Group 7-day waking average?

Do you have a patientaccess thing to log into? With mine, there's a box at the bottom where I can fill out a message for the surgery in case a variation is needed.
Yes I have that but any requests typed into the box are ignored (it warns you of this plus experience shows ignored)
sorry to hear that. Maybe an email to the surgery (this is almost always reception) marked FOA: <doctors name here> along the lines of <you've given me 1-2 per day per 56 days but issue not 112 but 56 tablets, please fix>
Hmm ... I had COVID twice (that I know), last one at the beginning of 2022. No doubt that it can leave long lasting effects but I wouldn't see a link to toe fungus :confused:

Unless you mean my immune system could be weaker in general. Well, I know it's a bit wonky, he has attacked my own pancreas...

I would not dismiss it ! I had Covid in autumn 2021 after they ran out of vaccine locally! By November I was attending the Foot Clinic from which I have been discharged multiple times. Currently I have been attending for six months and am back tomorrow to discuss my MRI results. Last summer I had awful fungal infections. They cleared up but were replaced in December by bacterial ones. I imagine it will be another 7 or 8 years before that know all the side effects of Covid!
sorry to hear that. Maybe an email to the surgery (this is almost always reception) marked FOA: <doctors name here> along the lines of <you've given me 1-2 per day per 56 days but issue not 112 but 56 tablets, please fix>
I’ve already done the econsult yesterday
I’m posting this now while I remember! 😳

I can’t remember the last time I was on here but, it must have been before Christmas? 😳

Morning reading today was about 12:40 BS 11.7 on fingertip & 10.7 on newly changed libre sensor! After another episode of about 24-36 hours of high BS that I go through sometimes that I think is menopausal related. Libre makes it SO much easier to see & deal with it but, none-the-less the high BS makes me feel awful: yesterday it was in the 20s & got it down eventually to just over 10 before going to sleep, finally, around 05:30 this morning so, slept in & tresiba was a bit later than midday!

It was just past Chinese New Year on the 10th & I left it until yesterday’s weekly shop to get, & eat, pork meat dumplings with honey soy dip & duck boa buns with hoisin sauce with the triple whammy of an inaccurate new sensor still coming up to speed & BS was just down from the previous day’s bit of higher BS for the day! Lesson learnt: don’t eat both dumplings & boas together as the carb load is too high to handle; eat one or the other & not both at once!

My sensor was out by 5mmol yesterday by the time I thought to double check on fingertips: it WAS high; just not THAT high! My last few sensors, & I’m wondering if it’s because of the cold weather & can it affect the readings starting up, have been wildly inaccurate to start with, about 24 hours, before they settle down to more accurate readings & can be out by 5mmol: the previous one was low, imagine me madly scrambling to get BS out of the red before I realised & did FT tests; this present new one is high but, is more accurate now, thank goodness!

But, generally things are continuing to improve with HAB1c now at 61, today but, was 60 2 days ago, basal at 60 NR at 40, 36 & 36, when NOT being naughty, & weight not going back on, for certain I know, don’t know if I’m continuing to or if/how much I’m losing weight as I still haven’t replaced my scales, The Great Kitchen Cull of November 2022!

My basal has gone up & down a bit with the sniffles & ear infections these last couple of months of the tail end of winter between 64 & 60 & I don’t think I’ve lost any more, or not much, weight because of that but, my Hab1c still continued to go down as my Time in Range went up: was 66% 2 days ago; now 36% that’s how much the last 36 hours or so of high BS has affected it! 😱

Was distracted by another cdrama which has just finished airing today & I’m feeling a little hungover from yesterday so, sitting up in bed, duvet day, & thought of you lovely lot so, posting! 😳:D

Just past Chinese New Year & it’s a good year for most people as it’s The Year of The Dragon: good years are Dragon & Horse years; as in the CNY greeting of “Long Ma Jing San” meaning the spirit, of a dragon, & the health/vitality, of a horse! Bad years are The Year of The Tiger: as it’s a homophone for bitter: homophones are Chinese words that sound exactly the same but, said in a different tone. Also, everybody’s zodiac year is unlucky: so, Pig years, I’m a pig, are unlucky for pigs; this year is lucky for everybody except for dragons! If you believe in such things? 🙄

So, a bit of a change in my greeting today & wishing you all The Spirit of a Dragon & The Health/Vitality of a Horse! :D
Yes I have that but any requests typed into the box are ignored (it warns you of this plus experience shows ignored)
I pop requests into the box and then I’ll also send them an email feigning ignorance about whether they’d got the message. Seems to work!
I would not dismiss it ! I had Covid in autumn 2021 after they ran out of vaccine locally! By November I was attending the Foot Clinic from which I have been discharged multiple times. Currently I have been attending for six months and am back tomorrow to discuss my MRI results. Last summer I had awful fungal infections. They cleared up but were replaced in December by bacterial ones. I imagine it will be another 7 or 8 years before that know all the side effects of Covid!
One of the problems with covid is that it knocks out the immune system generally. So things that a normal system would silently and without symptoms deal with, now flourish. It's unknown how persistent this effect is. Or if the immune system ever truly gets rid of it.

excess deaths :
They’ve prescribed 2 boxes of amitriptyline today so I can take 2 a night and have a months worth :D
I've taken a screenshot - as you can see it says "Time in Target" at the top. When I click on the 3 bars the dropdown also says Time in Target. I can't take a screenshot of that I am afraid as it closes down as soon as I put my fingers on it. Curious really!

@Lanny, nice to see you posting again. You were missed.

I've taken a screenshot - as you can see it says "Time in Target" at the top. When I click on the 3 bars the dropdown also says Time in Target. I can't take a screenshot of that I am afraid as it closes down as soon as I put my fingers on it. Curious really!

@Lanny, nice to see you posting again. You were missed.

View attachment 29224
Must be an android thing, it’s time in range on iPhone
Good morning - 8.7

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning 7.1 today

Looks like there’s a problem getting trulicity again
by most of the pharmacy’s around here
so have a phone call tomorrow morning with my GP

Wishing everyone a wonderful Wednesday 😎
07.05 FT 9.6 libre sensor 10.8 still about a mmol out, as was the case yesterday & going with it with just the occasional FT to check it’s still fairly accurate! 🙄🙂

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Yesterday was a better day despite the hangover from the previous day of high BS & starting, again, on getting BS back down. Hopefully with the coming spring I can resume bringing my insulin needs, basal, down further & lose more weight: still have about 11kg to shift to get back down to my pre covid weight at the start of 2020? :confused: Not that I wasn’t overweight even back then but, that’s a goal that’s worth it too; small steps! 🙂
Morning all, 4.6 here. Ruined my Time in Range, had actually got to 0% below, but I dropped like a stone as soon as I went to bed last night, caught it in time and treated with JBs, went to sleep, but woke a couple of hours later having plummeted again and into the red this time. More JBs and I managed to stay above the red for the remainder of the night, just!