Group 7-day waking average?

Hello haven't posted on this for a few days. It was 10 this morning my time in range on Sunday was 61 or 62% I believe. As I am now away with quite a bit of guess work involved I might not be able to get it back and track this week and it was bellow 70% last week as well(in fact all the reports of showing below 70% at the moment l) enjoying spending time with my niece and nephew though.
Morning all 4.2 for me this morning.low alarm went off twice during the night.4.2 so not bad . Night before it didn't go off well if it did I didn't hear it due to the red line for about.4 hours.Woke yesterday to a 3.5 oops Been putting a few miles in with dog lately. averaging 10 miles the last 4 days Got some adjustments to make me thinks Sorry to hear about your mam @ColinUK got two phone calls from care home my mother is in yesterday.Shes blind deaf and suffering with delerium. She suffered a skin tear on her arm .and now the home is on lockdown with sickness and diarrhoea.She now has that to .Poor sod
Anyways hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Afternoon all

It was a 6.2 for me earlier this fine but chilly morning.

Have a good rest of the day and stay warm....
Morning all, late posting as usual, but I have already done a lot! Another grey day.

8.6 this morning which quickly dropped to 3.9. Alarms woke me at 6 am but it was to tell me that the Omnipod had finished. I shut it off and went back to sleep. The pod will continue to work for (I think it's) 7 hours (might b e 9) and I wanted to get the change time to something more reasonable.

Another day trying to get the study straight again. Fingers crossed it will get finished today.

So sorry to hear about your mothers, both @ColinUK and @Colin g. Hope they improve soon.

Have a goood day all.
Hi everyone! 6'2 this morning.

Had my first driving lesson in the UK yesterday. Took me a lot to take this step and I'm proud I did it, and happy to report the instructor was great. Very friendly and reassuring, I'm actually looking forward to the next lesson. For a bit of context I do have Spanish driving licence, which is totally ok to drive on, but I didn't use it in roughly 4 years so I'm obviously quite rusty. Plus I need to adjust to driving in the other side of the road. I thought I might struggle with having the gear shift and handbrake on the opposite side I'm used to, but that took just 2 minutes to get used to. The real issue is keeping an appropriate distance from the left curb! I'm not sure how many lessons I will need to get the skills and especially the confidence I need, but at least I don't have to stress about passing a test.

Is sunny now so better go out now for a nice walk, and I'll stop in a coffee shop for a latte and a read of Good Omens. I meant to go yesterday as a treat after my lesson but my body really wanted a nap instead.
@Pattidevans I forgot to reply to your mention yesterday regarding micromanaging as a form of bullying. I don't consider my case is so bad, thank goodness, they are just a bit annoying at times.
Good morning - 5.8

Have a great day everyone.
5.4 for me after a terrible night’s sleep.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.9 at least it's consistent.

No plans today. I am trying to persuade myself to get out in the cold and go for a walk! Yesterday I went out at 8am and it was bitterly cold. Not keen on repeating that!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.4 on another dull morning.

It’s Zara’s 3rd birthday today and she’s going to the zoo. Lucky little girl. We’ll Facetime her later to give her our best wishes. That’s been an incredibly quick three years.

Nothing planned today, got a parcel from Amazon coming, nothing exciting, just a baby changing mat. It’s like Mothercare in our house!

Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Morning a slight lie in and woke with a 4.4 but flat so got up and had some breakfast.
Nice to wake up without it being dark so a nice sign of times ahead.
Another quiet day and looking forward to our w/ end break.
All tickety boo at the moment.
7.1 this morning.

Stressed about mum of course. Also throw CICA idiocy into the mix and I’m about done. Oh and got a parking fine through from January, when I stopped for a couple of minutes at 16:22 in a loading bay to drop bags off at a charity shop but failed to notice that the bay was only loading until 16:00 then clearway. Won’t make that mistake again.
Morning all, 4.7 here, but no dips into the red overnight, don’t know how I managed that.
Collected the kids from the airport yesterday , they’re both still here, catching up on sleep before they drive home. Son is working from here today, and daughters cat is still in residence, I’ll be glad to get my house back!
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Good morning! Woke to a 4.2 but DP/FOTF has whizzed it up to 5.9. Best night's sleep in ages after stopping the antibiotics so will try to contact consultant, or failing that GP, after this morning's podiatry which reminds me I have not updated the My Poorly Leg thread for a few weeks.

Weather foggy!
Morning all, 4.7 here, but no dips into the red overnight, don’t know how I managed that.
Collected the kids from the airport yesterday , they’re both still here, catching up on sleep before they drive home. Son is working from here today, and daughters cat is still in residence, I’ll be glad to get my house back!
View attachment 29355
Our youngest and husband went to Sydney and New Zealand for their honeymoon. We bought them tickets for the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb for a wedding present! They loved it. Better than a toaster. 😛