Group 7-day waking average?

Morning and a 7.2 for me so may look to increase my basal by 2u just to see if it brings it down a little but still pretty fast overnight.
Off for a little walk now to deal with post prandial rise and have a great day.
Eggy we have a cemetery close to the house and I I find it very peaceful and my wife’s father used to always say the people in the cemetery can’t hurt you it is the other b@#&*£s above the ground you need to worry about.
Have a good day
I love to visit cemeteries ( except when I have to) and wander around looking at the headstones. Especially whilst on holiday. They are peaceful, that’s why I want to be buried. The best one we ever visited was in Cuba. They certainly know how to craft a headstone.
Morning all, a rare 5.2 has been spotted over Oxfordshire! To achieve it, I ate my evening meal (a carb rich risotto) at 8pm, with a couple of glasses of white wine, after getting back from dropping son and daughter at Heathrow, went to bed 2 hrs later with insulin on board, decided randomly that I might need a carb boost at that point and had a Hotel Chocolate pistachio praline that son had bought me. If that’s what’s needed to produce a flatfish and an HS, maybe I should do it more often!
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Congratulations. I’m having risotto tonight, I just need to aquire a pistachio praline and I may be joining you tomorrow on the HS step.
I love to visit cemeteries ( except when I have to) and wander around looking at the headstones. Especially whilst on holiday. They are peaceful, that’s why I want to be buried. The best one we ever visited was in Cuba. They certainly know how to craft a headstone.
I find cemeteries peaceful too but the thought of being buried terrifies me!
I find cemeteries peaceful too but the thought of being buried terrifies me!
The thought of being cremated terrifies me! If I’m buried alive I could knock and shout and maybe get rescued. Once I’m in that furnace though……..
This all stems from my very first cremation which unfortunately was my mother's. She was only 52 and I was just 30. I found it traumatic and vowed there and then I would not be cremated. I’ve never wavered, it’s even in my will. I should have added that I’d come back and haunt them if they went against my wishes. 😛
The thought of being cremated terrifies me! If I’m buried alive I could knock and shout and maybe get rescued. Once I’m in that furnace though……..
This all stems from my very first cremation which unfortunately was my mother's. She was only 52 and I was just 30. I found it traumatic and vowed there and then I would not be cremated. I’ve never wavered, it’s even in my will. I should have added that I’d come back and haunt them if they went against my wishes. 😛
I'm definitely the opposite! The thought of being buried alive is scary. I'd need one of those bells the Victorians (?) used to have to let someone know i was down there. The first funeral i went to was a burial. Maybe its our first experiences that determine what we want for ourselves.
A 6.1 for me this morning. 🙂
And congratulations @Robin on that 5.2
5.9 again this morning, same as yesterday. Thought it might be higher as I have a bit of an upset stomach.

Departure day for my wife and our two sons with a 4pm pick up for the run down the M4 to Heathrow and a Qantas flight to Sydney leaving at 19:55. They have a 3-day stopover in Sydney before their onward flight to Auckland, so plenty of time to get over their jetlag before picking up their hire car in NZ.

Congratulations @Robin on the HS. I haven't managed one for a while, except for a post-prandial one a few days ago, but I guess that doesn't count.

My wife has some last-minute shopping to do so will be popping into town later and we'll most likely have lunch in our favourite cafe. It's one of a couple of independents in town who seem to do quite well despite having to compete with the likes of Gail's, Greggs, Starbucks, Cafe Nero and Costa, plus Waitrose's coffee shop. Spoilt for choice, aren't we just?

@eggyg - my late mum always reckoned it should rain at funerals. Ironically it was a bright and sunny June day for hers.

Have a good day all.
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I find it very peaceful and my wife’s father used to always say the people in the cemetery can’t hurt you it is the other b@#&*£s above the ground you need to worry about.
I have heard that as well and totally agree. Still probably wouldn't choose to wander around a cemetery alone at night... :D
Morning all - very rainy here so tempted to go back to bed but got my companion gardener come at 9.30 so better get dressed. 7.0 this morning which I'm happy with. TIR (TIT 😉 ) has gone down a bit but not by too much. We've been living with no bedroom and bathroom doors for several weeks as they were all taken away to be spray painted (they were a horrible dark brown with yucky handles) they're back now and were fitted yesterday with new traditional door knobs and they look SO much better - I'd got quite used to towels/blankets hanging over the doorways. @freesia I'm so pleased that your Mum is back home - what a relief for you not to have to be doing all that travelling and lovely for her to be out of hospital. @eggyg I'm the same as you at funerals - it just sets me off thinking about all the people close to me who've died and I often cry more than the funeral party:(. @Gwynn I'm sure this weather isn't helping but hopefully once it becomes more spring like your wife may feel different - I'm glad you've got your friend to exercise with and your passion for music. @MikeyBikey so sorry for your pains and hope it settles down soon. Have a great day everyone. xxx
The thing with funerals now is that I can’t ignore the fact that death creeps ever closer to those I love most. But that’s life.
@Robin So you suggest a quick trip to Hotel Chocolate for essential snacks? Lol
4.4.then 5.1 fotf now 5.8
@zippyjojo thanks for that.

I braved the impending rain early this morning. Got a tiny bit wet. 103 minutes. Walking always makes me feel better.

Another walk later on with my friend (if it is not raining)

The increased exercise, modified diet (no snacking!), is really helping my weight to drop and my BGs are lower too (low 5's and 4's).

I'm aiming for 65Kg about another 10Kg to go...
Morning all and 7.7 for me. Looked like I was starting to dip at bedtime but evidently not.

It actually felt mild when I went out to feed the birds. That'll explain the 3.5 after breakfast no doubt 😉

Have a good day everyone.