Group 7-day waking average?

5.3 this morning. Not really a fasting test as I went to the bathroom just after 2am, checked my phone to see if the family's flight from Sydney to Auckland was in the air and discovered that they were still on the ground due to a thunderstorm. Stayed up and kept checking. They finally took off almost an hour late, during which time I'd made a cup of tea and had a couple of squares of extra dark chocolate. Went back to bed, woke just after 7 and picked up a WhatsApp from my wife to say they were in Auckland but their luggage wasn't. 2 of their suitcases will be on a flight arriving just after midnight, the other's whereabouts is currently unknown. Nightmare - they're only in Auckland for one night. Thankfully they'd taken the precaution of packing a few essentials in their hand baggage, including a change of clothes.

Here at home it's swim day so I'll be off to the pool later, and if the weather is as good this afternoon as it was yesterday and the day before I'll be back working on the garden. It's looking neater already now that the dead stuff has been cut out, even if a little bare and short of colour.
A 6.1 for me this morning.
@eggyg your comment about the weather reminded me that when we complained about having to go out in the rain our mum used to say, "You're neither sugar nor salt - you won't melt." :D

Good moaning! Really annoyed after yesterday's morning hypo which with the antibiotics left me with a muggy head much of the day and having a similar BG just before bed had a 10gm snack. Result it spiked just over 10 and bl**dy stayed there. Result 10.3 this morning and with yesterday's hypo stats ruined - 2% hypo range, 76% IR and rest amber but not red!

Quiet day and silly o'clock start tomorrow for Foot Clinic! (fingers crossed emoji)
Morning all and 6.6 for me.

Pleasant surprise yesterday when car was dropped off yesterday lunch time complete with a new MOT certificate.

Working on s few songs this evening with guitarist and singer

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all.8.8; for me this morning.Be with the low alarm going off twice during the night.4.1 and 4.2 so not bad Jelly babies took and back to sleep for an hour.till it went off again .Never had a good night's sleep in 19 years since I had back surgery that wasn't a great success and ended my working career.Carnt sleep on my back .And the nerve damage in neck and shoulders doesn't help Still I'm still here just get on with it.. Hope everyone is doing well and have a good day folks
Morning all, rather grey and cold looking though it's actually 11c, but dry.

5.7 this morning at 7:30. Lousy night's sleep, been awake since 4 am when I woke from a bad dream. Just couldn't drift off again. Usual traipse to the loo every 1.5/2 hours despite not ingesting any diuretics to my knowledge. Pepperonata, mashed potatoes and sausages, followed by a fresh pear.

Yeee hah... J has finished painting the study and taken the carpet up ready to do the flooring. The backing of the carpet has been reduced to powder where the office chairs have been on it.

I've got a Surgery Patient's Panel meeting at 1:30 and then will have the minutes to type up. Clearly the chair has altered the minutes from the last meeting as my careful (and painful) lay out is completely screwed in the version that got sent out. Loathe Word 2019!

Making Mary Berry's spiced sausage and spinach lasagne for dinner. Recipe says it's quick (not particularly in my experience)

I wonder what has happened to @TinaD? I do hope she is OK. I am rather fearful for @Michael12421 as well as he seemed increasingly frail.

Have a happy day people.
picked up a WhatsApp from my wife to say they were in Auckland but their luggage wasn't. 2 of their suitcases will be on a flight arriving just after midnight, the other's whereabouts is currently unknown. Nightmare - they're only in Auckland for one night.
Oh NO! That is a nightmare. We use this system Luckily we've never had lost cases since we got the tags, but it does make you feel safer. Your wife and boys were very wise to pack a few essentials in the cabin baggage, I always do.
Good morning everyone, it's a happy 5.7 for me on this grey morning.
Oh NO! That is a nightmare. We use this system Luckily we've never had lost cases since we got the tags, but it does make you feel safer. Your wife and boys were very wise to pack a few essentials in the cabin baggage, I always do.
Apparently baggage loading was interrupted by a thunderstorm. There was even a lightning strike on the Boarding Gate next to theirs. When the storm had passed the baggage handlers didn't pick up where they'd left off. Other passengers are also missing theirs.
Hi everyone. 5.3 then 6.7 fotf then 7.6@2hrs I'd like to make it stay below 8.0 if possible
@Eternal422 have you tried taking Echinacea tablets at first signs of a cold? We do and find that often it wards the cold off as soon as first symptoms are felt. Usually Superdrug are offering 3 packets for the price of 2. Boots are more than twice the price.
Ooo, thanks for the tip. I’ll give them a try next time I get first signs. Still in the throws of the cold at the moment, but not feeling as bad as I did over the weekend. Very interestingly I had my blood test results back from Friday and it shows a nicely elevated white cell count which is in line with the start of this cold! At least that’s how I interpret the result :

6.3 this morning for me and the cold lingers on, as with some others on here - hope those suffering get better soon!

Thankfully WFH means I can carry on, albeit at a lower productivity rate with this cold, but I can still do some stuff in the comfort of my home office.

Take care everyone!
Good morning everyone

BG 4.6 the lower BGs continue. Yessss

Weight also continues to drop. I am now 72.8Kg. My weighing scales love me. But exercise today may be halted due to foul weather outside!

The meeting with the pastor yesterday went really well.

Today, hmmm, nothing planned. Good job, cos it's nasty out there! Cheese and tomato pizza (50g) for tea with extra tomatoes and extra cheese. Only a very small portion cos we only have a half pizza in the fridge to divide between us. I wonder if I can add anything more?


Hmmm, I must admit that that does not look appetizing at all. Quite revolting!!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing