Group 7-day waking average?

I managed to dodge the rain this morning. Waited until 10am and just went for it. 106 minutes and no rain. Thank goodness for that.
Morning all - up to now drenching rain, but it's just brightened up a bit... sunshine is peeking through. Wonder if it will last.

5.9 with a flat line after 1am. Still had bolus working until then.

Off into town to have lunch with a g/f. Hopefully by the time I get home Julian will have finished laying laminate flooring and we can at least have downstairs straight again. He'll then have to paint skirting boards/door architrave in the study and we can start putting things back in there at the weekend.

So... have a good day all!
Just got back from my diabetic review, all good, HbA1C 40mmol/mol, a bit up from last time as I have put some weight on with the lack of exercise due to knee and shoulders, cholesterol 3.2, ratios all good, triglycerides half, feet all good. Not sure about blood pressure as her monitor wouldn't record anything.
Surprised everything was good but really pleased.
4.9 then 5.2 fotf then 30 mins later bfast then 8.8 @2hrs
no overnight alarms or readings in the red zone since taking basal at night, before bed. funny, that. (alarms set to 3.3)

Very wet and windy today.
Morning all, It was a 6.1 for me earlier this wet and windy day'

Have a good day folks and stay safe....
It seems I didn't get away with the fall yesterday! I had not used the prosthetic since but when I put it on in physio I found it too painful to weight bear. The physio thinks I damaged the tendons as the prosthetic twisted as I fell! Then with the weights 20kg was easy with the right but I had to drop 10kg for the left. So it s pain killers and rest for me... :(
Just got a 64 for my A1C. Appointment to go in booked early March. Note on system, Poor Diabetes control. Yeah, it would help if the patient was given some guidance. But there you go. And I was totally expecting it to be in the 60's as my data for the finger prick readings averages out at 10.4 for a 90 day period.
3.9 this morning alarm went off 3 times had one lot of jelly baby's I hate trying to eat them in the middle of the night goes anyone know how much tropical I could have instead please
Um, what medication are you on? Just wondering as T2s normally don't have hypos unless on a medication like gliclazide or insulin. Did you finger prick when the alarms went off, because they are often just "compression lows" i.e. a false low alarm caused by lying on the sensor.

What is "Tropical"?
Hi thanks for your reply I am on lantus nothing else for the last 6 months yes I did finger prick on each alarm the first was 4.1 sencer 3.9 second was 3.9 Spencer was 3.9 the last was 4.1 finger prick 3.9 Sencer sorry tropicana orange juice
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Hi thanks for your reply I am on lantus nothing else for the last 6 months yes I did finger prick on each alarm the first was 4.1 sencer 3.9 second was 3.9 Spencer was 3.9 the last was 4.1 finger prick 3.9 Sencer sorry tropical is orange juice
Ah right, I don't know about orange juice as I haven't touched it since I was diagnosed over 20 years ago.

If you are on Lantus and seeing low numbers like that then may I suggest it's time for you to do a basal test. Although the overnight numbers seen do suggest that you may need to reduce the Lantus a little. Though it may depend on the timing of your injection. Do you inject before bed or in the morning?
Ah right, I don't know about orange juice as I haven't touched it since I was diagnosed over 20 years ago.

If you are on Lantus and seeing low numbers like that then may I suggest it's time for you to do a basal test. Although the overnight numbers seen do suggest that you may need to reduce the Lantus a little. Though it may depend on the timing of your injection. Do you inject before bed or in the morning?
thank you again for your reply I dose in the morning 32 units, i was started off with 12 units when i was diagnosed 6 months ago, when i was admitted to hospital with a number of problems, i developed Sepsis, Coli and a kidney infection, i was in hospital for 3 weeks and i believe i had ketones at one point but was so ill to begin with its hard to recall, i do remember having fast acting insulin as well as Lantus to begin with, but i wasn't eating much if anything for a while, when i was discharged i was given the Lantus and basically left to it, it was suggested i might be late onset type one by the only time i saw the DN at our doctors, they told me to keep increasing the Lantus until things stabilised, to be honest i have just tweaked it myself, they are aware of what i have done and dont seem to be interested or bothered, our Gp the diabetic lead said he was impressed with my progress when i saw him in December which was an appointment i made to get help and he perscribed my Libre sensor to keep an eye on my readings, but thats it, if it hadn't been for this forum i dont know what i would have done sorry for the long reply my A1C when diagnosed was 87 6 weeks later it was 57 tested at the one DN appointed i had and now the predicted A1C on the Libre is 49
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Good morning and a 6.1 for me and getting a better level of control with a couple of adjustments.
In fact I would have had a unicorn yesterday and I was hovering around the 6 level when I realised I had forgot to take my insulin with me and although I had planned on not being late home I did have about a 20 mile drive so skipped lunch but did eat a Cream Egg.
So by the time I got home I had gone up to 12 and then had 2u and a fruit scone and got it back in range and it has stayed there since.
Anyway as well as being a bad decision to forget my insulin it meant I could not enjoy a nice lunch or ice cream so that will be an incentive not to forget in future.
I usually have a routine but a last minute phone call before I left they house disrupted my routine so a lesson for me.
Another quiet day with only a short trip out so lunch at home.
So Pizza night tonight and w/end to look forward so hope you are all OK.
Good morning everyone

BG 4.2 hmmm a tad low for me but ok

Today nothing planned. More exercise (it is getting easier) but I am none too sure about the weather yet.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
4.8 after a bit of a carb-fest yesterday on a day trip to Cambridge and a few beers and crisps in the evening.
Good morning Friday Folks. 6.9 for me.

Up and down day of eating yesterday. I had a lovely cheese scone with a tiny bit of raspberry jam at 11am. I wasn’t able to pre bolus as I was in a cafe and it came straight away. I made that my lunch, I did have some squares of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk mid afternoon and shot up to over 10. Come teatime I’d plummeted to 4! Tea was stuffed pasta Bolognaise, small portion, and homemade focaccia, just an eighth of a slice, I did cut myself a quarter but was too full to finish it. I took a punt on how much bolus to take, and got it wrong! Another trip over into 10 land! Ah well, today’s another day!

Got Zara and Eden, and youngest daughter, coming for lunch and a natter/play. At least the forecast is dry and Zara can get on her new slide.

Have a fab Friday.