Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all

It's the same as last night a 5.4 and it's a wet and windy morning.
Good morning lovelies. 6'3 today.

Nervous and excited as I have been invited to a Teams call for an "initial informal discussion" about one of the jobs I applied for. I don't trust the "informal" bit of it, this is a selection process:D. They said after that the shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.

Please send good luck. Advice and tips also appreciated 🙂
@Eternal422 suggest you have a look at before you go off to Aus. Having worked in the Airline industry for 20 years I know lost cases can ruin holidays, specially if you have multiple sectors!
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll take a look!
7.2 after a good night’s sleep at last! Cold seems to be on its way out thank goodness!

Happy birthday @Grannylorraine !

Congratulations to @Colin g and @Pam123 on your HS today!

Have a good day everyone!
@Pattidevans - looked at the Trace Me Luggage site and just bought a twin pack for us! Looks a good service and if we have need to use it on our trip it should help ease any issues! Thanks again for the suggestion!
Good morning lovelies. 6'3 today.

Nervous and excited as I have been invited to a Teams call for an "initial informal discussion" about one of the jobs I applied for. I don't trust the "informal" bit of it, this is a selection process:D. They said after that the shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.

Please send good luck. Advice and tips also appreciated 🙂
All fingers and toes crossed, all 21 of them! 😉 Good luck.
Thank you can I ask a question I've seen many congratulations on HS wondered what it ment x
It is a forum thing and means House Special. Some time ago someone came up with the idea that a waking BG reading of 5.2 was considered optimum. It’s really a bit of fun on this thread more than anything serious.
Afternoon all - a filthy day with rain lashing down and very dreary.

5.3 this morning with a flat line, though I went to bed at midnight on 9.9 it dropped quickly as I still had bolus on board. I had a lot better sleep overall, even if I did visit the loo 3 or so times I went straight back to sleep afterwards.

Got to type up the minutes of yesterday's PPG meeting which was somewhat chaotic, so I hope I can make sense of them. Meeting friends late afternoon/early evening. Fortunately there is plenty of lasagna left over for tonight so I don't have to cook. I did drown it a bit with the tomato sauce this time, but hey ho it was still very tasty.

@freesia it must be very difficult having responsibility for mum on top of a very stressful job. Just wanted to send you sympathy and hugs. Try to find a little bit of "me" room, even if it's just a hot bath before bed.

@Elenka_HM hope all goes well with the "informal" chat. Try to relax if you can and remember that those doing the interview are just human beings with the same faults, failures and insecurities as everyone else.

Congratulations to @Colin g and @Pam123 on your HSs today!

Happy Birthday to @Grannylorraine - hope you have a lovely day!
It is a forum thing and means House Special. Some time ago someone came up with the idea that a waking BG reading of 5.2 was considered optimum. It’s really a bit of fun on this thread more than anything serious.
@Northerner should know, but as far as I know it was a number plucked out of the air. It has no medical provenance at all, just a bit of fun .
I got a 5.2 yesterday afternoon 2 and a bit hours after lunch!

Just need to shift my body clock a few hours to get it in the morning instead 🙂
Is this true?

I have just read in several places that the HbA1c test results 'pre diabetic point' increases with age.

At >60 years old it is 47.5 (which gives an average daily finger prick result of 7.7)

At 20 to 39 years its 42.1
At 40 to 59 years its 43.2

First time I have seen this so if others are the same it may get a poor reception here, but then it may not be true and deserve a poor reception here.

If it is true then is it mentioned here on this web site?

Or am I completely wrong/confused/barking up a nonsense tree?

Mind you it also states that there is controversy over this (who has stated it and where is the controversy from)

Just adds to the myriad of confusions on the internet.

I'll not lose any sleep over it.

Any views from out there on the forum (don't shout at me please)

Did a little more digging and came up with this

Good afternoon 4.8 today
Looks like I forgot to hit the blue button this morning
Good morning lovelies. 6'3 today.

Nervous and excited as I have been invited to a Teams call for an "initial informal discussion" about one of the jobs I applied for. I don't trust the "informal" bit of it, this is a selection process:D. They said after that the shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.

Please send good luck. Advice and tips also appreciated 🙂
Very best of luck Elenka and my only advice is be yourself if that is not good enough for them then the job is not right for you.
Remember it should be a two way interaction and they need to convince you about the job being right for you as well as vice versa.
So you go slay them
@Elenka_HM i hope your "informal" discussion went well. I'm sure you nailed it!

Thanks everyone for good wishes after my post this morning. Its hard atm, i just want mum to have the best care she can.
And a Len Goodman special for me this morning.

Off to theatre this afternoon to see An Enemy of the People. It’s had somewhat mixed reviews and it’s not Ibsen’s finest but I’m curious to see what Matt Smith does with the role.
Morning yawning. 5.7 at this ridiculously early hour. Mr Eggy snoring his head off, I got up before I did something we might both regret!

Forgot, until last night, we promised to help out on some Thursdays when Zara has her swimming lessons. Daughter goes in with her and obviously Eden is too young to go in too. This is when we really need two cars. Mr Eggy getting his wig bashed at 10, the north of the city ( we live south), and I need to go with him so we can fly down the bypass to the outskirts of the west of the city to meet up with daughter at 10.45 to hand over Eden. Swimming is at 11am, luckily only a half hour lesson! We’ll sit in the cafe whilst the swimming is done. Might have a scone and cuppa in lieu of lunch, I’ll need it by then as I’m up so blooming early!

Have a good day.