Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 🙂 6.2 here.

I thought I’d feel refreshed after half term but, weirdly, I feel like I’ve done a full week...must’ve had too much half term fun! 😛:confused: Come on nose, back to the grindstone with you. o_O:D
Good morning all. 6.8 after a restless night, I was very clammy, it’s been so mild of late. Glad to see it’s dry, bright and a bit cooler at 7c today. Much more February like.

No big plans today after the busy weekend we’ve had. A bit of laundry, a bit of tidying up, I’ve not ventured into their bedrooms or bathroom yet! I couldn’t face it yesterday. 🙄

Have a Happy Monday.

6.1 with a sore throat, horrible headache and feeling generally lethargic. Oh well it is the time of year for colds I suppose. Wish I felt a bit more enthusiastic this morning, but could happily go back to bed today.
10.5 but I can see that's been dawn phenomenon which starting happening perhaps around 5.30(it's sometimes hard to tell the times I'm on the gargh with dexcom while at least with the reciver anyway)
A 5.3 for me this morning. 🙂

6.4 this morning for me after a weekend of fighting a cold with the accompanying high BGs.

@Grannylorraine - hope you feel better soon! I’m downing Day Nurse to try and ward my cold off.

Take care everyone!
5.5 this morning. Sun came out yesterday afternoon so I managed a productive day in the garden, mostly cutting out dead stuff, aerating the soil and generally tidying up. Pleased to see so many of our shrubs are budding - magnolia, lilac for example - and there are bulbs through here and there. My gardening skills only go as far as cutting the grass and weeding, I hasten to add. I leave the planting to my wife.

Have a good start to the week.
12.1 and it's still 12.1. Been having a nightmare since being in hospital for pneumonia!!!!! Clinic on Wednesday
expected with an infection like that. Hope you're better soon
6.1 then fotf 6.7. an hr later it's 7.3 & coffee
is this a "flatfish" ?
current regimen is to take basal at bedtime. about 6 hrs sleep, maybe less. maybe i need to time it.
edit: TIR is 50% (3.9-8.0) @7d 53%@14d 57%@30d 34%@90d


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Good morning! 6'2 today.

I felt a bit dumb and annoyed with myself yesterday. After a long week of busy work I had the evening off and planned to do a couple of easy things, sit at home and go to bed early. Got the sitting part right, not the rest. Could and should be in bed around 10 but left it until 00:30. Why am I like this? 🙄 Then set my alarm as it I had to work at 6am when actually my shift was 6:30. I realised when I woke up and was frustrated, tho it was nice to be able to go back to sleep for a bit!

My reserves of sweet treats (hypo sweets don't count) are down to 3 Lotus biscuits, one square of Lidl dark chocolate and a box of 4 pralines. I want to try and keep less of that stuff in the house, tho I don't like the idea of not having any. Maybe buying one biscuit pack or chocolate bar at a time and wait until I'm done to get any more.
BG 4.8 consistently lower now (between 5.1 and 4.6) but on the flip side no HS's. It's just not fair!

Blood pressure is consistently lower too. This morning it was 114/72 (lowest recently 111/72 , highest 118/77)
I never know if it's your SOH or if you are really upset you haven't got a HS (which is just a made up thing in this thread with no medical provenance, in case people new to the thread wonder), but if I had those numbers I'd be over the moon. They are the numbers of a non-diabetic healthy young person!

See what the WHO says about fasting BG:
The expected values for normal fasting blood glucose concentration are between 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) and 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L). When fasting blood glucose is between 100 to 125 mg/dL (5.6 to 6.9 mmol/L) changes in lifestyle and monitoring glycemia are recommended. If fasting blood glucose is 126 mg/dL (7 mmol/L) or higher on two separate tests, diabetes is diagnosed.An individual with low fasting blood glucose concentration (hypoglycemia) – below 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) – will experience dizziness, sweating, palpitations, blurred vision and other symptoms that have to be monitored.Increased fasting blood glucose concentration (hyperglycemia) is an indicator of a higher risk to diabetes.An individual’s fasting blood plasma glucose (FPG) may be in the normal range because the individual is not diabetic or because of effective treatment with glucose-lowering medication in diabetics.Mean FPG at the national level is used as a proxy for both promotion of healthy diets and behaviours and, treatment of diabetes.
and what the NHS says about blood pressure:
As a general guide: ideal blood pressure is considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg. high blood pressure is considered to be 140/90mmHg or higher. low blood pressure is considered to be below 90/60mmHg.
Clearly it's all that walking you do! Keep it up!
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Well, last as usual! Afternoon all. Was grey first thing, but it's picked up and it's lovely bright and sunny now.

4.8 this morning on finally waking after a screeching alarm rudely woke me at 06:49. I treated with 2 Dextro but had run out of biscuits. Probably due to bolussing for my dinner last night but being too tired to eat it.

Had a decent night's sleep for once barring the alarms at 00:03 and 06:49. Have not been sleeping well, waking every 2 hours or so for the loo, though AFAIK I have no UTI and haven't had BG high enough to prompt it. As a result have been feeling deathly, absolutely exhausted during the day with all muscles aching by the afternoon. Had to go back to bed for an hour yesterday. Feel a fair bit better today. Don't know whether to speak to the Dr or if I'd just be labelled hypochondriac.

@Eternal422 have you tried taking Echinacea tablets at first signs of a cold? We do and find that often it wards the cold off as soon as first symptoms are felt. Usually Superdrug are offering 3 packets for the price of 2. Boots are more than twice the price.

Have a good afternoon and evening all.... chins up spring approacheth.
@Pattidevans thanks for that. Yes the walking! 171 minutes today. My feet ache a bit now though.
Afternoon all

A bit late for a morning BG! Anyway it was a 5.6 for me today