Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.2 at 6.30. Tried to have a lie in but got a headache caused by neck ache. Must have been lying awkwardly.

Frosty this morning but still. The last two days has been very breezy, great for drying my washing, but bitingly cold.

Off to a party later. I won’t be putting my posh frock on, I’m not sure 10 toddlers will notice anyway. Zara is 3 on the 28th and she’s having her party today in a local soft play area. It will be chaotic, and very noisy, no doubt, and that’ll just be the mothers, and grandmothers, having a good old natter whilst the dads and grandads are in the ball pool with the kids!

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS.
@Elenka_HM even if you’re not successful the experience will hold you in good stead for other interviews. Fingers crossed for you anyways.

Have a super Saturday everyone.

Saw the folks yesterday and obviously explained to them that if either of them lost consciousness at all then calling 999 or 111 is the least they should do rather than “not fuss”.

I basically said that I get they’re both feeling old and are resistant to that fact but if they didn’t at least start to accept they’re almost 82 and 84 then my brother, s-in-l and I would insist they got those pendant alarm things and then they’d really feel old. Kinda “if you think you’re crying now just wait until your father gets home then you’ll really have something to cry about” approach.

Everyone, and I mean everyone (hairdresser, milkman, postman, neighbour, friends etc) has been having a go at mum saying that she needed to contact the GP. She has an appointment on Monday.

Parents! Bloody little stress generating machines!
Good luck with the parent “ discussions” but remember how much we all owe them and love them and they do say we all eventually turn into them.
Appreciate how frustrating it can be when you only have their best interest at heart but they can’t be persuaded to follow your advice but am sure they can think of a time when we all ignored their well intentioned advice.
Am sure a common experience of us all going through life is how it seems a big cycle that we depended on others at the start and towards the latter part of our lives and the carer becomes the cared for.
Have a good w/end Colin
It was 5.5 for me after being up for a while.

Starting off the day by working on the second draft of a novella I recently finished and catching up on recent LP purchases and trying to de-stress from the woes of the current project at work.

5.7 today, had a nice walk yesterday. Today will be shopping, then knit and natter.
@Wendal We had the parenting the parents conversations yesterday. I’m sure we’ll have them again though!
Morning all. 🙂 5.5 here.

Ooo, sunshine! Got things that need doing, but it’s NOT RAINING atm 😱 so a session in the garden first - I’ll probably sink up to my nobbly knees in the sodden ground but at least my top half’ll be dry LOL
It's a 4.7 for me this morning. 🙂

Morning down a little from yesterday from 9.2 too 8.7 @ 8:30

Had reading of 7.1 @ 18:00 can't really think of anything that I ate after to push up again ‍♂️ trying to get some more strips as only get 25 a month so can't really monitor that we'll. When I get back to work will pay for a on arm monitor even if only for 14 days just to see if can understand my blood a little better.

Shopping today try let hope I don't bring anything bad home
Good morning - 7.5

Have a great day everyone.
Morning down a little from yesterday from 9.2 too 8.7 @ 8:30

Had reading of 7.1 @ 18:00 can't really think of anything that I ate after to push up again ‍♂️ trying to get some more strips as only get 25 a month so can't really monitor that we'll. When I get back to work will pay for a on arm monitor even if only for 14 days just to see if can understand my blood a little better.

Shopping today try let hope I don't bring anything bad home
Check out the price of the strips for your monitor as if not too bad you can always buy some extra, if they are the more expensive ones you could always buy one of the monitors with the cheaper strips like the GlucoVavii or TEE2 on line, where the strips can be more than half the price.
5.9 on a cold and (surprisingly) frosty Berkshire morning. Minus 2.4 when I got up but by the time I needed the car a short while ago it had already de-iced without me having to do anything.

Video-called with my wife a short while ago, just before she turned in (they're 13 hours ahead at the moment). They enjoyed their day at the Hobbiton attraction (see photo) and in the evening our eldest's futsal mate's parents laid on a BBQ, which was nice of them. Tomorrow they're having a day out at Rotorua, known for its bubbling mud pools, shooting geysers and natural hot springs as it's in a geothermal area. To give a sense of how actively geothermal it is, one of the attractions is called Hell's Gate.

Six Nations is back today so a rugby fest later with Ireland v Wales first, followed by Scotland v England. Based on current form, and being Welsh, I shall probably watch the Wales game from behind the sofa.......

Enjoy your start to the weekend, and congratulations @Gwynn on your HS.


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Morning and well done Gwynn on the HS.
Mine is a 5.5 so can’t remember what that is in bingo lingo.
Not best nights sleep as my Libre went off a couple of times after the Pizza effects kicked in later than usual and I took a 2u correction after a really good average BG during yesterday.
Anyway it was delicious and we are off to a Garden centre today abd furniture shopping so we can spend some oif wife’s birthday money/ vouchers.
Then lunch at my favourite place tomorrow so quite a perfect w/ end.
Nice frost this morning so put Haggis’s coat on to keep him warm rather than dry as he went to groomers yesterday for his swearing. He has been transformed from a shaggy dog into a well groomed handsome mutt with a stylish beard.
Anyway whatever you get up to have a good one.
OMG a dog that swears. He’s priceless!
Morning all

It's a happy 5.6 for me on this lovely sunny morning.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.
GoodMorning Saturday 8.1
Yesterday 7.2

a visit to the vampires booked for Tuesday morning, today I take my last Trulicity shot (due to supply issues)
depending what my HbA1c comes back as, GP thinking to jiggle my other meds instead, will see what is decided and how things go.

Off to IKEA shortly as we need to get a few bits, so probably best empty out car ready to fill it if we see anything else

Hope everything’s good in everyone’s world, there’s so many pages of posts I’ve not read, have a super weekend 😎
Afternoon all. Nice and sunny right now.

4.8 which is surprising. In the middle of the night I woke and found my pod had detached itself and was roaming around free in the bed. Annoying as I only put it on at 9pm last night. Now I'll have to waste an hour phoning them to get it replaced. They are 10 times worse than Abbott with their questions if a sensor falls off. Obviously it can't have been off long or I'd have been a lot higher.

Not up to much today. Hubby will be hogging the TV watching Rugby so I will pop round my friends for a cuppa this afternoon. Then making a sausage pie for dinner with the sausagemeat I found lurking in the freezer.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS

Have a good day all