms, sugar snap peas and green beans.

@eggyg how on earth did you get into such a sticky mess? Though I know jam making does tend to be sticky, particularly the bit where you dollop it onto a frozen plate to find setting point. Sorry to hear about the Magpie ruining the seedlings but glad to heat Mr E's eye is OK. Sorry to hear also about your drenching - WHAT a day!

@ColinUK hope they find out what caused your mum's problem and one or the other of your parents can drive soon.

Have a good day all....
Woke to a rather grey and misty morning and got a 5.3 when I tested. Tuesday is swim day so I'll be off to the pool later for my usual 20 lengths before lunch. Was tempted to pencil in lunch in town afterwards but there's stuff in the fridge that needs using up. That's the problem when buying for one - there's always an opened pack of something approaching its use by date. Ham & cucumber sandwich for lunch it is then.

Had my daily WhatsApp video call with the family earlier. They've reached their penultimate stop before pushing on to Christchurch this evening. Our evening that is - it'll be their Wednesday morning. They're in a part of NZ that's one of the best places to see the night sky, as there's no light pollution. They've been out and had a look and seen the Milky Way for the first time in their lives.

Whatever your plans, have a great day.

7.2 combination of this virus and poor eating as hubby was on late shift and I didn’t have the energy to cook, so ate whatever I could grab.

@eggyg - I feel tired reading about your day, and glad I don’t have any chimneys after reading about the jackdaw.

@ColinUK - not being able to drive when you are used to it takes some getting used to.
The cooker gave up the ghost this morning, the top plate that holds the element in the top oven fell down. We managed to repair it last time it happened 3 years ago and it is about 10years old so I suppose it doesn't owe us much.
The choice is overwhelming, prices from relatively cheap to stag
There are plenty on line but I quite like to see what I'm getting so need to go to look at what there is.
Morning all
A happy 5.5 for me earlier this morning.
The cooker gave up the ghost this morning, the top plate that holds the element in the top oven fell down. We managed to repair it last time it happened 3 years ago and it is about 10years old so I suppose it doesn't owe us much.
The choice is overwhelming, prices from relatively cheap to stag
There are plenty on line but I quite like to see what I'm getting so need to go to look at what there is.

Personally I am a fan of gas rings and an electric grill and oven!