Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.1.

Happy “ I don’t need a special day to say I love you” Day. According to Mr Eggy! 😉 He’s right of course, we haven’t bought each other a card since we were teenagers, we do always have a nice meal, at home, and open a bottle of something fizzy. Roasted fillet of beef this year and a bottle of Cremant. Not that we really need an excuse to eat and drink well. I’m happy because Mr Eggy is cooking. I made very rich chocolate brownies yesterday for pudding. In a nod to our health, we’ll serve it with raspberries, and cream!:rofl:

Have a good day.
Morning an 8.1 for me but just have been the rising worry when my wife asked me to come closer to her and after a lifetime of being pinched and punched I was wary but she gave me a Valentines kiss so all is well.
Back to Wales today so whatever you are doing have a great Valentines and beyond.
@eggyg with the raspberries it’s basically a fruit salad!
Morning all,

5.4 today, no running this evening as going to see granddaughter in her school adaptation of Oliver, she has one line to say, but we were proud of her auditioning for the school play only a few day after starting at secondary school, especially as she didn’t know anyone at that school.

@Lanny - great to see you back posting, we missed you.
Yet another 5.0 for me today. My meter must be stuck. 🙂
@Lanny nice to see you back on here.

Moooorning!!!! 8.1 here.

Gwen (dog) had left a “I weelly wuv you” message on the kitchen floor - how does she know it’s Valentine’s Day? Handy that we’ve got underfloor heating - by the time I got up it had dried out and looked like a joke poo, so I had it cleaned up in a flash. 😉

The weather’s slabog / utterly dreadful again. Ho hum...
10.10 till we do it again. For those who remember CB Radio.
Those were the days good buddy! Planning to dip my toe into Amateur Radio once I retire, starting to learn about it for the Foundation licence exam. Will keep my brain active!
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5.4 after a good night bouncing around the 5s - can’t say fairer than that after pancakes yesterday evening, must have played Guess the Carbs game right!

Now on T-minus 12 days until we retire. The mixture of fear and excitement is gradually moving to excitement now I’m pleased to say.

Have a good day everyone!
5.9 for me on a rather dull, grey and damp morning. Nothing special on the calendar for me today but my wife and our two sons will be busy finishing packing their suitcases as they're off to New Zealand tomorrow, so I'll do what I can to help out. Will be strange to be home alone for the 3 weeks they're away but I don't mind and am sort of looking forward to not having to plan my days, especially mealtimes, around what everyone else is doing.

Happy Valentine's Day.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0000000001 so so accurate!

Just tried sending a long email to our pastor, with a few images and pdf user manuals. Took over an hour to do and then my email refused to send it. Had to strip out all the images and pdfs before it would send. Doh!!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
5.4 after a good night bouncing around the 5s - can’t say fairer than that after pancakes yesterday evening, must have played Guess the Carbs game right!

Now on T-minus 12 days until we retire. The mixture of fear and excitement is gradually moving to excitement now I’m pleased to say.

Have a good day everyone!
It’s a lovely feeling. Remember it well, it’s coming up 7 years since we retired! I can’t believe it, time flies when you’re enjoying yourself!
Morning all. Last day of our break away before heading home later. I'm not posting any readings as they've been all over the place. Every time i've thought i've got it sorted i've then either hypoed or shot up into mid or high teens. All this i think is because we've done lots of walking, guessed carbs and stressful phonecalls from mum/brother/hospital. Its been nice to get away but with mobiles you don't properly "get away" any more.

@eggyg lovely photo of your oldest and youngest granddaughters.

@Eternal422 how exciting! I hope the 12 days go quickly.

@Lanny nice to see you back.

Have a good day everyone.
It was 8.3 on my way to interview now ending up coming out without dexcom reciver so going to have to finger prick if needed but I was 11.9 before I left so should be good.
Morning all

Another damp day here, raining again. Anyway, it's another 5,7 for me today.

Have a good day folks and stay safe.....
Morning all. 7-day average for me 5.3. It's usually between 5.0 and 6.0 which I'm fairly happy with. As I'm pre-diabetic and not actually diabetic I've been monitoring fasting levels, but eating sensibly (well...mostly!) only rarely checking readings pre/post eating. This is something I intend to do more of.
This morning my fasting level was 5.0, but 2 hours after breakfast it was 4.8 which came as a bit of a surprise. I don't know quite how to interpret that, but it's not what I was expecting. Any thoughts?
Boring though it may seem, I have the same breakfast 5 days out of 7 - that's porage made with 50g porage oats, pinch of salt, 15-20g raisins or sultanas, and a couple of tablespoons of unsweetened organic yogurt. What do I eat for the other 2 days? Wholemeal toast with marmalade or Marmite and real butter - luvly!
Morning all - on this dull day.

5.6 at 8 am with a flatfish.

Went out to the local for lunch yesterday with my friend and Julian joined us because they were featuring a "special" of fish, chips and mushy peas with some delicious home made tartare sauce. It was fantastic. Did hit 14.4 and then went down again. We just had a slice of toast with Pate in the evening as we weren't really hungry.

Got my morning tea in a heart shaped mug this morning - it came with some cake mix to make a mug cake in the microwave. Will do it for pud tonight. Off to Wickes near Truro to look at flooring for the study. The comfortable wheeled office chairs have ruined the expensive carpet. Going to replace it with something more durable like laminate or vinyl. Then on to B&Q for paint mixed to the same very pale grey as our bedroom via M&S to get something special for dinner. Not that it will be romantic, sitting looking at the backs of two computer screens on the dining table but good food is always welcome.

So, have a good day everyone and take care. Happy Valentine's 🙂
This morning my fasting level was 5.0, but 2 hours after breakfast it was 4.8 which came as a bit of a surprise. I don't know quite how to interpret that, but it's not what I was expecting. Any thoughts?
For someone who's not diabetic I would expect BG to be back to pre-meal level after 2 hours.