Group 7-day waking average?

Morning. 6.3 on this very frosty morning.

Up early today as I’ve to drive Mr Eggy to the opticians for opening time. He injured his eye on Friday, this is where the receptionist at Boots opticians laughed yesterday, he poked it with the corner of his pillow whilst turning it over! He joked to her we were having a pillow fight! Anyhoo, he’s obviously scratched it, it’s very red, sore, blurry and now it’s aching. Boots pharmacist sent us to their optician and the Boots optician told him to get some antibiotic eye drops, which we did, and to go to his own opticians ASAP or A&E! We’re just going to turn up on the doorstep and hope she can see him straight away, or at least point us in the right direction, I’m almost certain you can go to the eye department in an emergency situation. Anyone know? Not sure this counts as an emergency as such, but he’s in a lot of pain, and can’t see properly, hence me driving. This is how bad it is, he never went upstairs on to his computer last night when Call the Midwife came on! That constitutes an emergency to me! TBF he just laid down with his eyes closed but still had to listen to me sobbing for an hour!

Hope your Monday goes to plan and watch out for those innocent looking pillows on your bed. They’re lethal!
@eggyg I think there is always (or should be) someone available from ophthalmology in A&E, if they aren’t there in person then they advise.
Good morning all.

6.2 for me. Finally got a diet that seems to work for me. But it's not cheap.

Have a good one people.
What are you eating Richard? It doesn’t have to be the best fillet steak. Chicken thighs are ridiculously cheap and with a big plate of vegetables or salad are delicious. I just put them in the oven with some oil dribbled over and salt and pepper and cook for about 45 minutes on a reasonably hot oven until the skin is nice and crispy. A small joint of gammon from Aldi is also very reasonable and can be eaten with eggs or cooled and sliced and eaten cold. Quality sausages, ie not full of oats, are another good choice. Eggs and cheese are good sources of protein too. I love a boiled egg as a snack when I’m feeling peckish and don’t want to reach for the crisps. Have a look at the Food/carb queries + recipes thread for inspiration. Apologies if you already know all this, but you shouldn’t need to bankrupt yourself to eat well. Let us know what you’re eating and maybe some of us can make some suggestions.
What are you eating Richard? It doesn’t have to be the best fillet steak. Chicken thighs are ridiculously cheap and with a big plate of vegetables or salad are delicious. I just put them in the oven with some oil dribbled over and salt and pepper and cook for about 45 minutes on a reasonably hot oven until the skin is nice and crispy. A small joint of gammon from Aldi is also very reasonable and can be eaten with eggs or cooled and sliced and eaten cold. Quality sausages, ie not full of oats, are another good choice. Eggs and cheese are good sources of protein too. I love a boiled egg as a snack when I’m feeling peckish and don’t want to reach for the crisps. Have a look at the Food/carb queries + recipes thread for inspiration. Apologies if you already know all this, but you shouldn’t need to bankrupt yourself to eat well. Let us know what you’re eating and maybe some of us can make some suggestions.
It's all relative to how much you've got coming in to what you need to spend. I live alone. A couple with good jobs two incomes coming into the household there would be no problem.

My rent has doubled in the last 12 months from £500 per month to £1000 per month.

I'm unemployed and get £1157 per month. That has to cover rent, all my bills and food, cleaning, laundry, cooking and if I don't want to smell.

Council Tax, Electric, Gas, Water etc are on top of rent.

500g of beef is about £4 same with chicken. Bread is a lot cheaper and lasts longer. I could get it cheaper at another supermarket but then I would have to factor in bus travel, (which then makes it more expensive) as I can't drive and wouldn't be able to afford to anyway.

Thanks for the suggestions. I have attempted to move into a cheaper property but again that's ridiculously difficult, worse than trying to navigate securing a job. I've applied for social housing and they've put me in band 5 lowest priority.
Morning a 6.7 for me as we have our last night in Harrogate and our lovely long w/ end in Yorkshire somewhere I have always felt at home.
Really nice 3 days with too much easy living and a bit of a carbfest but you have to compromise to enjoy those extra bits on occasion.
Been missing in action as focused on break and after a leisurely stop in Hebden Bridge where we stopped on way across and found a lovely cafe it will be back home.
Only fights were whether to spend time in charity shops or cafes but I simply gave in as always.
Hope you all had a great w/ end
It's all relative to how much you've got coming in to what you need to spend. I live alone. A couple with good jobs two incomes coming into the household there would be no problem.

My rent has doubled in the last 12 months from £500 per month to £1000 per month.

I'm unemployed and get £1157 per month. That has to cover rent, all my bills and food, cleaning, laundry, cooking and if I don't want to smell.

500g of beef is about £4 same with chicken. Bread is a lot cheaper and lasts longer. I could get it cheaper at another supermarket but then I would have to factor in bus travel, (which then makes it more expensive) as I can't drive and wouldn't be able to afford to anyway.

Thanks for the suggestions. I have attempted to move into a cheaper property but again that's ridiculously difficult, worse than trying to navigate securing a job. I've applied for social housing and they've put me in band 5 lowest priority.
Wow! £1000 a month. That’s awful. I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, that was my never my intention, I really did it in your best interests. Hope things start to look up for you soon. Please reach out if you do need some advice on anything. No judgment on here.
Morning all, 6.4 here.
@eggyg , when my OH had an eye problem, we approached it via our optician, who rang the Oxford eye hospital. We later found out we could have phoned the eye hospital direct, as they do a telephone triage system, and either tell you to go straight in, or make you an appointment. I don’t know if all eye departments are the same, you may just access yours via A & E..
Wow! £1000 a month. That’s awful. I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, that was my never my intention, I really did it in your best interests. Hope things start to look up for you soon. Please reach out if you do need some advice on anything. No judgment on here.
It's cool. I very rarely get offended. Not my style.
Good morning! Two fat ladies, 8.8, today. OK with that as yesterday I added extra insulin after going stubbornly high around lunchtime and the tail overlapped my evening insulin. Hope things are smoother today ..

Shy mixed about a third each light grey white and blue with most in the middle distance.
Wow! £1000 a month. That’s awful. I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, that was my never my intention, I really did it in your best interests. Hope things start to look up for you soon. Please reach out if you do need some advice on anything. No judgment on here.
I do buy reductions, yellow stickers but that tends to be unhealthy products.
Morning all, 6.4 here.
@eggyg , when my OH had an eye problem, we approached it via our optician, who rang the Oxford eye hospital. We later found out we could have phoned the eye hospital direct, as they do a telephone triage system, and either tell you to go straight in, or make you an appointment. I don’t know if all eye departments are the same.
I did think that but we’ll pop to optician first it might be quicker if she calls ahead for us if needed. Obviously if she can’t see him we’ll call 111 for advice. Thanks.
I did think that but we’ll pop to optician first it might be quicker if she calls ahead for us if needed. Obviously if she can’t see him we’ll call 111 for advice. Thanks.
If she can’t see him then maybe suggest she needs an optician herself.
In all seriousness hope Mr Eggy’s eye is ok and that everyone else is doing ok themselves and that everyone’s parents/children/horses/goats etc are in fine fettle today too.
got home about half an hour ago, tested my liver and pancreas so it’s not that. I am pleased about that. They think it’s my ulcer and I am already on two big caps of lanzoprazol every day. Said they would give me ranitidine as well but think it’s off the market. I don’t feel like it’s normal ulcer stuff so wait and see if it goes away.
Have you been tested for Helicobacter Pylorii? I had ulcer after ulcer for over 30 years. Turned out it was that bacteria which is well known for causing ulcers. I had antibiotics for it and haven't had a repeat.
6.7 this morning.
Wondered why I’d not been paid yet for some work I did last month so checked my sent emails and there’s the invoice email sitting nicely in drafts where it’s been for the last ten days… sent it this morning so that’s that sorted.
Nothing heard from the GP surgery regarding completing their response to my SAR which was lodged on 19th January. Legally they have 30 days to comply with the request. They’ve done half but the other half is now approaching two months.
I’ve chased but no reply. I’m loathed to complain to the ICO as it is still my GP and I really don’t want to screw up the decent relationship I seem to have with them but I might have no choice.

Yesterday saw the folks as my bother and I went over there to start going through the Last Orders books (that’s the books to help executors find any relevant information to make life easier).

Dad was fine with it but mum was strangely resistant. However we sat down and literally read from the start and when it asked a question (usually where a specific document was located) the answer was written in their respective books.

Fun side was my brother and I running off all over the house to find the documents as some were not where they thought they were which does sort of prove the point of the books in the first place!

At one point mum said something was in the safe. I didn’t know they had a safe and neither did my brother! And the document wasn’t in there anyway!

7 this morning, but it wasn’t straight after waking, I had been downstairs ringing in sick, then setting my out of office, stupidly reading some emails, then went back to bed for about 15 mins but couldn’t sleep, still didn’t eat the best yesterday, and also have an awful sore throat, feels like it is swollen as well, achy glands so think another virus has got me.

@eggyg - hope mr eggyg gets his eye sorted, who knew a pillow could be so dangerous
Morning all on this positively horrible day. Teeming down and blowing a gale. Every time we think about gardening it does this. The lawns are lakes.

5.2 this morning much to my surprise! Had a huge spike up to 16.4 after the spare ribs last night and did several corrections before bed. Pleased to see it came down and stayed steady! Shan't be doing that recipe again!

Hope Mr Eggy's eye is going to be alright @eggyg Good luck getting to see the optician.

@Grannylorraine you do seem to be getting such a lot of colds. Have you tried Echinacea tablets? We take them at first signs of a cold/flu and usually find they ward the full blown thing off. Many HUGS, I do feel for you.

Have a good Monday all....


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Well done @Pattidevans on the HS. A 5.1 for me this am. 🙂
