Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning a 7.1 for me so pretty consistent now and nice quiet day after a busy week.
Pizza tonight and wife’s birthday tomorrow so a w/ end of coffee and cake with the perfect excuse to overindulge.
We each pick a restaurant on our birthday to have a meal out so look forward to her choice I am guessing Chinese and I am much happier dealing with restaurant menus than I was a few months ago following diagnosis.
Do think it is important that when newly diagnosed you are given hope that it is possible to return to a “normal” life as possible given the nature of the diagnosis can overwhelm you at the time.
Not to say it is an easy journey and does involve effort and commitment with many challenges but with support and advice from the forum and elsewhere it does the journey more acceptable.
Anyway thought for the day is “ nice to be important but more important to be nice”
Morning, 6.1 for me,

appointment with GP today to try and get prescription for Mounjaro, although not sure of it’s availability, I was approved for Ozempic by the GP and community diabetic nurse but was refused a prescription due to lack of availability.
Morning all. A weary 6.1.

Had to jump out of bed to get the bread out of the bread maker. I had set it to finish at 6,30 when I’d usually be up or at the very least wide awake, but woke suddenly 7.10, I just flew down the stairs all in a tizz, which I still am! If left too long it gets a soggy bottom with the steam. It was fine, unlike me! My eyes haven’t even started working properly yet! Can’t go back to bed as got Poppy and Sadie ( farmers’ daughters) coming at 9.30, and Zara, Eden and mammy about lunch time. House is a tip, nothing organised as we didn’t get back from the funeral/ wake until 5pm, after leaving the house ar 10am! Guess who had four pints of beer and is still in his bed, and guess who was designated driver? I need to break eggs with a stick this morning, cauli soup needs made for lunch, hope my eyes start working very soon as goodness knows what I’ll be putting in it! At least the kids beds are all made up and bedrooms tidy.

Have a fab-u-lous Friday.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.1

Cardinal sin this morning. Got up at 5am. Set to work on a very complex intricate update on my App. Got it all working after almost 3 hours. Forgot to save. Pressed a button and ... it crashed!!! All my work gone ... except autosave had saved 10 minutes before the crash. It took me about 10 minutes to add the missing stuff. Phew!

Time for a rest.

Nope gotta have breaky then out for my early morning walk.

I lost another 0.6Kg yesterday according to my wayward scales.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Thank goodness for your lucky escape @Gwynn!

A pottering 6.0 for me this morning. And a grey and drizzly dog walk to start me off. Still, at least the mornings are getting a bit lighter!
Have a great day everyone.

Oh I feel so much better this morning. Still not 100% but I have that “wow I’ve been feeling terrible compared to this” feeling. Glad I have the sick note until Monday though, gives a few days to get even closer to feeling ok.

My BG is feeling better too at 6.4.


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Given all the recent talk about difficulty getting GP appointments recently thought I’d share my experience from this morning.

My GP uses Patches as their primary e-consult tool. 8:05 I sent a message about a lump that’s appeared on my upper chest and has grown over the last two weeks (not painful and probably nothing to worry about). 8:15 text from the surgery saying they’ll call within 5 minutes. 8:20 call received from the doctor saying that it’s probably nothing but asking if I’m free this morning at all and could I pop in.

Appointment booked for 9am.
Oh I feel so much better this morning. Still not 100% but I have that “wow I’ve been feeling terrible compared to this” feeling. Glad I have the sick note until Monday though, gives a few days to get even closer to feeling ok.

My BG is feeling better too at 6.4.
Don’t feel that you have to rush back next week either. If you’re ill you’re ill. If you need more time to get back to full strength then take it.
Given all the recent talk about difficulty getting GP appointments recently thought I’d share my experience from this morning.

My GP uses Patches as their primary e-consult tool. 8:05 I sent a message about a lump that’s appeared on my upper chest and has grown over the last two weeks (not painful and probably nothing to worry about). 8:15 text from the surgery saying they’ll call within 5 minutes. 8:20 call received from the doctor saying that it’s probably nothing but asking if I’m free this morning at all and could I pop in.

Appointment booked for 9am.
That’s quick! I had my fit note sorted same day yesterday too, and they called to check the dates were right as GP said one day didn’t sound enough and to take today too.
Don’t feel that you have to rush back next week either. If you’re ill you’re ill. If you need more time to get back to full strength then take it.
I’m impatient and have been off 10 days already, I only left work for an hours break for a migraine! Been a week and a half since then.

Also some of it is because the illness is caused by a long term condition that isnt going anywhere, it can make it difficult to judge what my normal level of ill is and what my you need to stay off sick level of ill is.
@ColinUK i hope the appointment goes ok and all is well.
@MeeTooTeeTo congrats on the HS.

Morning all. 6.5 for me. Off out to see friends today, one this morning then one this afternoon. It looks a nice day today so i shall hang the washing out.
Morning all - another wet one!

5.9 and a flatfish 96% TIR at 8.30am.
What's the time & the range?

edit: i.e. 1 day 7 day 30 day 90 day, 3.9-8.0? 10?
imo it's useful and interesting to compare. But one can't unless time & range is known.
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In and out in ten minutes. Now having coffee. Referral “just to be sure”. No complaints at all. And decent coffee!
I'd rather be 2 hours early than 2 minutes late. When I worked in IT training I was amazed how many people not only no showed, but didn't let the trainers know and didn't think they needed a good reason.
what I meant was - often I'm working in the early hrs. Sometimes my "bedtime" is 10am having worked all through the night.
5.7 on a lovely Berkshire morning - bright and sunny and not a cloud in sight. That's now, but I tested at 05:19 having woken up with a headache and wasn't able to get back to sleep after popping downstairs for a couple of paracetamol. Friday is BP check day - 121/71, so a toe over the line into that zone known as High Normal. It happens now and again.

Wife and sons took off on time yesterday evening bound for Sydney and landed in Singapore a short time ago. Flight was nearly an hour early into Singapore so they'll have a little extra time on their hands before boarding their onward flight. I was tracking the flight on and my wife has also just WhatsApp'd me to say they're in the transit lounge.

Off for a swim later, having given it a miss yesterday.

@MeeTooTeeTo congrats on the HS.

Enjoy Poets Day.
6.1 fotf 7.1 then 7.9 now 7.7
TIR [3.9-8.0] now 59% for the week. 0% over 13.3 which im pleased about.
Now to keep it like that for 3 months/more...