Group 7-day waking average?

well its a surprising 6.1 after last nights meal out lovely sunny day but its a tad chilly hope everyone has a good day
Pam, I read your story earlier in the thread. Honestly you need to fight for a proper diagnosis, for the tests that will prove whether you have T1 or T2. Otherwise you will forever receive second class treatment. Believe me, I do know. If I hadn't fought for the tests I would not have either my pump or possibly my sensors.

It sounds to me (and I am no Doctor) that your Lantus might be trying to do the job of a bolus as
well as it's role as a basal. On the other hand you do have some good morning results.
Ooops just squeezed into saying Morning all! So far today we've had teeming rain, a long hail storm and it's now sunny!

7.0 with a flat line. No idea why... though we did have mashed potato as part of our dinner.
last night.

Hope it stays sunny whilst we are waiting for the bus into town to meet our friends and do a few minor errands. Julian has finished laying the flooring and the downstairs is amazingly clean and tidy after all the sawing that went on.

@ColinUK so sorry to hear about your mum. Hope she is OK because it must be very worrying for you and your brother - not to mention Dad and mum herself.

Have a good day all.

Oh and welcome to the thread @gaphilp85
5.5 this morning for me on my last Friday at work! Just 4 more working days left before we both retire!

We have our visitor again, let’s hope nest-building is on the agenda this year rather than just overnight roosting!


@ColinUK - sorry to hear about your Mum, hopefully all is well and it is good they told you about it.

@Pam123 - as @Pattidevans says, it is important to press for a correct diagnosis as this will get you the right treatment. I only got rediagnosed as T1 when I pressed my GP for more help on insulin and they referred me to the diabetes clinic at the hospital where they reviewed my response to carbs and insulin and decided straight away I was T1. Then followed the Libre and lots of help in tweaking insulin dosing which has helped fantastically over this last couple of years.

Have a Good Friday everyone!
A 5.7 for me at 8.25 earlier this morning - it's been a busy day today.
Pam, I read your story earlier in the thread. Honestly you need to fight for a proper diagnosis, for the tests that will prove whether you have T1 or T2. Otherwise you will forever receive second class treatment. Believe me, I do know. If I hadn't fought for the tests I would not have either my pump or possibly my sensors.

It sounds to me (and I am no Doctor) that your Lantus might be trying to do the job of a bolus as
well as it's role as a basal. On the other hand you do have some good morning results.
thank you I will make another appointment with the doctor and se if he will range the the DN is to be honest useless
thank you I will make another appointment with the doctor and se if he will range the the DN is to be honest useless
I've had type 1 now for 57 years .Never known it this bad My dsn left two years ago and they still can't find a replacement..Never had a face to face with a consultant for 4 years.Ive demanded one for this year See what happens.Im up in the he north east .
I've had type 1 now for 57 years .Never known it this bad My dsn left two years ago and they still can't find a replacement..Never had a face to face with a consultant for 4 years.Ive demanded one for this year See what happens.Im up in the he north east .
thats terrible, the doctor who is the diabetic leads solution for me was to give me the Libre and carry on, I wasn't given any instruction when i left hospital last year my husband injects me which is fine there just isn't any care in my area at all
:rofl: Oh how exciting. Are you taking games in to work next week like we did at school on the last few days before the long summer holidays? :rofl:
And if I pay 10p I don’t have to wear uniform :rofl:
And if I pay 10p I don’t have to wear uniform :rofl:
And bring some treats for your lil friend's...oops, I mean, coworkers! :D

When I was little it was common that kids would bring sweets or cakes for the whole class on their birthday. I wonder if that's still allowed nowadays with all the allergies and dietary requirements around.
Good night everyone! Was 7'3 in the meter this morning. Last night I must have been too nervous about my online "informal" interview to notice my sensor was about to run out. I have had a Libre free day, will apply a new sensor before bed to get back on track tomorrow.

I feel the interview went well but not "wow", I don't think I said anything wrong and didn't have awkward silences, and the interviewer seemed friendly, but I am not sure I stand out enough knowing the amount of candidates they have. She did say "see you soon" at the end, tho that's probably out of habit :D At least I hope she felt my positive, can-do attitude: I was all "yes I can", "that is fine with me", "I would sort that out"...!
Good morng everyons

BG 5.2 yesssssssss

My weight continues to tumble yessss. Mind you it takes some effort to keep up the exercise in this cold weather.

Had a facebook message yesterday for my wife from one of her sisters (she is concerned about her as she hasn't heard from her in many years). I will try to get my wife to reply to it today. It could be an uphill struggle as she thinks everyone on the internet it a fake or a scammer or just not who they say they are. Wish me luck on that one.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning and well done Gwynn on the HS.
Mine is a 5.5 so can’t remember what that is in bingo lingo.
Not best nights sleep as my Libre went off a couple of times after the Pizza effects kicked in later than usual and I took a 2u correction after a really good average BG during yesterday.
Anyway it was delicious and we are off to a Garden centre today abd furniture shopping so we can spend some oif wife’s birthday money/ vouchers.
Then lunch at my favourite place tomorrow so quite a perfect w/ end.
Nice frost this morning so put Haggis’s coat on to keep him warm rather than dry as he went to groomers yesterday for his swearing. He has been transformed from a shaggy dog into a well groomed handsome mutt with a stylish beard.
Anyway whatever you get up to have a good one.
Good morning? Woke with a muggy headache andd slight nausea. Stomach settling but despite taking Paracetamol headache remains. Absolutely sure it is the Co-trimoxazole antibiotic as this has been all too common since I started taking them at beginning of year. I'm Wednesday consultant said he wants me to persevere
Oh and BG 6.2.


Saw the folks yesterday and obviously explained to them that if either of them lost consciousness at all then calling 999 or 111 is the least they should do rather than “not fuss”.

I basically said that I get they’re both feeling old and are resistant to that fact but if they didn’t at least start to accept they’re almost 82 and 84 then my brother, s-in-l and I would insist they got those pendant alarm things and then they’d really feel old. Kinda “if you think you’re crying now just wait until your father gets home then you’ll really have something to cry about” approach.

Everyone, and I mean everyone (hairdresser, milkman, postman, neighbour, friends etc) has been having a go at mum saying that she needed to contact the GP. She has an appointment on Monday.

Parents! Bloody little stress generating machines!