Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all (just!). 7.9 this morning. My TIR is 90 at the mo so I must be doing something right. Have a good day everyone xxx
Morning all (just!). 7.9 this morning. My TIR is 90 at the mo so I must be doing something right. Have a good day everyone xxx
What's a TIR?
Afternoon (by one minute). What a miserable day!

11.5 this morning and no real idea why, unless it's a result of a very short (2 hrs and 10%) temp basal at bedtime. Quickly dropped to 8.3 and after a correction it's now 4.7. I'll be eating Dextro before lunch at this rate. TIR for 7 days is still 91% though.

My friend and I were supposed to be going to Porthleven on the bus for lunch, but decided it's too wet to be any fun, so Julian is picking her up after his Chiropractor session and bringing her over here to have lunch in our local. Then I remembered it's "Chippy Tuesday" i.e. Fish and chips with all the trimmings for £10. So Julian decided to join us - great, saves me cooking tonight! Though at this rate the office will never get redecorated! Never mind, going out is much more fun!

Re: Pills etc. I was getting double prescriptions of everything prior to going into hospital since I said I was going on holiday for 4 weeks and so could I have double please, but the hospital pharmacist changed all that and now I only get 28 at a time. 28 days flashes past and the chemist is always dead slow with prescriptions. The only thing I am still getting is 4 sensors at a time. I can see why they do it - loads of prescription drugs are wasted when a prescription may get changed, but all the same, it's less than convenient for the recipient.

@eggyg I love the picture of your eldest and youngest grandchildren! Yes, that slide is HUGE! Zara will be ecstatic and her younger sister will grow into it.

Have a good day all!
Actually on the software it's referred to as Time in Target, but we all call it Time in Range.
Maybe because the acronym for Time in Target would look not serious 😛
My amitriptyline box says take one or two at night, but they’ve only ever allowed one box of 28 at a time. Obviously timing doesn’t align to other meds either. So it’s never really allowed me to try 2 at night as I’d run out too fast. Headaches are a real problem at the moment though and causing time off work sick so I’ve just increased to 2 a night and hope they’ll change to two boxes at once.
Do you have a patientaccess thing to log into? With mine, there's a box at the bottom where I can fill out a message for the surgery in case a variation is needed.
On my phone it's Time in Target, but I am using an old app because the latest one does not work on my phone. Can't afford a new phone and am not on a contract where I can change phones.
I’ve been pruning our Garrya, @khskel and now have a sore throat and blocked nose, I reckon the lovely silky tassels are spreading pollen all over the place now they're getting over. Also the hazel catkins must shed pollen all over the place, and we have several in or overhanging our garden.
We have catkins coming out at the moment. Hmm..could they be the culprit I wonder?
Actually on the software it's referred to as Time in Target, but we all call it Time in Range.
I’ve just checked and it is Time in Range on my app. I got a lovely surprise too. Not that I’m boasting or anything. :D


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Hmm ... I had COVID twice (that I know), last one at the beginning of 2022. No doubt that it can leave long lasting effects but I wouldn't see a link to toe fungus :confused:

Unless you mean my immune system could be weaker in general. Well, I know it's a bit wonky, he has attacked my own pancreas...
It is your toe nails or your actual feet as treatment would be different depending on which. Fungal toe nail infections are incredibly difficult to treat and usually you need to apply something a bit like a nail varnish on the nails for months for it to have any effect. If it is your feet it is usually called athletes foot again quite common and people pick it up from swimming pools etc, but it is usually easy to treat.
Good afternoon everyone! Tend to miss the time to say "good morning", even if I'm awake for hours. A nice 5'4 this morning.

Last day of my prescribed antibiotics, hope they are enough, I've felt alright the past few days. The toe is not cured but looking better in my opinion. I still have a few days to the maximum of 7 that the pharmacist said I could use the cream for. It doesn't hurt anymore which is a relief.

I haven't seen any drastic changes to my BG while I was unwell but I notice I'm having longer lasting rises after meals. So I think I have to bolus more regularly. I don´t have ratios so when I do bolus I´m kind of guessing and hoping for the best, I keep my doses small to limit risks which sometimes works perfectly but sometimes they are obviously not enough. Maybe I should email my consultant, or just try to find my ratios via trial and error (or someone called it "trial and learning", which I like).

Good day yesterday. Had a walk in a lovely park, it was muddier than I expected, I have to come back with proper walking shoes and more time to explore. Then a latte and a mini Colin the Caterpillar in M&S cafe before a bit of shopping in their food court. Got the bolus right for that one! 🙂 Got some tiger bread that will of course need bolus as well, battered fish to try (don´t know if is the one @Gwynn always recommends, they have so many options!) and even fell in the temptation to get some pancakes for today. The cheesy hot cross buns were all gone. I then popped to Lidl for a few more bits and to check the Valentines selection. Didn´t see the grana padano hearts from last year (shame as they were tasty and no carbs) but I did find a full shelf of Guylian´s praline hearts. 3 of the mini boxes fell in my basket: one for my man, one for me and one...for later :D
It is your toe nails or your actual feet as treatment would be different depending on which. Fungal toe nail infections are incredibly difficult to treat and usually you need to apply something a bit like a nail varnish on the nails for months for it to have any effect. If it is your feet it is usually called athletes foot again quite common and people pick it up from swimming pools etc, but it is usually easy to treat.
Is not the nail, just the skin in one toe, well, one and a half. The pharmacist did suspect athlete foot. I live in a shared house with a bunch of people so there is a chance I picked it up from our own shower.
Oh, never heard of that! Thanks for the information. I checked the images, doesn´t look like that. I think is plain old athlete foot.
That's good :D
I’ve just checked and it is Time in Range on my app. I got a lovely surprise too. Not that I’m boasting or anything. :D
It'd be good if when reporting time-in-target/range (which is interesting) if the target is mentioned. For example, my target is set to 3.9-8.0. i'm going to set mine in the signature

TIR @7d: 53%
14d 56%
30d 52%
90d 32%
several hrs ago now but awake: 5.7 fotf 6.7. It went to 8.4 had rapid and after bfast (2x scrambled egg) now around 7. sensor & meter continue to agree.