Group 7-day waking average?

Blimey, just realised I hadn't posted today. It's wet and horrible!

6.2 after an alarm and correction with Dextro and half a biscuit at 04:15. Still a unicorn though. Did a fingerprick comparison with the new sensor after lunch. Sensor 9.3 Blood 9.0 so I am happy to rely on the sensor.

Am staying out of Julian's way whilst he paints the ceiling. Catching up with long overdue emails & doing some admin work for the GP's Patient Panel. Cooking garlicy prawn linguine for tonight.

Congratulations to @agentmole and @Paul Gibbins on your HSs.

@colin pleased to see the lump isn't malignant.

@freesia so sorry to hear your mum is so diminished. It's so sad., but hopefully she will improve.

@eggyg you must treasure all those photos, they are lovely!

Have a good day, what's left of it folks.
Well i'm awake now and not sure I'm going to go back to to sleep so I guess it was 2.3. I woke in the middle of night at I think it was 16.somthing athough it may have been 15.something I corrected but overcorrected(false judgment which happens to all of is I had seem been be needing more to bring me down earlier on) anyway woke later with dexcom saying 3.8 with a straight arrow and had jelly Babbies and fell back asleep I know I know I should had made sure I stayed awake to make sure it had gone back up anyway about half a hour later I woke up with dexcom saying 2.3 a finger prick said. 1.9(I didn't think of the finger prick until right after I had some more jelly babies so probably around have just left it) not been there for a bit I don't think released when I moved a little bit that I was feeling it. I've ended up over treating this and it's now 10.9 and raising.
Well i'm awake now and not sure I'm going to go back to to sleep so I guess it was 2.3. I woke in the middle of night at I think it was 16.somthing athough it may have been 15.something I corrected but overcorrected(false judgment which happens to all of is I had seem been be needing more to bring me down earlier on) anyway woke later with dexcom saying 3.8 with a straight arrow and had jelly Babbies and fell back asleep I know I know I should had made sure I stayed awake to make sure it had gone back up anyway about half a hour later I woke up with dexcom saying 2.3 a finger prick said. 1.9(I didn't think of the finger prick until right after I had some more jelly babies so probably around have just left it) not been there for a bit I don't think released when I moved a little bit that I was feeling it. I've ended up over treating this and it's now 10.9 and raising.
Also my weakly time in range is 64% precent not the best but I've been ill so could be worst I guess.
Good morning everyone

@MikeyBikey type 1 seems almost impossible to manage!!! I feel for you and all type 1s

BG here 4.8 excellent.

A bit of a headache this morning and a snuffly nose!!! Temperature is normal though at 36.4C

Lost another 0.4Kg yesterday according to my unbelievable weighing scales (but I love them). Surely that is impossible, but the weight is dropping off me as I exercise for England (3 hours walking every day) and keep to my lower carb diet (<130g) and always ensure that I eat 1100 cals a day (approx) and all the nutrient aspects are in range (according to my App). Just 8Kg to my present target of 65Kg.

And my trowsers are starting to fall off!!!

3 Thinner.jpg

When I set my mind to do something I just plan/focus/aim for it and 'drive' until I get there.

Church this morning, then more exercise, then rest.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning a 6.1 for me and another flat line overnight.
So sorry to hear you have not been well Ray Ray and wish you the very best in managing your diabetes at this difficult time.
Good day yesterday and a family visit to our favourite eating place so a big table booked for later.
Wife got lots of nice presents and she feels like a millionaire with all the garden centre vouchers she got.
She is already planning her shopping trips and of course I have offered to chauffeur her and looking forward to the prospect of sone nice coffee stops.
Miserable weather here presently so hope you have it better but does look more promising later.
Enjoy rest of w/ end
I can breathe properly so that’s a clear indication that my cold is going away. Yay!
Have woken up to a thoroughly grey and wet Berkshire morning. It was raining all yesterday evening, looks like it might have rained all night, and it's still raining. Had plans to meet up with friends for a country walk after lunch so will have to wait and see if that's still on. Meanwhile my wife and our two boys are enjoying temperatures in the 80s in Sydney. They looked pretty tired yesterday when we linked up on a WhatsApp video call just before bedtime (theirs, not mine). Hopefully, when we do the same today, they'll have slept off their jetlag.

Off to pick up a Sunday paper shortly. In the meantime, bullseye...!!!

Hope the weather isn't going to spoil anyone's plans for the day.


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Well done @Martin.A I was nearly there with a 5.1. 🙂


5.9 not much planned for today, aborted our plans to walk and coffee this morning due to how heavy the rain is, so just knitting or crotchet and reading on the agenda for today.

@Martin.A - congratulations on your HS

@ColinUK - pleased to hear your results.

Which reminds me hubby got a letter from the hospital yesterday, it is all clear.
Morning all. 8.8. Had a spike overnight despite correcting after chinese food. I did enjoy it though.

@Martin.A congrats on the HS.
@Grannylorraine pleased to hear hubby got the all clear.

Nothing planned for today apart from a soak in the bath. I need to chill out today as back to work tomorrow.
Hello Sunday
a much more respectful 4.9 today although that shot that up to 6.0
after I used the bath room and put the kettle on

Yesterday morning 8.1
Friday was 7.9 after pancakes before bed on Thursday evening

struggling with a few issues at the moment including
ankle is giving me some discomfort
but not enough to be taking painkillers (yet)
and it doesn’t help that work seems to be an uphill struggle

My concentration is wandering at the moment
I’m trying to be calm, stress free, & relax more 🙄

Hope everyone has a super Sunday 😎
5.4 here, also back to work tomorrow so needing to chill out today. I’m just debating between church online or church in person for this morning, will go in person tonight.
Morning all! A soggy start and a 6.1 when I was lulled from my 6am slumber by the prospect of a wet dog walk. Oh the joys!
Afternoon! 6.7 at 7.50am, a lie in,when I got up. Had to get cracking with the Full English for our guests of course. Just finished and they’re now “playing” Scrabble! It’s one game that never ages, unlike our 40 year old Trivial Pursuit! I’ve sent them for a shower/wash now before we get roped in, and we can get Wordle done.

Girls getting picked up after lunch so just one more meal, we don’t eat lunch on a Sunday but they’ll need fed! They all discovered the slide yesterday, we really didn’t hide it very well. Zara said it was her best present, it’s not her birthday until the 28th so I suspect it’s her only present so far! It was dry here for a while so they had a good play on it. It’s sunny here now after a night of rain, the birds have christened the slide so I’ll be out soon with the bowl of hot soapy water and a cloth, so they go out and give us some peace! Is it bedtime yet! 😉

Congratulations @Martin.A on your HS.

Have a sunny Sunday.


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Afternoon! 6.7 at 7.50am, a lie in,when I got up. Had to get cracking with the Full English for our guests of course. Just finished and they’re now “playing” Scrabble! It’s one game that never ages, unlike our 40 year old Trivial Pursuit! I’ve sent them for a shower/wash now before we get roped in, and we can get Wordle done.

Girls getting picked up after lunch so just one more meal, we don’t eat lunch on a Sunday but they’ll need fed! They all discovered the slide yesterday, we really didn’t hide it very well. Zara said it was her best present, it’s not her birthday until the 28th so I suspect it’s her only present so far! It was dry here for a while so they had a good play on it. It’s sunny here now after a night of rain, the birds have christened the slide so I’ll be out soon with the bowl of hot soapy water and a cloth, so they go out and give us some peace! Is it bedtime yet! 😉

Congratulations @Martin.A on your HS.

Have a sunny Sunday.
Like the comment about you did not hide the slides ( especially with adventurous little ones)very well as thought it would not be easiest thing to wrap up if fully assembled.
Reminds me of being on the train back to the NE as a student taking my washing home and passing the tank factory in Leeds.
All of the tanks were covered by tarpaulin to hide them but with the uncovered barrels sticking out.
I am sure even the most incompetent spy would have “ discovered” them so trying to hide things from the all seeing grandkids is a patent lost cause