Group 7-day waking average?

4.7 on the finger this morning. Had to fingerprick to check as that’s a weirdly low morning bg for me.

Morning a 6.1 for me so lowest in a couple of weeks and went back to my 6u basal overnight as after my Pizza last night I did not have a late night snack and I was about 7 going to bed.
Wife’s birthday so lots of visitors and dogs get excited with them coming and love things being unwrapped as they think everything is for them.
When people arrive you get a barking choir ( well not quite) and sounds more like a pack of wolves.So unfamiliar visitors expecting the Hounds of the Baskervilles are very afraid but then relax as they get attacked by short legged cuddle monsters.
Maybe a garden centre if time but have a great w/ end
Up early again but not as early as yesterday, and without the headache this time. First things first, put the cricket on..! Hmm - not going well, though. Tested while the kettle boiled (5.1) so missed out by a whisker.

My wife and our two boys arrived safely in Sydney yesterday evening our time but with it being the opposite end of the day down under were unable to check in to their accommodation straight away, but they were allowed to drop off their luggage. They then headed to McDonalds for breakfast, obviously being eager to sample some of the local cuisine.

Got all the laundry out of the way yesterday so that it's only my things in the wash for the next 3 weeks, and am washing up by hand after each meal or it would take me that long to make it worth putting the dishwasher on. A bit of hoovering, dusting and general tidying up today, a trip to Sainsbury's and then settle down to watch the football.

Whatever your plans enjoy your Saturday.
Morning all. 7.1 which is a miracle as I realised as I took my morning basal I hadn’t taken my 10 units last night! How does that work then? I was distracted as we have three little visitors and I was a bit tired!

Visitors are still in bed but I can hear Zara singing to herself which means she’ll wake Sadie, Poppy is in her own room so she’ll maybe sleep longer. TBF this is later than I thought and I’ve been up since 6.30 expecting them to come down any minute. Zara going home today the farmers’ children are staying tonight too. Another busy day ahead!
News flash! All three just wandered down! No breakfast in peace today!

@ColinUK good luck today. I’m certain all will be fine.

Have a super Saturday.

Guess who was the centre of attention yesterday?


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Morning. *cough*
Hope everyone’s *splutter* alright this Saturday *cough* morning.

6.9 (ooh err matron!)

Still full of cold but it’s getting better.

I’m quite relaxed about the appointment later.

Went out yesterday which means there’s a CCC coming later. Full marks for anyone who recognises the opera from the curtain call.

View attachment 29246
La Boheme

5.5 so happy with that, got to see son’s new home yesterday, it is a lovely house, todays plans big shop and meeting daughter their as she wants to use her dad’s discount on children’s clothing that is extra this weekend, then off to knit and natter where my mum wants me to get her some more wool,

@agentmole and @Paul Gibbins - congratulations on your HS

@ColinUK - hope it goes well today

@eggyg - another lovely photo.

@freesia - sorry forgot to ask how mum is doing now she is home.
Good morning! Woke at 5.1 (so, so close) and now 4.3. Not really eating properly as no appetite. Think it is antibiotics more than anything else. And of course could not discuss it as never got to Foot Clinic on Wednesday.

Depending on energy housework to do and paperwork to sort. :(
Morning all. 4.7.

Congrats to HSers @agentmole and @Paul Gibbins.

@ColinUK i hope the appointment goes ok.

@eggyg lovely photo

@Grannylorraine thanks for asking. Mum is glad to be home and has carers coming in for the next few weeks. Her legs and feet are still very swollen and she is struggling to walk although she seems more confident with her frame. I've had a few phone calls where i've had to drop everything and rush over so i'm worried about when i go back to work next week. Its horrible seeing how frail she is. She's gone from being mobile (with a stick but slow) and alert mentally to someone who is shuffling with a walker, afraid and unsure, always apologising. I keep saying she's doing well, baby steps and once her legs and feet are sorted she'll be able to get around more but its hard to see my once strong mum like this. Sorry, its a bit of a downer for a Saturday.

@ColinUK how is your dad doing now?
Morning all and 5.1 for me.

Saw a saxophone in a charity shop yesterday. I was tempted by it at £95 but it looked a bit battered and the keywork looked strange. After a bit of research it looks like it could be well over 100 years old. A collectors/decorators piece rather than something to play. I'll stick with my current instrument. It's only 98.

Have a good day everyone.
It was indeed La Boheme!

Dad’s doing ok… ish. His eyesight has changed considerably since. He had new glasses a couple of days before the brain trauma and they’re useless now so he’s had to have new ones done.
Nobody seems to know if there’s any correlation between the two events however the optician has put him on quarterly reviews to keep an eye on what’s going on. Brain surgeon has said it might be connected but might not.
Has also losing the odd word a lot more than he was. And he’s prone to trying to end conversations now somewhat inappropriately. For example he’s likely to midway through a sentence come out with “well it’s been nice talking to you”.
Clearly there’s a long way to go but it’s not easy. He is however more mobile than before.
Mum said he’s unsettled at night and has been thrashing around so much so that he’s hit her during his sleep with an errant elbow or something. She can calm him down with a hand on his back but still.

The advice on Headway’s website suggests that this is quite normal for traumatic brain injuries. They have a forum which I’ve suggested the folks join. They won’t. I may join but meanwhile I’m browsing as a guest.
7.7 fotf 8.3. now 7.9 with 1st cappuccino. Need to get this to 4-5. No reason for the relatively high BG. Maybe oversleeping is a reason.

Edit: forgot to take yesterday's basal!!! Lapsed back to taking it when awakening. DOH!!! No wonder it's steadily going up and up.

Edit2: need to wait 3 hrs or so until Mister Cortisol decides he's had enough :( grrr 9.3@2h grumble
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Afternoon all
It was a 5.0 for me much earlier this morning.
Consultant said lump isn’t anything to worry about. Right thing to get it checked but it’s displaying zero concerning indications and it’s not in breast tissue.
Nothing more to do other than keep an eye on it. To which end they took a photo of it and an X-ray and will take another photo in 6 months or sooner if there’s any material change.
5.1 for me had a very odd morning though salad for lunch only had 16 gram of carbs, after 2 house BG shot up to 13.3 couldn't double check with finger prick as we were out shopping, then 10 mins later i felt really weird in the middle of Sainsbury's BG shot down to 8.7, didn't know what to do so drank a large bottle of water, feeling ok now at 7.i, not sure if the big drop in BG was the reason i felt bad of not.