Group 7-day waking average?

@MikeyBikey well it was close at 5.0 on an astronomical scale!
Well, last as usual! Afternoon all. Was grey first thing, but it's picked up and it's lovely bright and sunny now.

4.8 this morning on finally waking after a screeching alarm rudely woke me at 06:49. I treated with 2 Dextro but had run out of biscuits. Probably due to bolussing for my dinner last night but being too tired to eat it.

Had a decent night's sleep for once barring the alarms at 00:03 and 06:49. Have not been sleeping well, waking every 2 hours or so for the loo, though AFAIK I have no UTI and haven't had BG high enough to prompt it. As a result have been feeling deathly, absolutely exhausted during the day with all muscles aching by the afternoon. Had to go back to bed for an hour yesterday. Feel a fair bit better today. Don't know whether to speak to the Dr or if I'd just be labelled hypochondriac.

@Eternal422 have you tried taking Echinacea tablets at first signs of a cold? We do and find that often it wards the cold off as soon as first symptoms are felt. Usually Superdrug are offering 3 packets for the price of 2. Boots are more than twice the price.

Have a good afternoon and evening all.... chins up spring approacheth.
Did you have anything diuretic to eat, parsley, celery, fennel are what do it for me.
GoodMorning 4.8

Yesterday was a successful day at work, hopefully the week will be a good one.

GP phoned me, at a time when I had no phone signal (in my job I’m out and about)
however he left me a voicemail, seems there is no alternative to Trulicity for me,
but said maybe they can simply up my daily dosage of empagliflozin, so need to book a blood test.

Have a great day everyone 😎
Morning all. 5.5 today and a unicorn.

Mr Eggy is up and it’s disconcerting me! He never gets up before 8! He’s excited because he has started the process for getting electricity into the greenhouse. Hole drilled into my kitchen wall yesterday and wiring pushed through and into greenhouse. The breaker to fit today. Wish he got so excited when I ask him to clean the windows!

We’re hoping to get out for a wee walk today, we’ve decided we must get out everyday even if it’s just an hour. Unfortunately, the forecast isn’t good for the foreseeable, but we won’t melt. Other than that nothing too exciting happening in Eggyland.

Have a grand day.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1 despite a lingering cold

Today I have a meeting (over coffee) with the church pastor at 11am. I look after the sound system and someone has donated a reasonable amount of money to upgrade the sound system, so there quite a bit to discuss. It needs upgrading as it is giving problems and is at least 40 years old!!

But before that I need to do my morning exercise. Weather is good too.

Whoops my nose just started bleeding it must be decades since I had a nose bleed. It's this cold and having to 'clear' my nose to be able to breathe that's done it.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning. 5.9 this morning pour moi.

Going to head out for an early walk I think. That way I can spend the rest of the day going through police stuff.
Good morning and a 6.6 for me and the 2 slices of toast late last night ( could not resist) meant that I was high going to bed ( going from a nice 6.4 to a 10.2).
So pleased with nice slow drop but spoiled my TIR for the day.
Still at least I know why it happened which is not always the case.
Quite a quiet week ( Liverpool today) and half term as well but weather not looking great will just plod on ( is possibility of a nice lunch stop).
Anyway whatever you are up to have a good one.
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Good morning! Slightly high 7, could be worse after last night pizza. Stayed over range for hours but that was expected because it was too late to try split bolus. It looks like it didn't go over 12 so not that bad, is just one meal. Just wish the pizza had been better so I'd felt is "worth the carbs". Must experiment bolus with better pizza and during daytime. You know, for research 😉

Another 6:30 am start, following another evening off. This time went to bed 11:30, not ideal, but progress from previous night. I thought I was meant to work but they cancelled my shift, which is always a bit of a mixed feeling: cool, I didn't feel like working anyway, but I'm hourly paid... Plus they made a few other changes to the weekly rota which was already approved and I find that annoying. We need to know when we are working and be able to make our plans 🙄
Morning all, 4.7 half an hour ago, which I seem to have achieved without dipping into the red,I was a bit higher than normal last night, so added an extra unit of Levemir on, rather than correcting with bolus (that often seems to cause a crash). Now I'm 5.4, so went through the HS station without stopping. :(
10.4 but it had only just gone past 10. I was going to give myself a little bit of insulin at around 5 as I now ofeen rise in the early hours but I hadn't slept much last night so when the alarm went off I ended up just going back to sleep(it was 8.3 then)
7.0 this morning

Managed the first day back at work yesterday, but now I’m tired and have to do it all over again!

6.4 today, throat feels slightly better, but not the aches, oh well it will pass.